Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Yeah I've limited myself to like 2 restaurants now that i've started eating healthy.. :(
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I'm totally sitting here yaking my head off to my husband about how exciting this is, haha. I'm like omg how funny is that babe?? and he's all "yeahhh... funny... can I play my game?" lol
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I'm totally sitting here yaking my head off to my husband about how exciting this is, haha. I'm like omg how funny is that babe?? and he's all "yeahhh... funny... can I play my game?" lol

    Haha my bf was like "oh, cool!" but I don't think he actually thought it was cool... :laugh:
    I already feel like we have a bunch in common just because we live in the same state... haha! :)
  • So glad to join! I'm Sarah. I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom of 3, ages 13, 3 and 18 months, from Alberta Canada. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, although our first date was more than 16 years ago! After the birth of my last 2 kids I've packed on 40 extra lbs that I am 100% tired of. Trying to loose weight in my 30s has proven to be a lot more difficult than what it was in my 20s.

    Three random facts:
    1. My favorite TV shows are True Blood & Shameless. My husband refers to Eric from True Blood as my TV Boyfriend, lol.
    2. I think I may be addicted to shopping for kids clothes, which is probably because shopping for me is no fun since I'm fat.
    3. I love my dog, I have a yellow lab, but sometimes I secretly wish she would go bald, I HATE vacuuming dog hair!


    Ummm so HOT!!

    Amen to that <3
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    hi i sent a message to the other thread too late! would i still be able to join?!?
  • Hi everybody, I'm Dena. I live in northern CA. And I'm apparently going to be the "mother" of this group cuz I'm 47, almost 48. :P I've been married to my awesome husband for....ummmm....(I'm sitting here counting years, cuz I can't bad is that???)....27 years. Holy cow, that's a long time!! :) We have three kids, ages 22, 19 and 15. I started gaining weight after we had our first baby....after the third one, I decided it was time to get a handle on this weight thing. I went to a weight-loss doctor and started taking some appetite suppresent pills....didn't eat, didn't exercise.....and lost 50 pounds. I felt great.....but since I didn't do it the right way, obviously it didn't stay gone. Over the next 8 years, my weight gradually kept creeping up and then when my oldest daughter moved 1500 miles away and my middle daughter went almost as far away to college, I pretty much went off the deep and gained 40 pounds in just a few months (added to the 50 or so I was already over weight).

    Which brings me to my middle daughter coming back home to finish college. She is very athletic and was trying to get me to do something--anything--to lose some weight because I was starting to have some weight-related health issues. She has always wanted to do a triathlon, which I thought I would never be able to do. I was watching the show "Heavy" one night and the two people they were featuring that night decided they were going to do a triathlon. And they DID it!! It made me realize that even at my age and weight, I COULD do that if I got my head in the right place! So we've set our goal. She is being so great--and patient!!--working out with me every day. When we started a month ago, I could barely walk 20 minutes without breathing hard. We've starting jogging now. :) We swim three days a week and I can swim 1/2 a mile now.....and we're up to 5 miles on our bikes. I've already lost 10 pounds but the best part is that my blood pressure has dropped into a healthy level.

    Three things about me:

    1. I am a Facebook (and now MFP) junkie. Seriously.
    2. I am a dog lover.....we have five. Along with one cat, a horse, a goat and a long-haired guinea pig named Elvis.
    3. I am a "stamper".....I love to create all kinds of projects with rubber stamps.

    The motivation and support I've received MFP has been AWESOME. And I'm really looking forward to being part of this group!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Dena. I live in northern CA. And I'm apparently going to be the "mother" of this group cuz I'm 47, almost 48. :P I've been married to my awesome husband for....ummmm....(I'm sitting here counting years, cuz I can't bad is that???)....27 years. Holy cow, that's a long time!! :) We have three kids, ages 22, 19 and 15. I started gaining weight after we had our first baby....after the third one, I decided it was time to get a handle on this weight thing. I went to a weight-loss doctor and started taking some appetite suppresent pills....didn't eat, didn't exercise.....and lost 50 pounds. I felt great.....but since I didn't do it the right way, obviously it didn't stay gone. Over the next 8 years, my weight gradually kept creeping up and then when my oldest daughter moved 1500 miles away and my middle daughter went almost as far away to college, I pretty much went off the deep and gained 40 pounds in just a few months (added to the 50 or so I was already over weight).

