Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/11-9/17



  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    ok day 12 cups of water up 10 mins early but not enough to get in a workout, no c25k but it is a rest day. I got my bodymedia fit armband back from having repairs so I was really bad for the last week on calories in since I did not see my calories burned. Getting back on track!!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Thursday check in
    1. had a bagel for breakfast. not the yummiest but i did have something
    2. had over 14 cups of water
    3. did not much exercise much, i helped my sister during a photo shoot. we were doing it for like 2 hours and i walked on and off the whole time so i counted an hour
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday... worked out on Tues & Thurs, logged food/exercise all 3 days; I'm finding it difficult to keep desserts under 100 calories though but I've kept them under 150 calories all 3 days. This has been a crazy week, TGIF tomorrow!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my friends! Hope you all are doing well with your mini goals this week.

    Hearts♥Desire – I used to be a daily weigher. I had a lot of the same things running through my mind you seem to have running through yours. I drove myself nuts with it. And it turn drove my husband nuts. I ended up having him hide the scale. I had him take it out on Saturday for my weigh in’s then back it would go. Now I have the scale sitting under the dresser in my bedroom, so I don’t see it so I don’t think of it. Out of sight … out of mind. It has been working for me and I only weigh in once a week on Friday. Great job with your goals. Good luck with the bed time, I need to work on it too. LOL! HUGGS to you!!

    Papillon22 – Sorry to hear your internet at home was down. Hopefully it will be back soon. Great job with your goals! Awesome job with Chalean phase circuit 1! I hope that ouch is a good ouch :smile:

    Parispenguin – Great job with your goals today. You got some serious steps in today. Love the Wii. Doing the boxing you can really work up a sweat! Keep it up.

    Ittee – Thanks for all your support. You ROCK!

    Ladygloria – I hope everything is ok. Sounds like you were really busy today. Hope you get a good night’s sleep and are back strong tomorrow. Have a good day tomorrow.

    KrisPage – Great job with the water today. Glad to hear you got your bodymedia fit armband back and you are getting back on track. What is this arm band? I’m curious?!

    La_nanita – Nice job getting something in for breakfast today and awesome water intake! I’d call walking around helping at a photo shoot is a work out! What was it for?

    10more – Sorry to hear you have had a crazy week. I hope you can get some down time in this weekend. Great job with exercising and logging this week keep it up!! Desserts are tough! Have you tried any of Jello Mousse Temptations? They are pretty tasty and 100 calories, also the skinny cow products are wonderful!

    Wednesday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) – Day 3 done!
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – 2 for 3 managed to squeeze in a bike ride this afternoon.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I woke up late today and ran out of time to make my lunch. I brought my breakfast and snacks though… so I kind of made this goal for today.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Not so great … again. My mom and I went out to a girl’s night out at a local mall and all the stores had snacks. I wish I had better willpower to avoid the free snacks.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day for me. Wish me luck. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    thursday check-in:
    1-follow chalean schedule- done! it was a rest day, though.

    MAK: it is a good ouch. Lean phase seems to be more intense than the previous ones. I'll see what circuit 2 does to me today!

    2- 5 fruits/veggies: not done. Only managed to eat 4, actually, I only CHOSE to eat 4. I could have easily eaten a fruit for dessert at dinner, but chose a square of dark chocolate.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Still no internet, but someone's coming today to fix it!
  • ParisPenguin
    ParisPenguin Posts: 39 Member
    Feeling good about day 2:

    1) 8,000 steps/day - check! (around 10,000 - I forgot my pedometer, but tried to duplicate Wednesday)
    2) 1 hr Wii sports/day - no check! (spent an evening with friends, but made a conscious effort to stand and move around a lot)
    3) log to MFP/day - check! (completed and logged last night before bed!)

    I'm thankful for this little group.

