I have failed



  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,071 Member
    I know the op. 😎 My idea was for her to eat more to try get the binging under control for a month. The idea to not weigh for a period of time was also to change focus from scale misery and stabilize so fluctuations were not scaring her.
  • hiiamamie
    hiiamamie Posts: 33 Member
    Please don't look at this set back as a failure, but a lesson on your journey. Most of us have started again or have had set backs. You caught this quickly and are taking the right steps forward. You have learned and changed! I was listening to a Dr on a few tedtalks, the subject was about the chemicals and hormones in the brain - the few that enable us to lose, vs the many that want us to be at our heaviest. The battle is real. It was said on average it takes 3 yrs of maintenance to reset these chemical/hormones and that's just part of the the battle.
    Great job with the self correction, now let's hear some positive self talk!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I dont think this eating thing ever gets easy. There are always temptations, vacations, life happening. Then there will be easier times. For me weighing every day helps. I think we have to remember what we did to lose the weight and then do that until we get back down to maintenance. I did good during the pandemic also but now having to do social stuff is hard. A group I just joined is going out twice next month, expensive restaurant also and I am going to have to decide if I want to do it, I am such a cheapskate, hate to get fat and poor. I know the answer is get a plan if I go.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,071 Member
    hahha @mylittlerainbow glad you are checking in and advice is always just that. I totally understand your choices.

    Happy to hear things are beginning to turn for you. As for "normal" people I am not sure those are not unicorns. :)
  • dobber965
    dobber965 Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2021
    No more Failing--Success can come and will come but it takes one day at a time with the steps to accomplish the goals of the day in 3 areas of your life. Join me on this journey.. (Pineapple Life) Group started today. who doesn't need more friends striving for the same goals? Friend me for lots of motivation and check out/join the new (Pineapple Life) group I started today. This group will have a range of topics discussing the Pineapple Method--Physical, Mental. Social/Emotional needs of all of us to reach our full potential & goals. Inspiring one another, supporting with ideas, workouts, nutrition and meals, maybe even some love life chat--especially living & learning how to like yourself to loving yourself and your life. Learning and working to LIVE life---truly live. I have over 20 years of being a coach, educator, and motivational supporter. I am here to achieve my own health goals and would love to help others achieve theirs along the way. just click the join button for a new friend/group to help you reach your goals.. dobber965
  • BadgerBotts21
    BadgerBotts21 Posts: 2 Member
    Nothing wrong with getting comfort from a treat to make you feel better. Try not to blame yourself. Buy a small treat every day. Track it and enjoy it. So many people treat themselves with a glass of wine every night. They don’t hate themselves for it. Instead they just stick to the one or two glasses and enjoy them and congratulate themselves for having self control. If having a Freddo frog or whatever every night gives you comfort go for it. Once you’re fully out of lockdown you may not even want it anymore. I have chocolate once a week every weekend. Take care xx
  • First and foremost, reword what you're telling yourself. If you say you've failed, you'll live up to that. Assess what you are learning about yourself and your struggles in this time and make adjustments based on that.