    Which brings me to my middle daughter coming back home to finish college. She is very athletic and was trying to get me to do something--anything--to lose some weight because I was starting to have some weight-related health issues. She has always wanted to do a triathlon, which I thought I would never be able to do. I was watching the show "Heavy" one night and the two people they were featuring that night decided they were going to do a triathlon. And they DID it!! It made me realize that even at my age and weight, I COULD do that if I got my head in the right place! So we've set our goal. She is being so great--and patient!!--working out with me every day. When we started a month ago, I could barely walk 20 minutes without breathing hard. We've starting jogging now. :) We swim three days a week and I can swim 1/2 a mile now.....and we're up to 5 miles on our bikes. I've already lost 10 pounds but the best part is that my blood pressure has dropped into a healthy level.

    Three things about me:

    1. I am a Facebook (and now MFP) junkie. Seriously.
    2. I am a dog lover.....we have five. Along with one cat, a horse, a goat and a long-haired guinea pig named Elvis.
    3. I am a "stamper".....I love to create all kinds of projects with rubber stamps.

    The motivation and support I've received MFP has been AWESOME. And I'm really looking forward to being part of this group!

    where in northern California? I am in Napa
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    My name is Emma and I am 24 years old. My Birthday is this coming Sunday and I will be running my first Olympic distance triathlon in 5 years. I am supper excited and nervous too! I am 5'2 and currently weighing in 144.4lb! At the highest non pregnant weight I was 200lb. I have battled weight since I stopped swimming year round and went to college. My goal is to drop to 130lb and then tone and possibly land at 135lb.
    I am a mother of two beautiful little girls ages 3 1/2 years-old and 13 months. They are the most important things in my life. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years but together for 8 (high school sweet hearts). We currently live in Napa California and have lived here for 2 years. We are originally from Atlanta Georgia and recently I have started to really miss it.

    Three things about me:
    1. I work my butt off at the gym and I love every second.
    2. I am currently finishing my college degree online
    3. I am a Christian but not one of the crazy throwing bible versus all over the place kind.
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Okay, so this is day 1 for me and I feel like I'm off to a great start! I am really going to try to get some excersizing in during the babys nap time today and hopefully I will be motivated enough to do that at least 3 times a week.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Okay, so this is day 1 for me and I feel like I'm off to a great start! I am really going to try to get some excersizing in during the babys nap time today and hopefully I will be motivated enough to do that at least 3 times a week.

    Good luck! :D
  • Hi everybody, I'm Dena. I live in northern CA. And I'm apparently going to be the "mother" of this group cuz I'm 47, almost 48. :P I've been married to my awesome husband for....ummmm....(I'm sitting here counting years, cuz I can't bad is that???)....27 years. Holy cow, that's a long time!! :) We have three kids, ages 22, 19 and 15. I started gaining weight after we had our first baby....after the third one, I decided it was time to get a handle on this weight thing. I went to a weight-loss doctor and started taking some appetite suppresent pills....didn't eat, didn't exercise.....and lost 50 pounds. I felt great.....but since I didn't do it the right way, obviously it didn't stay gone. Over the next 8 years, my weight gradually kept creeping up and then when my oldest daughter moved 1500 miles away and my middle daughter went almost as far away to college, I pretty much went off the deep and gained 40 pounds in just a few months (added to the 50 or so I was already over weight).

    Which brings me to my middle daughter coming back home to finish college. She is very athletic and was trying to get me to do something--anything--to lose some weight because I was starting to have some weight-related health issues. She has always wanted to do a triathlon, which I thought I would never be able to do. I was watching the show "Heavy" one night and the two people they were featuring that night decided they were going to do a triathlon. And they DID it!! It made me realize that even at my age and weight, I COULD do that if I got my head in the right place! So we've set our goal. She is being so great--and patient!!--working out with me every day. When we started a month ago, I could barely walk 20 minutes without breathing hard. We've starting jogging now. :) We swim three days a week and I can swim 1/2 a mile now.....and we're up to 5 miles on our bikes. I've already lost 10 pounds but the best part is that my blood pressure has dropped into a healthy level.

    Three things about me:

    1. I am a Facebook (and now MFP) junkie. Seriously.
    2. I am a dog lover.....we have five. Along with one cat, a horse, a goat and a long-haired guinea pig named Elvis.
    3. I am a "stamper".....I love to create all kinds of projects with rubber stamps.

