Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)

Hi pretties!! I'm so glad to have you all join. I'll start out the intros!

My name is Alex and I'm 20 years old and I live in Alaska. I've been on some sort of diet roller coaster since about 7th grade and I'm FINALLY doing it the right way. I'm 5'7'' and the last time I weighed I was 162.2 (my next weigh in will be this coming Weds). My goal weight is 140 lbs and I'm trying my hardest to get there by my 21st bday which is December 22nd. I work as an esthetician and I love it. :)

Three random facts!
1. I love clothes and getting a good deal on them. I usually spend less than $20 on any item of clothing.
2. I love masculine hair but I am super feminine. My hair is currently buzzed on both sides but long on top with a stripe of purple and a stripe of blue :)
There is more about me on my profile if anyone is interested!

Once we hear from everyone and get the intros out of the way, we can start with challenges, goals, etc.

Can't wait to hear from you all! :flowerforyou:


  • Heyyyy!

    I'm Rebecca and I'm 19 years old. I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm 5'3" and when I weighed myself this morning I was 133 lbs. My highest weight was 152 lbs (May 2011). My goal weight is 125 lbs but I don't have a specific goal date.

    Ummm three random facts:
    1. I'm a nursing student (RN). In my second of four years.
    2. I make youtube videos and have nearly 1200 subscribers!
    3. I also LOVE CATS :) meow
  • My name is Amanda. I was about 120 before I had my little guy. I developed a thyroid issue during the pregnancy, which I was not aware of. I realized something was wrong when I dropped the weight and it suddenly shot back up. Doctors confirmed it. I am finally in the position to lose this weight, I weigh 173 and I would like to loose about 45 pounds. I decided to join the group last thread because I could really use some weight loss buddies to help keep me motivated.
    I really want to be around 130 by the time my husband is home from his deployment, I want that confidence back I had before. I do not want to feel like my low self esteem is bothering my marriage anymore, I can tell hubby does not like that I am disgusted with myself. I feel bad about that, he can tell me I am beautiful all he wants, but until I feel it in myself I wont know it.

    Three Random Facts:
    1. Wine is my addiction, I have a glass a night after dinner to help wind down.
    2. Music is my other addiction, anything rock or acoustic.
    3. I am starting school for Veterinary Assisting.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Helloooo Ladies! My name is Sam and I'm 22 years old from PA. I've also been on a diet roller coaster since middle school and have had some successes but never reached my ultimate goal. I'm about 5'2 and my last weigh in last friday was 156.8. My highest weight ever was 199 and my goal weight is 125.

    Three Random Facts!

    1) I work as a registered nurse.
    2) I just started bodyrocking and so far I love it!
    3) I love to cook and bake whenever I have free time :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Heyyyy all! My name is Maxie, and I'm from Pittsburgh! I am 22 years old, and go to school for Marketing. I also have been through somewhat of a weight roller-coaster. I was always kinda cuddly when I was a kid-my parents are caterers, so lots of temptations:laugh: ! When I was in highschool I was on the dance team and was a total health FREAK! Unfortunately, I developed an eating disorder and lost a ton of weight. Luckly, I wasn't in so deep that I couldn't pull myself out, and by the time I was in college I was back to a normal weight. The combination of cafeteria food and partying has brought me here, unfortunately. But Im ready to get my fit body back!

    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 198 lbs
    CW: 186 lbs
    GW: 145 lbs
    UGW: 135 lbs

    1. Love doing all sorts of arts: mostly sketching, but I also love graphic design. Painting causes me stress, but I will do it under certain conditions.
    2. I am super into music too- that's kinda cliche- but I am like REALLY into it. I know a lot about instruments and music. I used to sing and play guitar. My favorites types of music usually pan around 90s alternative and classic rock. but I have a total soft spot for the 80s :tongue: I hate country though... and most rap.
    3. My favorite color is black, always has been. I know that that'll probably give off a weird impression to people but I'm very girly- I just really like black! My friends alllll make fun of me for it. :blushing:

    can't wait to get to know you all!!! :heart:
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Lori, I am 20 y/o and live in Anchorage, AK. My highest weight was 170 lbs, but I had always been around 150 - 155 most of my teen years and felt horribly uncomfortable at that weight but was never dedicated enough to lose the weight. Once I reach 170 and stayed there for a few months, I realized it had to go and now 9 months later I weigh 128 lbs. I am 5'7" and hoping to get down to a lean and sexy 120 lbs, MAYBE 115 if I feel like it.

