Hey Texans

Given the catastrophic drought situation in your state, the disappearing water table, and the recent news that La Niña is back which will lead to at least 6 more months of very little to no precipitation, are you and your family considering moving out of the state? If not, under what conditions would you consider moving? How has this drought already affected you?

I am interested in knowing because one of my Texas friends is planning to move here to Indiana because she's scared of not having water for very much longer, and I am just curious if anyone else is planning similar.


  • PatientBearTiger
    No. Texas is awesome. I will NEVER leave Texas. The drought hasn't affected me. It happens every year and I'm used to it.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I wish I could get outta Texas...but, I'll have to wait until after college. However, no, all of my family is staying. :/ WE NEED RAIN!
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    Not moving.

    Mainly because I don't have the funds and both my job and my husband's military job is here in Texas. I live in Houston though and yes it's hot and no there hasn't been any rain but really I haven't felt the effects nor has any of my neighbors.
  • Michelle9939
    No. Texas is awesome. I will NEVER leave Texas. The drought hasn't affected me. It happens every year and I'm used to it.
    Same here.
  • RocketsGirl75
    No. I love my state.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    no this state has been to good to us,It will rain sooner or later
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    Let me just say... ITS RAINING RIGHT NOW!!! YAY!!! We haven't seen this stuff in so long that it took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on!

    I LOVE the great state of Texas. No place could ever be better. I would not move just because of the annual drought. It happens every year. We adapt. People moving from here because of it are obviously not true Texans.
  • RRB_Fan
    RRB_Fan Posts: 9 Member
    I'm Excited to see so many Texans replying to this with the same "We love our State". Kind of Cool.
    I'm in New Braunfels on IH35 in between San Antonio and Austin, we have definitely felt the drought...thank God for Schlitterbahn!
    I would never leave though just because there hasn't been any rain......there will be rain again.
  • txmike64
    txmike64 Posts: 57 Member
    Long live the Republic!

    Texas has seen worse droughts. There is water deep in the acquirers, so...it's not like we're all going to die off. So I can't water the grass, I was tired of mowing anyway for the satisfaction of my Marxist Homeowner's Association -- full of their busybodies.
  • txmike64
    txmike64 Posts: 57 Member
    Long live the Republic!

    Texas has seen worse droughts. There is water deep in the acquirers, so...it's not like we're all going to die off. So I can't water the grass, I was tired of mowing anyway for the satisfaction of my Marxist Homeowner's Association -- full of their busybodies.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    My family is in San Antonio. My mother's only complaint during this drought are the idiots who keep flicking their cigarettes into the medians while driving, they keep catching fire.


    Otherwise, Texas is awesome.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I too love Texas! :) although I have to admit, every year around this time I get a little itch to go ;) But what keeps me here is that it's Texas! The drought stinks. The heat at this time of year is awful....but it's still Texas! Wasn't born here but I got here as quick as I could.
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    It is pretty cool to see all of you responding with such loyalty to Texas. If the same situation were applied here in Indiana I think responses would be much different. So, good for you all, and I hope this drought gets busted soon. :) Good luck.
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    Nope, never leaving. No matter where you live, you have to deal with one natural distaster or another. I'll take my hurricanes and droughts over pretty much anything else!
  • JediMaster_intraining

    It's hot but being here is fun. There's so much variety. From country to big cities. You can find a getaway almost anywhere if you just drive. And the drought hasn't effected me much. Just can't water your lawn or whatever. And I guess if she's moving to a SUPER small town then it MIGHT effect her a little. However, I just don't see that as likely.
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    My family is in San Antonio. My mother's only complaint during this drought are the idiots who keep flicking their cigarettes into the medians while driving, they keep catching fire.


    Otherwise, Texas is awesome.

    I agree. What is wrong with those people?!?! They seem to think that they have some special cigarette that will magically go out instead of starting a fire. Ok, not really, but they really get on my nerves. I'm tired of seeing new burn spots all over the roadsides every day.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    We aren't planning on going anywhere! Bought a home here in Converse 2 years ago and plan on staying here til we die! Our grass is brown, and kind of worry about people tossing cigarettes out of the window, but other than that, it hasn't really effected us. Looked on weather.com and they're calling for rain most of next week. Praying that they know what they're talking about! I love Texas!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's sad when I see my beautiful Texas dry and brown, but it would be worse to not see her at all.
  • kiawya
    Would love to move, too dry, too hot. Wont though, too many ties. HOWEVER, We plan to move back to the northeast when we retire.
  • Mumblelove
    Mumblelove Posts: 19 Member
    Howdy! Texas is a great place to live and from drought and fires to hurricanes Texas pulls through and helps each other on the way. Ya the fires are a couple miles away from me and while it's scary everyone that is adversely affected by the fires is supported wholeheartedly by complete strangers and neighbors. Texans are generally very prideful of their state so....your question is blasphemy to me haha. (that's not meant in a mean way)....thanks and gig 'em