Pregnancy - September 2011



  • millionsofpeaches

    I just saw on the news about a Listeria outbreak in cantaloupe/muss melons!!!!

    Here is a link to an article on

    I am going to stay away from those delicious melons for the time being...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    millionsofpeaches - Wow, that is scary! Thanks for sharing. I love cantaloupe but I'll have to be sure to avoid anything not grown right here in Utah for the next little while. (If I can get some backyard garden cantaloupe I"m not going to turn it down!!)
  • KatieKateB
    KatieKateB Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ladies...mind if I join??? I'm 14wks3days and found out that my blood pressure is slightly high. Want to keep it down and just eat better overall. During the first tri I managed to gain a few because eating was the only thing that made my m/s feel better. Not that I'm trying to lose but trying to maintain and be healthier overall.

    I'm off to try and catch up a bit.
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Hey ladies! I have my first ultrasound on Monday although I think I'm about 6 weeks! The odd thing is I'm feeling great..... tired but not sure if that's above my usual.... but STARVING!!! I mean crazy starving all the time. I've tried to eat high fiber filling foods and lots of fruits/veggies and water.... although I undoubtedly eat unhealthy stuff as well. Anyone else having this problem? I just don't want to gain too much 1st trimester!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    SO EXCITED!!!! :bigsmile: My niece had baby Daymion this morning he weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. not sure length So happy for her.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hey ladies! I have my first ultrasound on Monday although I think I'm about 6 weeks! The odd thing is I'm feeling great..... tired but not sure if that's above my usual.... but STARVING!!! I mean crazy starving all the time. I've tried to eat high fiber filling foods and lots of fruits/veggies and water.... although I undoubtedly eat unhealthy stuff as well. Anyone else having this problem? I just don't want to gain too much 1st trimester!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I am the same way! I just try to stop eating when I don't feel hungry anymore. I snack all throughout the day.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    KatieKate - Welcome! Jump right in - this is an awesome group of supportive women. I'd say don't worry about the 1st trimester gain. Some women gain, some lose, and it doesn't seem to be something you can really control (especially when you're doing what you can to deal with m/s). Maintaining now is okay, but growing baby is going to necessitate some weight gain, unless you're really overweight (obese category) and then it can come from you. Maintenance calories +300, and exercising several days a week, seems to be the best bet for most women. And any time you need support just let us know!! :smile:

    Stacy - congrats to your niece!

    LindsayChick - I think I remember feeling more hungry the first bit, then the nausea kicked in later ... Make sure you get plenty of protein, it might help with the hunger and baby needs it to grow. Also, to all the newly pregnant women, don't forget the Folic Acid!!! (Prenatal vitamins, and even OTC vitamins are a good source). It is so important in preventing certain birth defects!

    AFM - dryer is supposed to be delivered today. YAY!!! :happy: :smile: :smile: I spent the morning making sure there was a clean, open path for them to bring it in, which included moving a bit of furniture. And then, since it was all cleared, had to vacuum the whole place as well. I can never tell if I'm nesting or just being OCD....:tongue:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Avery Earl was born September 15, 2011@ 12:58am. He was 7lbs 10 oz 20 inches long. I'll post my labor/delivery story soon but; long story short- water broke and I took forever to contract. I was in labor for 24 hours. Hardest thing I've ever experienced but he was worth it all. We're at the hospital until Saturday.

  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Congrats he is a cutie pie!! Congrats!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Dpage- What an adorable baby!! And I love that hair!!! =) Congratulations!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    mathjulz -- Great recommendation about protein. Thanks a lot! I will pay more attention to that for sure. All that water talk has me thirsty again! lol.... off to guzzle some more! =)
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Avery Earl was born September 15, 2011@ 12:58am. He was 7lbs 10 oz 20 inches long. I'll post my labor/delivery story soon but; long story short- water broke and I took forever to contract. I was in labor for 24 hours. Hardest thing I've ever experienced but he was worth it all. We're at the hospital until Saturday.


    Congratulations on you little bundle of joy!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    He is absolutely adorable! Congrats!:happy:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    meokk- thanks for the baby spinning advice, ill definitely give it a go.

