Time to Gain! Anyone running a bulk?



  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    edited October 2021
    nay0meh wrote: »
    @steveko89 Thank you!!!! I have been lifting for almost two years and think I’ve maxed out on my newbie gains. My bf was measured as 15% through in body but I don’t think it’s that low honestly. Looking to build my glutes and legs so going to try bulking. I’m scared because I don’t want to gain fat too much but feel confident that I can switch if I need. I believe in myself amd know I’ve got this! Hoping to find support here on the days I need to remember to stay the course!

    I was similarly reluctant before I finally intentionally bulked for the first time last fall/winter and have been super happy with the result. Overall, I gained ~7 lbs in 20 weeks and was able to get down to around the same spot on the scale to maintain (hypothetically with an extra few pounds of muscle). I definitely agree with Gary that figuring out what your actual maintenance is can be beneficial. As my TDEE crept up I kept needing to increase my cals to continue adding weight so my trend over those 20 weeks is much more of a stair-step than a line.

    As far as support and head space there are definitely days you need to relax and trust the process. Even only gaining the relatively small amount I did last year messed with me some days. I learned there were some clothes I didn't like wearing as much and was able to power through, at least in part to venting to this thread.

    Also, bravo @GaryRuns. That spreadsheet is a beauty.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    nay0meh wrote: »
    Going to take a leap of faith and try bulking for my first time ever. I am excited and nervous both! I am lean and vascular in my upper body and mid section but my legs and glutes need to grow I think and then hit the fat loss more. What advice do people have? I have been in a deficit from my TDEE for almost a year and I am wondering if I will see results just from eating at maintenance for a few weeks and then increasing by 100-200 calories over that? Thoughts?

    You don't really need any maintenance phase between cutting and bulking. I would suggest figuring out what your current TDEE is vs. whatever you used as a reference at the start of your cutting phase. Being in a deficit that long, even if just a mild one, will result in some metabolic adaptation (what most conflate with the dreaded "starvation mode"). Prior to my bulk last fall I didn't think I had ever dieted successfully enough or consistently enough for this to kick in but it turns out what I had observed as my historical TDEE was one that had been depressed by about 7% from years of being too fat-phobic and spinning my wheels in continuous attempts to properly get lean (<10%... still haven't made it).

    I would only advocate for a "lean" or controlled bulk. Depending on training experience you're looking at a surplus requisite to 1.5-3lbs per month total weight gain (+175 to +350 cal/day).

    Below is from a recent T-Nation article about gaining muscle:

    Beginner: 4-5 pounds per month for men and 2-3 pounds per month for women
    Intermediate: 3-4 pounds per month for men and 1.5-2 pounds per month for women
    Advanced: 2-3 pounds per month for men and 1.5 pounds per month for women
    source: https://www.t-nation.com/lean-built-eating/how-much-to-eat-for-muscle-growth/

    As an advanced lifter I personally think those recommendations are totally unrealistic, I’d consider 2-3lb of muscle gain in a year amazing but according to that I’d have to gain around 20-30lb of fat to obtain that contractile tissue.

    After such a long time in a deficit I’d definitely run a maintenance phase before entering a massing phase
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello! Been a few weeks, but I recovered from COVID and moved across the globe from US to Europe! I have maintained a solid 4 day/week lifting routine, with about a 1.5 week break in there due to burnt-out-ness. Weight has crept up about 2 pounds, but I am nowhere near bulked or screaming...and I am not sure I want to be. I am trying to figure out my goals. Currently, it's not to gain a lot since I have a trip to Malta next weekend (!!!!!) and I know I'll be travelling more for work the following week. Unintentional bulk is en route ;)
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Mass being cultivated pretty well on schedule. TDEE seems to have crept up with a bit of requisite slow down to scale increase, planning to maintain the +300/day so overall intake is up a bit. Was also able to snag a deal on some bigger adjustable DBs (up to 90 vs 52.5 LBs each) which was far overdue.

    Good to see you’re well, @alexmose2
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    Doesn’t look like I’ve gained anything in the last month, work has been hectic and my TDEE is just
    Ridiculous, on the plus side I dont look too fluffy. The plan is still gaining more 5 lb before Christmas and then a short maintenance phase over the holidays before starting a contest prep
  • alexmose2
    alexmose2 Posts: 208 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Mass being cultivated pretty well on schedule. TDEE seems to have crept up with a bit of requisite slow down to scale increase, planning to maintain the +300/day so overall intake is up a bit. Was also able to snag a deal on some bigger adjustable DBs (up to 90 vs 52.5 LBs each) which was far overdue.

    Good to see you’re well, @alexmose2

    Crazy how equipment is still so expensive! Took me 2 years to find a bike but finally got one from a local shop!
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    alexmose2 wrote: »
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Mass being cultivated pretty well on schedule. TDEE seems to have crept up with a bit of requisite slow down to scale increase, planning to maintain the +300/day so overall intake is up a bit. Was also able to snag a deal on some bigger adjustable DBs (up to 90 vs 52.5 LBs each) which was far overdue.

    Good to see you’re well, @alexmose2

    Crazy how equipment is still so expensive! Took me 2 years to find a bike but finally got one from a local shop!

    No kidding. I’ve gotten lucky on used stuff twice; this set of bowflex 1090s for less than half retail because they were “used” on eBay, but basically open-box as I can see, and a bunch of Rogue stuff on Facebook marketplace for half retail.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Seven weeks of massing so far. It’s been a much more even pace than last year so far, right around that 0.5%/week target. Originally thought I’d try to hit 185, which would basically put me at Christmas, but I’m not sure I want to add that much. Shouldn’t make any decisions today though, bit of a crazy good day yesterday and feeling flabtastic today as a result.

