Shrinking Tigers Hidden Skinnies September Tribal Challenge



  • Water check
    exercises check Bushman is a killer! But love that burn!
    calories check

    Woo Hoo!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'm heading down for a girl's weekend, my friend's inlaws have a condo there so we get to stay for free :) Thanks for the tip, I'll have to write that down to check it out.
  • Tuesday Sept 13
    Food: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: No
    Weight: 130...still.

    Brutus15 is my husband and joined basically to stop me from nagging him about joining. He doesn't like the MFP page and no longer wishes to participate. HOWEVER- it was not a complete failure. It has motivated him to start exercising again, so even though he's not in our 'Tribe" anymore- he IS doing P90X again. Sorry guys- looks like we're down a player.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    LOL That's funny - I was reading his profile and I was that he posted because his wife nagged him to join!!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Got to go get me some more water, but I got a check for exercise and food has been awesome! I made Kale soup for lunch and it was delicious! And I made Kale chips last night, so easy and very tasty. It reminded me a little of cabbage at first (taste) and by the time I was done it totally tasted like popcorn!
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Kale chips huh--I just saw a celebrity talking about them (Blythe Danner) I think. How did you prepare them

    Ummm, so ditto on what Mirella said about her husband :blushing:

    My husband is rbeach17 and he isn't doing it either! Damnit

    Oh well, we tried. Sorry, I guess our team has fallen apart but, we will see it though to the end. :drinker:

    I ate some high sodium things the last few days so, I am up a few pounds of water UGH-I am going to try and drink double my water for the day

    I also joined Body and Soul Aerobics at church this week, has anyone else ever done it
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I made kale chips recently.

    Rinse em off and dry them. Tear them into pieces and coat in olive oil. I used chipotle flavored olive oil. N bake. Yummy!!

    Check in for everything... all is good. Woot.
  • Sillyhead1011
    Sillyhead1011 Posts: 26 Member
    hey everyone.....i've drank all my water and stayed under with calories...but not with the best 23 month old is having a rough time separating from me since my husband yeah workouts r hard if i dont get them in first thing...weight is the same !...hope everyone has an awesome weekend !
  • I'm going to be honest with everyone and say I am super bored with our exercise challenge and can't get motivated to do them. Our team has fallen apart. we aren't checking in on a regular basis or even converse. I'm not giving up but I am losing motivation to be part of the challenge.

    I did spin 13 miles tonight . Water good cals slightly over but it's because I don't add in every move I make and The program has dropped me down to 1200 cals even though I am eating healthy.

    My BMR is 1500 and I am now an active person so 1200 might be too low. What do you think?

  • 2.1 miles on the treadmill this morning! 300 cals gone!
  • Sillyhead1011
    Sillyhead1011 Posts: 26 Member
    AlwaysAngel I agree with the exercises...they are boring.....i have to force myself to do them...maybe next week will be better !
  • NSV the workout clothes I'm in are too big! :)

    19 miles on my bike today!! Way under cals and over on water.

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Here's the thread that I got the recipe from. BTW - failing on the exercise :(
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Hi girls! Well, we have lost another one...mirella9 quit

    So, it is sillyhead, Stephanie, angel and me.

    I have to agree, I am completely bored without he exercises too. I joined a Body and Soul class at my church. I love it! I go M W F and it is 75 minutes on M and F and 60 on W... With child care! Just what I needed and I am getting blessed in t e process :)

    My little one is teething and has had an ear infection... I apologize, I feel like I have not been the best team leader. I was really hoping If I volunteered to be a team leader I would do better and I fear the magnification has just shown flaws in my dedication..

    So, with that said I hope no body is upset with me.
  • I've joined some other challenges since this one wasn't active anymore and I loathe the exercises. But I still want to keep in touch with the friends I have made through here! So I will stop by and Chat with ya!

    I would love to see the August team back together for Oct.

    I did 30 miles on my bike in the last 2 days!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I apologize, I feel like I have not been the best team leader. I was really hoping If I volunteered to be a team leader I would do better and I fear the magnification has just shown flaws in my dedication..

    So, with that said I hope no body is upset with me.

    No one is upset with you, please don't feel that way! Let's be sure to keep up with each other's progress!