    The motivation and support I've received MFP has been AWESOME. And I'm really looking forward to being part of this group!

    where in northern California? I am in Napa

    I'm in Corning....about 1-1/2 hours north of Sacramento.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Okay, so this is day 1 for me and I feel like I'm off to a great start! I am really going to try to get some excersizing in during the babys nap time today and hopefully I will be motivated enough to do that at least 3 times a week.
    Good plan!! It is important to have a plan and follow through!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    hi i sent a message to the other thread too late! would i still be able to join?!?

    You can still join!! :D
  • Okay, so this is day 1 for me and I feel like I'm off to a great start! I am really going to try to get some excersizing in during the babys nap time today and hopefully I will be motivated enough to do that at least 3 times a week.

    You got this mama, good luck.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I'm hoping I can still join! I'm just gonna throw in my 3 cents anyways, and hopefully everyone will be cool with that :)

    My name's Ashlee and I hail from Canada. It's already so cold in the mornings here that I'm sporting scarves and mittens. Sigh.

    I've been off and on the weight wagon for the past 10 years - I did Weight Watchers when I was 16 because I thought I was "fat" (which is hilarious because I'm now trying to get down to where I was THEN) ... and lost 30 pounds which took me from 145 to 115. I struggled with disordered eating for the remainder of high school, and gained 20 pounds in University and felt really great at 135-140! However, late nights, lotsa drinking and fast food paired with a shift work desk job for the past seven years has made that number on the scale go up, and up, and up.

    I've been super active the whole way through, completing half marathons, triathlons and playing a variety of sports. Fitness is not my problem. I have a bad relationship with food and with eating healthfully, consistenly. Doesn't help that my boyfriend can eat 10 cookies a day, and not gain an ounce. Even though I KNOW it's not healthy for him, it's frustrating for me.

    I was doing really well before summer hit, and had lost 12 pounds, but gained 7 of those back over the holidays. I'd really like to be able to leave this weight loss drama behind in 2011 and start fresh in 2012, so I'm very determined to kick it into high gear for the remainder of the year. I KNOW I can do this, and I KNOW we can do this! I just want all the support I can get, and in turn would love to offer you all MY support!

    Three random facts:

    - I am a huge knitter, seamstress, and craft-a-holic. I even have a sewing blog :)
    - I work full-time, part-time, and run two side businesses. I'm a busy girl!
    - Flowers I arranged for a friend's wedding were on the Martha Stewart Weddings website! Very proud of that accomplishment :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey Skinny Dippers! I tried to add you all as friends, but MPF yelled at me and told me I couldn't add more than 5 people every 10 mins! So if I didn't get to you, feel free to add me :wink:
  • Hi Everyone!!

    My name is Melanie. I'm glad to see you here, Dena! As I was reading through, I noticed all the ages and thought I was going to be way out of place! I'm 43, soon to be 44 on the 26th of this month. I live in Washington State, USA. I'm a single parent. I left my daughter's dad when they were 1 and 2, and now they are 16 and 17...I've been single and raising them alone that whole time. I've pretty much set myself aside in order to focus all of my attention and energy on being mom and a provider and being responsible for raising two girls all by myself, through a lot of tough and challenging times.

    I used to be a skinny person. Like, super skinny. People would look at me and say - "You're so skinny, you make me sick". What I heard was "I look at you and I want to throw up". When I went through basic training for the Army Reserves, at age 19, they called me Olive Oyl (which made me cry) and told me to eat everyone else's rice and potatoes, trying to put some pounds on me. I am 5'10", and back then I always weighed between 120 and 125. I have a small frame, and you can tell by looking at my wrists, even now.

    When I got out of Basic though, I weighed 135 - I had put on 10 pounds of pure muscle! Lol..which didn't stick around, of course, because I've never been a very physical person. When I was pregnant, I gained 30 pounds each time - I've had 3 full pregnancies (one was stillborn) - and immediately dropped it all afterward.

    THEN -- Life changed. I changed. I quit smoking. I quit Pepsi. I quit bad relationships. I also got a desk job. Still have a desk job too. I work at a hospital, processing claims.

    As of this morning I weighed 170 pounds. I think my highest was 176. A year ago I lost 21 pounds...then promptly put it all back on. I keep doing that...losing it and then regaining it. I think I sabotage myself as soon as I start making any real progress. I don't want to be 120 or 125 pounds again. I didn't look good at that weight. But I'd like to be 140. That weight was comfortable and I think would be healthy for me.

    I have to come up with 3 random facts?

    1) I like to dance in my living room. I didn't know I liked to dance and could "shake it" until I was about 32 years old!