    Julz- congratulations to your husband :) and yay for the new dryer! it'll be a weight off your mind having that installed. How are you feeling? has your cold gone away?

    elizabeth- congrats on the test pass!!

    katie- welcome and congrats on the pregnancy :flowerforyou:

    danielle- AWWWWWWWWW! just gorgeous :love:

    I've been having the weirdest dreams about being able to fully see my babies face protruding through my belly. sounds scary but in my dream it seems nice and normal lol. anyone had anything similar? or am i just strange :laugh:

    I had my 33 week and 5 day doc appointment today and everything seemed good and healthy. She asked me to remove my bra and proceeded to show my how to squeeze the colostrum out of my nipples, telling me to do it once a day for now and then 3 times a day from 37 weeks onwards. I was suprised how much came out when she did it, as was my fiance' who was looking on in aww hahaha. The next appointment i will do the strep test, goody:tongue:
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Julz- congratulations to your husband (and to you)!!!

    elizabeth- congratulations on the passing the test!!!! I know where you are coming from having been in nursing school and it can be stressful!! i can't imagine being pregnant and doing it! Way to go girl!!!!

    katie- congratulations on the pregnancy !!!

    danielle- He is adorable!!! Congratulations on your amazing bundle of joy! Hope you have a quick recovery! ;)

    Melissa- I have been having crazy weird dreams too but they seem so real at the time... nothing about the baby face coming out, but still weird...

    AFM: We finally met with our OB for the first time two days ago... I didn't get the gluclose results b/c somehow they got lost... but they said they would only call with the abnormal results so no news is great news! While i was there they were unable to find baby's heartbeat with doppler so my OB sent us for an U/S (totally fine with me, b/c i got the see my lil peanut again!) And boy oh boy was the lil peanut moving around like crazy! I totally had an "OMG i'm really growing a baby in there" moment... So excited to finally be 12 weeks and moving along with no weight gain thus far! =) (and very greatful the m/s is gone!)

    Hope you are all have a great day!!!
  • goldenfemale
    goldenfemale Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm 7 weeks pregnant and have already gained about 6lbs. I was not counting calories and felt hungry all the time. I'm now tracking my calories as of today and don't want to gain anymore for a while - please tell me how'd the best way to set up mfp and what calorie intake I should be on daily- has it helped in keeping on track with weightgain? I know gaining will happen however little is better than too much. This will be my 1st baby and my husband and i are so excited however the thought of gaining 30lbs plus is terrifying. I don't want this, I'm already overweight. Help ladies please!
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    I have been MIA for the last few days, so I am trying to catch up. If I missed anyone, I am sorry but I hope everything is going well for everyone.

    Lindsay- Congratulations! Get ready for the most memorable ride of your life.

    Danielle- CONGRATULATIONS he is so handsome!

    Michelle- I hope everything has gone well. Congrats on finding out your having another little man.

    DeleriousOwl- Congrats on your scan. I'm glad you can relax a little and just enjoy being pregnant now. Thats the best part!

    Sandi- Congrats and welcome! Working out while pregnant certainly is exhausting, but it makes you feel better in the long run. Keep it up!

    Magenta-Congrats! BTW, I am just curious, what is wrong with wheat bread? That's my favorite carb, Is there something I need to know? :frown: lol

    ELizabeth- I think Isabella Rose is a great choice. So pretty! Congratulations on your test. What is your major (just curious)? I am getting my pre-reqs out of the way for nursing, so just being nosy.

    Regina- thanks for the post on breastfeeding. I plan on nursing agian this time around, so it is nice to know I can add it to my diary!

    Melissa- We use free and clear products for everything. Both my children have excema, so we just avoid it all together and we used free and clear stuff on all their baby clothes before they were born, so it works. You can use whatever you want but remember strong dyes and smells can irritate babies sensitive skin. Good for you on keeping up the gym routine. I am going to do my best to do that this pregnancy. I'm glad everything is going well with baby. I'm sorry you are still sick. I don't really have any suggestions except to definately make sure you stay hydrated, other than that I think what you are doing is the best thing to do.

    Julz- Pregnancy is a pain and can be painful so don't feel like a wimp. I hope you feel better soon though, would make those last few weeks go by much smoother. I'm glad you all had a chance to enjoy the fair as a family. Makes everything so much fun! Sounds like your little one literally could come anyday!

    Lindsay - I have obviously not been on here that long, but I plan on leaving weight where it is and adding just the extra calories. HTH.

