Please reply and give me your tips and tricks. I need helpšŸ˜¢

Hi, I am a woman that is depressed, tired, and hanging on for dear life... I was doing so well with my weight loss until school came around. I started eating school lunches, candy, pretzels and gained 20 lbs in 3 months. I use to weigh 181lbs but now I am 204lbs. I just stepped on the scale and I cried for hours thinking how life would be if I was skinny, healthy, and even happy. My doctor is going to be very disappointed in me and tbh I am scared to even go out in public. I have become insecure about my body these past few months and obsessing over BMI, my calorie intake, my measurements, and the list goes on. I just want guidance from you guys to help figure out a plan before it's too late.

Height- 5'7


  • monstrance27
    monstrance27 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally understand! I have a similar situation, I am 21, 5'7 and was 180 lbs May of 2020, but after a major life change along with a move, I am up to 230-ish!! (Not good!!) I used to have a disordered feeling weight loss plan at 180 lbs, so I am trying to run a tight ship this time.

    Weight loss is different for everyone, but here is my plan of attack. Copy part of if you feel inclined!

    - write down your motivations for loosing weight and read them everyday (even the silly ones!)
    - stick to your planned calorie intake!!! If you have earned exercise calories only eat back 1/2 of them. (diet soda, tea with no milk or sugar, and sugar free gum along with copious amounts of water help me alot!)
    - I use this calculator once a week to make sure that my work out plan and intake is healthy and I am not slipping into disordered eating:
    (And I stick to the exercises that are on the calculator! šŸ™‚)
    - I fast in the morning to make sure I have enough calories for "social eating" at nigh, and make sure I am eating ALL of my planned calories at the end of the day.

    Hopefully this helps! I don't know if you are the praying type of person, but know that I am praying for your success and peace right now! šŸ’•
  • nauguste2006
    nauguste2006 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for your advice and your inspiring tips I apprecitate you. I also hope you have a good journey as well thank you!