    Keep it going strong everyone! Most of you are at the end of your 1 week! You can do anything for a week!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Bodymedia fit is an armband like the bodybugg that figures calories burned during daily life, # of steps taken, intensity of workout and sleep quality you just wear it on your upper arm. I have the bluetooth version and can use it to see nearly to the moment data on my smartphone and schedule workouts and monitor during the workout how effective I am working. They also have a web based food database to record calories like here but the database here is much better and more user friendly so I add my total calories here to their database and it figures my daily calorie deficit. With it I see a slightly higher daily calorie burn than here says for my height and weight and activity level. So it gives me a slightly higher calorie amount for the day so I am not freaking out when over calories here.
    I am kind of a geek that way love techy stuff and seeing the data of calories burned to calories eaten has really pushed me on with this life change. Normally I would diet a few weeks and then give up never lasted with a diet more than a couple months and here I am 9 months later and down 20-25 lbs.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    So I haven't been "feeling it" lately and have been really just managing with my goals by the skin of my teeth. I've been thinking a lot about what's going on and why I feel this way and honestly I haven't come up with an answer :sad:

    I've decided that I need to get my priorities in order and get my focus and motivation back. I'm going to take next week to do this without any pressure to check in or guilt if my goals are not met. I will definitely be back the week after next, but I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't given up, but I do need some "down time" to get some things straight in my own head.

    Congrats to you all who have been doing such a wonderful job and to MAK and LadyGloria for all their hard work keeping this thread alive:heart:

    See you all in a little over a week and hopefully I'll be a new person with new motivation and the ability to be encouraging to all of you FABULOUS ladies...:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    friday check-in:

    1- follow chalean x schedule - DONE! Lean circuit 2 was intense as well, but *mostly* doable.
    2- 5 fruits/veggies - DONE! Salads are my friend on this one. It's simple to throw in a couple of veggies together for each meal.

    danlin: I hope taking a week off helps you. Just be patient and gentle with yourself. This is not about being perfect. We are here to try to improve our lives little by little. Breathe.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    So I haven't been "feeling it" lately and have been really just managing with my goals by the skin of my teeth. I've been thinking a lot about what's going on and why I feel this way and honestly I haven't come up with an answer :sad:

    I've decided that I need to get my priorities in order and get my focus and motivation back. I'm going to take next week to do this without any pressure to check in or guilt if my goals are not met. I will definitely be back the week after next, but I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't given up, but I do need some "down time" to get some things straight in my own head.

    Congrats to you all who have been doing such a wonderful job and to MAK and LadyGloria for all their hard work keeping this thread alive:heart:

    See you all in a little over a week and hopefully I'll be a new person with new motivation and the ability to be encouraging to all of you FABULOUS ladies...:heart::heart: :heart:
    consoling2.gif Hang in there Hon, we all need a break at times to sort out our goals and priorities otherwise it's easy to get overwhelmed with everything in life! See ya Soon!:smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Friday Check in

    Hello everyone, hope your Friday went well and everyone gets a bit of time for themselves over the weekend!

    My day went pretty good until I picked up a few sweets, then a few more...... tantrumsmiley.gif plan on logging every single bite of it though and that's progress!! Eating an not logging I don't learn as much from, it's never easy to log everything when we've deviated from what our meal plans were in a less than positive way but... I do feel logging now is progress for me much easier to face the fact that treat choices need to be planned and I don't need all the choices all at once!:blushing: :glasses: :wink:

    Here's my day so far:
    1. Bedtime Thurs ended up being 8pm. :drinker: I did IT!! I did IT! Oh and did I ever sleep good, the best hour and 1/2 I've slept in I have no idea how long! Then it started getting noisy outside my apt. building like it always does at night. grrrr That's why I attempted the early bedtime so I could get a jump on the noise by getting a jump on my sleep. :wink: Not so sure the rest of the night was as restful but that early hour and some was Heaven!!
    2. Food choices, I've already shared, workout foods were as planned and later in the day I began to eat sweet and salty foods which probably is indicative of PMS/hormonal stuff that's close by.
    3. Good workout! Got 5 days in this week, pretty proud of that!
    4. FOCUS, need to sit down and look over what my activities have been and see just how focused I am... think I need a bit more focus on some things but I know I'm making progress and to me, that's HUGE! Keeps me a bit more positive.
    5. Bedtime tonight? Hm, since it's the weekend I might do a 10:30-11pm but no later! Maybe earlier but definitely head on my pillow by 11pm, with lights out. :bigsmile:

