Welcome New Members!



  • TylerLauren93
    TylerLauren93 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. My name is Tyler and I am looking for new friends that I can help motivate and those who can also spread some motivation my way. I am on the road to losing 50 lbs! Feel free to add me 😌
  • GymBunnyPaige
    GymBunnyPaige Posts: 18 Member
    My name's Paige and I'm here to inspire myself, and to keep track of how far I've come in terms of strength. Both physically and mentally. I am not here to lose or gain weight, I simply enjoy seeing my nutrition and physical activity laid out neatly and organized. It makes it easy to reassure myself that I am taking care of myself exactly how I need to. I also quite appreciate the community aspect as well! I am the only person in my life who is interested in health and fitness and I really hope to meet more like-minded people in the future. However, it is nice to have a space for those discussions online until then.
  • Kjulie97
    Kjulie97 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Julie. I thought after college I could stick to a diet but after over a year out I'm no where close to losing the weight I wanted. So I need people to keep me motivated!
  • jacksadams6271
    jacksadams6271 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Didn't even realise all this was here!? :p I'm Jack 28 and currently trying to loose weight and tone up. Started September this year @14.2stone
    GW:12 stone

    Any tips or suggestions, motivation will be great! And I'll do my best to make sure I return any info/Inspo I can! Feel free to message for a chat too!
  • Kate092209
    Kate092209 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, everyone! I am new here and I think I could use some support and motivation from you! I've been on this journey before, pretty succesfully I might say, but old habits took over and...here I am again... Now I just need people who are on the same jouney as me so we could keep each other motivated!
  • hokumclone
    hokumclone Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m Grace. I’ve been using MFP on and off about 10 years when I need it but one thing I’ve never done is use the friends support so would love to see if it helps me stay on track. I find it super easy to start and then trail off after about 2 weeks. Please feel free to add me because I can’t seem to figure out how to quickly add people here?

    I eat mainly vegetarian and vegan food. Sometimes eat fish and cheese, what would you call that diet? 😂 I love crisps. Crisps might be my problem. Anyway unfortunately I have been told I have high cholesterol so the crisps are gone.

    Only have about 15 pounds to lose to get to my over all goal but I’ve been trying for a year and now starting to yo-yo which is a bad sign as far as I can see online!

    Take care everyone

  • anyataos
    anyataos Posts: 4 Member
    Starting today. :smile:
  • Caramel_Apple
    Caramel_Apple Posts: 2,156 Member
    edited November 2021
    Happy Sunday
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to the new folk. Now that you're started, there's only one thing to remember... never, ever quit! 🕺
  • Ammy_The_Artist
    Ammy_The_Artist Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Today I start again with my weight loss journey and I could use some friends/support/accountability! :D
  • saz605
    saz605 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone i'm new here, so glad i found MFP its been really helpful! i started today and weigh 140 lbs, my goal weight is 112 lbs so i need to lose 28 lbs.
  • elaineanne1
    elaineanne1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello I'm sort of new here. Over the last couple of years I have put on about 2st which is making my life difficult as I have arthritis in both legs and my back. I really need to lose weight but my motivation is very low at the moment and don't know where to start.
  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 161 Member
    Hello I'm sort of new here. Over the last couple of years I have put on about 2st which is making my life difficult as I have arthritis in both legs and my back. I really need to lose weight but my motivation is very low at the moment and don't know where to start.

    Start with a small step and add to it. The one rule to concentrate on is to do better than you did yesterday. Unreasonable goals can do more harm than good. Start your program slowly and add to it gradually... never quit! This new way of living is permanent if you allow it to be. I lost most of my arthritis pain, my diabetes symptoms and medications, my acid reflux, etc. along with over one hundred pounds. I started with a five-minute daily walk and tracking my food intake and then just kept slowly adding to my program. Today I exercise lightly for an hour every day without fail and count every calorie that enters my body. It didn't happen overnight, but stick with it and it will happen. Repeat... never, ever quit! 👍
  • ainsworthchloe
    ainsworthchloe Posts: 1 Member
    I am 56 years old and recovering from Covid-19 and a total hip replacement. I cannot walk very far so exercise is out of the question. I need to loose 100lbs and I have lost 11 so far. I worry about my handicap affecting my weight loss journey. Also my husband does all the cooking so it’s hard to keep him on my diet. How is this going to work out for me?
  • alexandlee1
    alexandlee1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi been using the myfitnesspal calorie and exercise counter for 18-21 months or so but first time poster on the forum
    Was 13st, CW12.2, Target 11.8
    Through controlled diet and exercise, not into starvation diets, fluid loss etc
  • Lskennedy1967
    Lskennedy1967 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm back at it. Been gone a long time but I'm ready to get back in shape. I lack motivation but I have to do this. I started about a week ago and lost 2 pounds already. Just counting calories and moving more.
  • satsujion
    satsujion Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm new here. I'm 19 years old, I've struggled with a binge eating disorder for many years, and after trying many times to shed off my weight and build a healthy relationship with food, I found this site, so I'm willing to try again.
  • makinlifehappen
    makinlifehappen Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning, new to the community not to the app. Here to meet new people and keep myself accountable
  • SierraMist98
    SierraMist98 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, my name is Sierra and I am restarting my fitness journey. The year before the pandemic began, I lost 50 pounds out of my 80 pound goal but it all came back plus some due to stress/life changes/etc..today I am back to commit again to losing weight and have a new fitness goal to lose 100 pounds. I look forward to reading similar stories and gaining some much needed motivation. :smile:

    Thanks for listening!