    Three random facts:
    1. I am married to my high school sweetheart, who is also an Army soldier.
    2. I love, love, love to read.
    3. I have a ferret (Chester) and a chihuahua (Audrey).
  • Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Lori, I am 20 y/o and live in Anchorage, AK. My highest weight was 170 lbs, but I had always been around 150 - 155 most of my teen years and felt horribly uncomfortable at that weight but was never dedicated enough to lose the weight. Once I reach 170 and stayed there for a few months, I realized it had to go and now 9 months later I weigh 128 lbs. I am 5'7" and hoping to get down to a lean and sexy 120 lbs, MAYBE 115 if I feel like it.

    Three random facts:
    1. I am married to my high school sweetheart, who is also an Army soldier.
    2. I love, love, love to read.
    3. I have a ferret (Chester) and a chihuahua (Audrey).

    Are you guys stationed in Anchorage? We got stationed in Fairbanks, I HATE IT lol.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Lori, I am 20 y/o and live in Anchorage, AK. My highest weight was 170 lbs, but I had always been around 150 - 155 most of my teen years and felt horribly uncomfortable at that weight but was never dedicated enough to lose the weight. Once I reach 170 and stayed there for a few months, I realized it had to go and now 9 months later I weigh 128 lbs. I am 5'7" and hoping to get down to a lean and sexy 120 lbs, MAYBE 115 if I feel like it.

    Three random facts:
    1. I am married to my high school sweetheart, who is also an Army soldier.
    2. I love, love, love to read.
    3. I have a ferret (Chester) and a chihuahua (Audrey).

    Are you guys stationed in Anchorage? We got stationed in Fairbanks, I HATE IT lol.

    Oh my gosh, yes! We are stationed at Ft. Rich and it sucks. It's already so cold here. :( I am from TN and briefly live in TX so I am very much a southern gal and miss the heat dearly!
  • Hi!! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Lori, I am 20 y/o and live in Anchorage, AK. My highest weight was 170 lbs, but I had always been around 150 - 155 most of my teen years and felt horribly uncomfortable at that weight but was never dedicated enough to lose the weight. Once I reach 170 and stayed there for a few months, I realized it had to go and now 9 months later I weigh 128 lbs. I am 5'7" and hoping to get down to a lean and sexy 120 lbs, MAYBE 115 if I feel like it.

    Three random facts:
    1. I am married to my high school sweetheart, who is also an Army soldier.
    2. I love, love, love to read.
    3. I have a ferret (Chester) and a chihuahua (Audrey).

    Are you guys stationed in Anchorage? We got stationed in Fairbanks, I HATE IT lol.

    Oh my gosh, yes! We are stationed at Ft. Rich and it sucks. It's already so cold here. :( I am from TN and briefly live in TX so I am very much a southern gal and miss the heat dearly!

    At least there are things to do down there, and a MALL! I got to fairbanks dead center middle of nowhere Alaska in March it was depressing to drive through. There is nothing here at all, our mall is a hallway with 4 stores lol. I know how you feel it is freezing here, supposed to get to below 0 by the end of the month and start snowing I guess. I wish we had good views of something, but nothing. No mountain views, no water besides our little river. We have to drive quite a ways out to get to a lake lol. Still have not seen any wildlife but those darn ravens.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    OMG TWO PEOPLE FROM AK? You guys have no idea how excited I am. I haven't met anyone on here from AK until now! Except I've lived here my whole life, not stationed from the military :)
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So glad to join! I'm Sarah. I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom of 3, ages 13, 3 and 18 months, from Alberta Canada. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, although our first date was more than 16 years ago! After the birth of my last 2 kids I've packed on 40 extra lbs that I am 100% tired of. Trying to loose weight in my 30s has proven to be a lot more difficult than what it was in my 20s.

    Three random facts:
    1. My favorite TV shows are True Blood & Shameless. My husband refers to Eric from True Blood as my TV Boyfriend, lol.
    2. I think I may be addicted to shopping for kids clothes, which is probably because shopping for me is no fun since I'm fat.
    3. I love my dog, I have a yellow lab, but sometimes I secretly wish she would go bald, I HATE vacuuming dog hair!
  • OMG TWO PEOPLE FROM AK? You guys have no idea how excited I am. I haven't met anyone on here from AK until now! Except I've lived here my whole life, not stationed from the military :)

    I am so jealous of you anchorage people and the life down there. lol
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member

    I'm Rebecca and I'm 19 years old. I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm 5'3" and when I weighed myself this morning I was 133 lbs. My highest weight was 152 lbs (May 2011). My goal weight is 125 lbs but I don't have a specific goal date.