    Millionofpeaches- Congrats! I wouldn't worry about it too much during the first trimester. If this is your first pregnancy and you started out small, then you will probably need to gain a little bit of weight in the first trimester but not much, and most of that weight gain will happen without you really trying. I agree with Julz, eat when your hungry and stop when your full. HTH.

    FitMommyLuv- Congratulations! I am pregnant with my last baby as well, but this is my 3rd. Hope you have a happy pregnancy.

    Caperfae- I'm glad your appointment went well. I hope you feel better soon as well. Colds and pregnancy don't mix well.

    Emily- Congrats and welcome to the club.

    Jenz- I think you are ok. You started out on the small side and the rule of thumb is that you can gain up to 35 and not have additional risk to you or baby. I know it is frustrating, and for that I apologize, but it is so worth it for baby. You are making the right choices. Don't worry about the scale so much. Just keep doing what you're doing and you and baby will be fine.

    Kim- I hope your morning sickness goes away soon, we are both due around the same time, and I am right there with you.

    KatieKate- Welcome to the club.

    Lindsay- I am the same way. I tend to eat lots of veggies and fruits (my cravings, oddly enough) when I have those empty stomach moments, but it seems like every 3-4 hours, I hear the grumbling from the inner sactum telling me it wants it's next sacrifice. I am getting kinda tired of eating all the time, but whatever if best for baby!

    Goldenfemale- Congrats and welcome! I wouldn't worry about the gain so much, but most of us has MFP set to just maintian weight. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, that is the safest thing and that will help you stay accountable for your calorie intake. HTH

    AFM- This week as been an okay week. Finally had my appointment on Wednesday and had the first ultrasound. As of today I am 7 weeks and due on May 4th. I'm worried because the 4th is the last day of finals for the next semester, and I could go into labor before then. I am having a scheduled c-section with this one because I had c-sections with the other 2, but if I go into labor, i will have to have the lo early which could mean that I miss finals. Oh well, I have plenty of time to worry about it. Doc gave me a prescription for zofran for my morning sickness.:sick: I am very thankful for that. Yesterday was the first day that I did not have everything come back up on me. I am getting pretty pissed off at my boss, though. I went into work wednesday, not feeling the greatest, but there none the less. I ate a snack as soon as I got there and shortly afterwards got sick. He felt the need to tell the assistant manager (one of my good friends) that he didn't feel like I was being productive enough and that I should just go home and not come back til Friday when I had my meds:angry: . I think he was stressed because we had some big wigs in town and they could have stopped by at any moment, but at the same time I felt it was inconsiderate to get penalized because I was actively getting sick while at work. We have another woman that I work with who is also pregnant. I don't know if she has a lot of complications, but she is never there and when she is there, she hardly does her job, yet she gets away with it. I have more seniority on her by more than a year but apparently that doesn't matter. I spent most of my shift on Wednesday crying because a) pregnancy hormones suck and b) I don't think it is fair. I called out today because I have a bad cold and I am pretty sure I have strep, but that doesn't help with the situation any at all. :ohwell:
    On the plus side, I have not smoked in well over a week now, and I no longer have massive cravings. Hopefully this time I won't start smoking again after little one is born.
    I hope all you ladies had a great week and I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
  • JKilty
    Danielle - He is adorable!!!!!
  • JKilty
    I have an all day childbirth class at the hospital tomorrow, any suggestions on what I should take with me to it? I was thinking I would take a pen and notepad...
  • DeliriousOwl
    Congrats Danielle, he looks perfect! ♥

    Also welcome to everyone who has joined, hoping your journeys are safe and healthy!

    AFM - I've been keeping pretty quiet. Feeling VERY tired all day everyday, plus feeling nauseous most of the time but not throwing up yet so I'm really grateful for that! I discussed my scan results with my GP and he said 2 things. first I have a weirdly shaped uterus, which shouldn't be an issue. secondly, as the egg sac and foetal pole were not seen at all there is a slight chance that I have a blighted ovum. But we are all just hoping that I was too early when I had the scan done. So I have another one booked for a fortnight's time when I should be just 8 weeks. I'm really hoping I should be able to see baby and hear the heart beat by then??

    So yeah, feeling a bit ambivalent at the moment. Not too down about it, but its stopped me from getting overly excited about the whole thing as well. I'm just gonna try and take care of myself as best as possible and see how the scan goes and where nature takes me!

    Hope everyone else is feeling well (or better than you have been) xx