  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    watts6151 wrote: »
    Doesn’t look like I’ve gained anything in the last month, work has been hectic and my TDEE is just
    Ridiculous, on the plus side I dont look too fluffy. The plan is still gaining more 5 lb before Christmas and then a short maintenance phase over the holidays before starting a contest prep

    Hey, @watts6151. Is this planned maintenance phase out of convenience for the holidays or serve a beneficial purpose transitioning from bulk to cut?
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    watts6151 wrote: »
    Doesn’t look like I’ve gained anything in the last month, work has been hectic and my TDEE is just
    Ridiculous, on the plus side I dont look too fluffy. The plan is still gaining more 5 lb before Christmas and then a short maintenance phase over the holidays before starting a contest prep

    Hey, @watts6151. Is this planned maintenance phase out of convenience for the holidays or serve a beneficial purpose transitioning from bulk to cut?

    Hey, it’s a combination of everything tbh
    Convenience as I’ll be away over the holidays.
    After several meso’s I’ll definitely need a recovery phase, I want to maintain weight as I believe this to be the best way to retain muscle when I start cutting.
    I also don’t want to go from massing calories straight into a deficit as hunger levels will spike quite quickly.

    The guys at RP seem to have the similar idea


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    @watts6151, thanks for your input; I'd not seen that particular video previously. Not liking the mirror and how I'm feeling so I'm shifting to maintenance for at least a few weeks, if not the rest of the year.

    Overall, I think it was a productive ~8 weeks; just shy of 8 lbs via moving average. If nothing else I've learned I preferred the 8 lbs in 8 weeks to 8 lbs in 20 weeks from last year but I think somewhere in the middle (ideally with a lower starting weight for more runway to gain) would be better.
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member

    I know the feeling, I’ve not been this fluffy for along time, I just wanted to guarantee I was in a surplus everyday no matter what. Currently I’ve having to virtually force feed everyday, cannot wait for maintenance.

    Its definitely a balance how quickly to mass, starting lean definitely gives you some wiggle room

  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member

    I was looking at some history today and I haven't sustained at this heavy of a weight (~182 lbs) in at least 5 years and really haven't done so for any length of time since I was a chubby teenager ~2006.

    Similarly, I looked at my wife a few days ago and just blurted "I'm so tired of eating..."

    Being at 2700 yesterday was delightful, compared with the 3100 I've averaged since the month started.

  • TakeTheLongWayHome
    TakeTheLongWayHome Posts: 816 Member
    I started this week intending to start a bulk, but feeling bad all day stuffing myself made me rethink my plan. Starting a recomp instead. I hope this works, because I can’t see myself planning my day completely around eating.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited November 2021
    Does over eating at Disney count as a bulk? If so i am bulking
  • watts6151
    watts6151 Posts: 905 Member
    Adjusting to 1 more week of bulking before a well
    Earned maintenance phase, bf , heart rate and blood pressure are all elevated to my maximum.
    A nice steady maintenance phase until the new year is definitely required. Overall happy with the potential results, will see what the scale says as I diet down. Morning weight 246lb

  • alexandramosenson
    alexandramosenson Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, everyone! Hope you all are excited for the holidays! Unfortunately, my "bulk" got out of control. I have gained 10 lbs this year, which is a decent rate, but the last 5 lbs have been due to travel and lack of exercise this past month. I am taking this time to cut, using a very, small deficit. I probably will not worry about cutting on actual holidays, but I have promised myself no more vacations/work travel for the next 2-3 months so I can get my nutrition and training under control.

  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    I'm just about done with my "bulk". I'm not sure if I'll be able to quantitatively determine if it was successful or not. I just didn't do enough objective measurements. I may have to wait until I get back down to 10ish percent and do a visual assessment. I'd urge anyone doing this to measure, measure, measure, especially if you're an ADHDish, logical-oriented person like myself.

    I'm also concerned that I may have been too conservative with my weight gain, and may have "over trained" a bit. I'm going to do one more meso, 4-6 weeks, then start a cut. I doubt I'll get back to single digit bf again, that wasn't easy, but I can definitely get to 10ish percent and be comfortable there. Then I'll see what visual evidence there is of my bulk.

    I will say that I definitely look better dressed now, at around 15ish%, than I did at 8%. My "old guy" face is much less sunken in, and a friend took a pic of me axe throwing, from the back, and it looked pretty damned good. lol. Now I'll be going back to the "do you even lift bro" phase.

  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    GaryRuns wrote: »
    I'm just about done with my "bulk". I'm not sure if I'll be able to quantitatively determine if it was successful or not. I just didn't do enough objective measurements. I may have to wait until I get back down to 10ish percent and do a visual assessment. I'd urge anyone doing this to measure, measure, measure, especially if you're an ADHDish, logical-oriented person like myself.

    I'm also concerned that I may have been too conservative with my weight gain, and may have "over trained" a bit. I'm going to do one more meso, 4-6 weeks, then start a cut. I doubt I'll get back to single digit bf again, that wasn't easy, but I can definitely get to 10ish percent and be comfortable there. Then I'll see what visual evidence there is of my bulk.

    I will say that I definitely look better dressed now, at around 15ish%, than I did at 8%. My "old guy" face is much less sunken in, and a friend took a pic of me axe throwing, from the back, and it looked pretty damned good. lol. Now I'll be going back to the "do you even lift bro" phase.


    Nice work @garyruns, glad to hear you're well. Based on my 20 week bulk in 2020 and 8 week in 2021 I'm planning on 12-16 weeks for the next one depending on how lean I can actually get.