    2) I was a foster kid, taken from my birth parents at age 3 months, adopted at age 9.

    3) I like to write. Inspired writing, which means I don't always know what it's going to be until it comes out on paper, and I don't always know what it means though it usually comes clear somewhere down the road. Writing is my art form, though I haven't done much of it in a long time. Life has been busy.... I have every intention of getting back to it, however.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Since I'm hoping I can still join, I'll post, too. My name is Katie, and I'm 32. I live in central MN. I'm married to Shawn, who is currently deployed for the second time. Hopefully he will be back around next July, which would be one year, but his last deployment was only supposed to be one year and it got extended to 22 months. I would LOVE to reach my goal weight by then and totally blow his mind! :):) I have two daughters from a previous marriage who are six and nine- they are hilarious people that manage to both keep me sane and drive me nuts!!! I just had a baby boy six weeks ago today, and he is a great baby :) Luckily, the baby weight fell right off- I lost it in 3 weeks without any effort (thank you breastfeeding). However, I still have quite a ways to go to get to a healthy weight and am looking to lose about 50 lbs. I was always thin and athletic until I had kids, but always thought I was fat and disgusting. I'm glad that I have confidence now. I feel better about myself now at close to 200lbs. than I ever did when I weighed 120. Still know the weight needs to come off, however!

    I'm a stay at home mom, and have a little crafting business where I sell crocheted stuff, woodburnings, and goat milk soap. Yup, that's right, I have 2 goats that I milk! I am a Christian, and have a BA in Biblical Thought & Literature and a minor in Biblical & Classical Languages. That's a fancy way of saying that I will have a very hard time of finding a job when I want one. I love MN and grew up in the Rochester area, but moving to central MN 2 years ago has been hard. Nice people, but very different, and difficult to make friends with. With my hubby gone and no friends up here, I really rely on facebook and MFP friends for accountability & encouragement. Anything you want to ask me, ask. I'm pretty hard to offend, and I'm not a shy or private person. I don't really know how groups work on here, but am excited to try!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Am I in the closed group? If not-- I'm still posting. Lol.

    My name is Amanda, I'm 22 years old and live in good ol' Jersey. I've been...well, for lack of better terms... fat since probably the 5th grade. Been called things, such as beluga whale, ever since I can remember. I've been off and on the diet roller coaster since high school.. I've done it all... from starving myself (not proud), trying every exercise and diet known to man, and I finally put my foot down this June and said... EFF everyone who's said I can't do it. I NEED to, and I WILL do it... and this time the healthy way. Well, that's when I found MFP, starting weight at 182, and currently... DRUM ROLL PLEASE..... 152!! Bah-bam! I've lost a whopping 30 pounds, and I'm so proud of myself. No haters can take that away from me!! It was all done with the amazing support I've received on here! Anyways... my ultimate goal weight is 145, but I'm probably going to keep going further until I'm finally happy with how I look. (And I don't think that will be in 7 pounds). More about me other than the whole weight stuff... I went for my undergrad in elementary ed, psych, and special ed... and I'm now going to grad school for anthrozoology (BEST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE), and will hopefully have a career in animal welfare!

    Three random facts about yours truly...
    1. I love jokes. Good jokes, bad jokes, Popsicle stick jokes, puns--you name it. It seems a cruel twist of fate that I can't tell one to save my life.
    2. I love adventure. If it involves sweat, mud, and adrenaline, I'll probably want to do it.
    3. I'm often clueless and desperately clumsy, but that's just another thing you gotta love about me :laugh:

    Oh, also... Alex... the original poster is practically my twin... I love her dearly. She has probably been the most supportive to me on this journey, and you are all very lucky to be a part of her group. :smile:

    One more thing.... Feel free to add me!!! :) I love having extra support :flowerforyou:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Wow all these stories are fantastic!! We have quite a diverse group and I think that it will be ever more helpful with so many opinions.

    To all late joiners- of course you can join! :) The more the merrier.

    I'm so excited to work with all you guys because I can tell we are all really motivated and have great goals to achieve. So, as for the group, what are you guys wanting to do? Weigh-in's? Contests/challenges? Any thoughts or ideas would be great!

    Amanda - you just put the biggest smile on my face!! You have also helped me so much and it's so nice knowing that if you can lose all your weight then so can I. And 152? Good gracious you're shrinking so quickly! I'm so proud of you and can't wait until we can meet up one day :):heart: I LOVE YOU MAN!

    You're all free to add me as well! I know I got quite a few of you but not everyone :)