    Thought of you all today and truly am grateful for each and everyone of you that joined us again from past mini goal weeks and are new to this weeks mini goals. It's so good to find some positive support again on MFP. I feel so safe in this thread!!:love::flowerforyou: I know we're all working on our own goals but are right there for one another for support when ever needed or asked.grouphugg.gif
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Minadee, welcome! So sorry I missed your arrival. Great goals! I’m sure you’ll rock it.

    La_ninita, wow, I can’t wait for the day when mine says that. Congrats! LOL, your humping joke cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh.

    Kris, 2 out of three is great! Keep it up! You’re doing awesome this week! I’m a data nerd too, I just wasn’t sure if the regular subscription service was worth it. I have considered renting one for a week to determine what my actual bmr was per day. Given my thyroid issues, it would be nice to know what I really do these days and if I speed things up ever.

    Lttee, enjoy! Great job on your goals! We will miss you!

    Mrogers, life most definitely happens. Good job on keeping your goals up despite the craziness that we deal with in the real world. Keep going strong!

    Philosohoe, enjoy your trip. Are you an lttee going to the same place? We’ll miss you both!

    Mak, great job on the exercise. You’ll beat those BLTs in no time! Thank you for the support and encouragement.

    Hearts Desire, bed time goals are the most difficult; although I’m sure our body does appreciate them. You will make it! Pick one that works and go for it (and hey, hopefully next time you’ll be too deep into sleep for your neighbor’s to mess it up). You can do this!

    Papillion, you’re scaring me a bit with Lean. Then again, I’m about to start Push next week and I’m almost scared. Still can’t do push ups not on my knees and WOAH tricep push ups. Great job on your goals!

    ParrisPenguin, amazing job on your goals. How many steps do you do on average?

    10more, I think 150 is still pretty reasonable for dessert. Way to go! And I agree, life is insane lately. Imagine if we can keep up the healthy habits how much easier it will be when life slows down a bit.

    Danlyn, we all have times like that. I haven’t been feeling much of anything in the last two days but a strong desire to sleep. We will return with the right motivation and energy because ultimately, we know that this is good for us. Sometimes, we all need a breather.

    My progress:
    1. Do week 4 of Chalean (final burn phase, yes)-keep in cardio of some form. Missed Burn 3 tonight because I went to a birthday party. Will have to double up with zumba tomorrow to make up for the end of this week.
    2. Plan and pack lunches that keep me interested and are healthy.-due to the crisis response this morning, I skipped packing and went with a steak burrito bowl at chipotle.
    3. Start my new job on Tuesday with longer hours and still manage to keep up the healthy routine. –were it not for the birthday party that I forgot about until on my way home (friend’s kid), then I would have been on point. Oh well, I can still do this.
    4. Check in here everyday, even when I'm tired.-yep.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Papillon22 - YAY for good sore. Good luck with your next phase! And great job with the salad today. I think that's where I get a big part of my daily veggie intake my lunch salad. I throw all sorts of stuff in there.

    ParisPenguin- awesome job with your goals. Keep up all the hard work! I like your idea of standing and moving around when your out with friends. Great thinking!

    KrisPage - thanks for the info it sounds super cool!! I see a present idea in my future :)

    Danlyn - take the time you need. Find your focus and when you are ready we will be here. HUGGS to you!

    Hearts Desire - way to rock that bed time goal Thursday night. I agree with what you said about this thread. I really couldn't (wouldn't) be getting through this without the support of you guys. HUGGS to you all!

    Ladygloria- sorry you missed your work out (I did too). You are my hero getting them both in one day! Woot woot!! Love your positive attitude on goal #3 keep it up.