    Ummm three random facts:
    1. I'm a nursing student (RN). In my second of four years.
    2. I make youtube videos and have nearly 1200 subscribers!
    3. I also LOVE CATS :) meow

    Hello from a fellow Albertan! I'm in Edmonton, how about you?
  • So glad to join! I'm Sarah. I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom of 3, ages 13, 3 and 18 months, from Alberta Canada. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, although our first date was more than 16 years ago! After the birth of my last 2 kids I've packed on 40 extra lbs that I am 100% tired of. Trying to loose weight in my 30s has proven to be a lot more difficult than what it was in my 20s.

    Three random facts:
    1. My favorite TV shows are True Blood & Shameless. My husband refers to Eric from True Blood as my TV Boyfriend, lol.
    2. I think I may be addicted to shopping for kids clothes, which is probably because shopping for me is no fun since I'm fat.
    3. I love my dog, I have a yellow lab, but sometimes I secretly wish she would go bald, I HATE vacuuming dog hair!

  • Heyyyy!

    I'm Rebecca and I'm 19 years old. I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm 5'3" and when I weighed myself this morning I was 133 lbs. My highest weight was 152 lbs (May 2011). My goal weight is 125 lbs but I don't have a specific goal date.

    Ummm three random facts:
    1. I'm a nursing student (RN). In my second of four years.
    2. I make youtube videos and have nearly 1200 subscribers!
    3. I also LOVE CATS :) meow

    Hello from a fellow Albertan! I'm in Edmonton, how about you?

    I'm also in Edmonton!!! Wow :)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    OMG TWO PEOPLE FROM AK? You guys have no idea how excited I am. I haven't met anyone on here from AK until now! Except I've lived here my whole life, not stationed from the military :)

    I am so jealous of you anchorage people and the life down there. lol

    It's not that great, lol, which makes me feel even worse for you! Lol, I tell all my friends back home that it's like a 3rd world country living here. But hey, at least we're FINALLY getting an Olive Garden. There is so much AK doesn't have it's ridiculous!

    Oh and I do have a moose that lives in my backyard. XD
  • OMG TWO PEOPLE FROM AK? You guys have no idea how excited I am. I haven't met anyone on here from AK until now! Except I've lived here my whole life, not stationed from the military :)

    I am so jealous of you anchorage people and the life down there. lol

    It's not that great, lol, which makes me feel even worse for you! Lol, I tell all my friends back home that it's like a 3rd world country living here. But hey, at least we're FINALLY getting an Olive Garden. There is so much AK doesn't have it's ridiculous!

    Jealous!!! Olive Garden. LOL I told the hubby the other day I just need to take a trip there to get my MAC make up.
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member

    I'm Rebecca and I'm 19 years old. I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm 5'3" and when I weighed myself this morning I was 133 lbs. My highest weight was 152 lbs (May 2011). My goal weight is 125 lbs but I don't have a specific goal date.

    Ummm three random facts:
    1. I'm a nursing student (RN). In my second of four years.
    2. I make youtube videos and have nearly 1200 subscribers!
    3. I also LOVE CATS :) meow

    Hello from a fellow Albertan! I'm in Edmonton, how about you?

    I'm also in Edmonton!!! Wow :)

    Small world!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Haha I don't even like Olive Garden :(
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So glad to join! I'm Sarah. I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom of 3, ages 13, 3 and 18 months, from Alberta Canada. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, although our first date was more than 16 years ago! After the birth of my last 2 kids I've packed on 40 extra lbs that I am 100% tired of. Trying to loose weight in my 30s has proven to be a lot more difficult than what it was in my 20s.

    Three random facts:
    1. My favorite TV shows are True Blood & Shameless. My husband refers to Eric from True Blood as my TV Boyfriend, lol.
    2. I think I may be addicted to shopping for kids clothes, which is probably because shopping for me is no fun since I'm fat.
    3. I love my dog, I have a yellow lab, but sometimes I secretly wish she would go bald, I HATE vacuuming dog hair!


    Ummm so HOT!!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Haha I don't even like Olive Garden :(

    I dream about their breadsticks and salad, though I HAVE lost 40 pounds since I stopped eating there so I should probably avoid it. :P