    Friday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) – I had ever intention of doing of it, but we ended up doing family stuff. Even though I skipped today I'm still Planning on finishing Sunday.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – 2 for 3 hopping to get my 3rd in tomorrow.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I woke up late today but I made my lunch. Didn't want to spend money in the cafeteria two days in a row.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – two words my friends ... epic fail. This goal will be lingering around a while I think!

    A little SV and NSV to share with you today. SV- lost 1.5 pounds as of this morning!!! NSV ... The "goal" jeans (size12 skinny fit Calvin Klein jeans) fit!!!!!!! I wore them to work. And I have to say I thought I looked ok !

    Have a great night!!! Huggs!

    Hope you all had wonderful Fridays here us to Saturday! :drinker:
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Good to read about so many positive experiences many of you are having!:flowerforyou:

    Struggled a bit with food choices this week and am up 1/2 pound. However, since I have a food journal, I know what my problem area is and I can make better afternoon snack choices.

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mrogers - the awareness, I feel, is important. Afternoon snacking is also an issue for me, I tend to gravitate towards sweets. Good luck on making healthier choices.

    MAK - I'm quite sure you looked more than ok in those tiny jeans, I'm sure you looked positively radiant, and what an NSV to hit! So proud and you're such an inspiration.

    LadyGloria - hope your new job doesn't take you down too much, sorry about your rough night the other day, and thank you for hoping back in and offering the encouragment needed to get this group to thrive on. I miss this group, the last two days have been chaotic with traveling and no groceries (so eating out is always a challenge to do each and every meal).

    HeartsDesire - I'm so excited to see you make your sleep goal, and hope that you can truly beat the noise level by attaining it. Great job on that.

    Danlyn - hope to see you back soon, refreshed, energized, and as focused as you want to be!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    So I had that moment today... and I came running to share it with all of you. My favorite group of MFP'ers. The moment when you relaize this is all working. I was looking at my new NSV jeans from yesterday as I was putting them away. As I put the new favorite jeans away I found, all at the bottom of my jean drawer, my old favorite pair of jeans, so I thought I'd give them a try on... BEWARE there is a bit of skin showing......

    There was much jumping for joy (the jeans were help up for that part) Off to go get my P90X done.
    HUGGS to you all have a GREAT Saturday!!!!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Mak_1
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    MAK - YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you :):drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words about my "mini break". :heart:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    MAK: wow! amazing job! :flowerforyou:

    ladygloria: don't be scared, it just hurts a little more! :laugh:

    1- follow chalean schedule - DONE! did lean intervals for the first time, and I liked it better than burn intervals even if there's no way in hell I can do the whole thing...yet!
    2- 5 fruits/veggies - DONE! I need to start thinking about variety now, 'cause I can't live on tomatoes, lettuce and green beans forever!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I can't believe it's already the end of this week.

    Mak, can’t believe you’ll be done on Sunday! I know you must be proud. You going to post more amazing progress pics? Your picture today was GLORIOUS and I’m so proud. How many inches and such have you lost since you started p90?

    Mrogers, great outlook. We all have bad days/weeks. The key is to learn what works for you and what doesn’t. Keep up the positivity. We’ll be here to add backup.

    Lttee, we all have difficult days, but at least yours came with a very nice visit with your hubby (I hope). Are you back yet? Thank you for your kind words and support. I’m much better, thanks.

    Papillion, will do my best. I’ll let you know how Push goes on Monday. Now that Zumba class is cancelled after this Thursday, I may get back to those burn intervals. They kick my butt! What do you like better about Lean Intervals?

    My progress:

    1. Do week 4 of Chalean (final burn phase, yes)-keep in cardio of some form.-finished Burn today! Also did Zumba prior and man was it harder after an hour long class!
    2. Plan and pack lunches that keep me interested and are healthy.-going to do better with this next week, but overall I did pretty well.
    3. Start my new job on Tuesday with longer hours and still manage to keep up the healthy routine. –yep, done.
    4. Check in here everyday, even when I'm tired.-indeed. :)