How do you stay accountable?

I have been on MFP for awhile on and off but I have not been able to stay consistent. I have not lost any weight because I do good for a few weeks and then fall off for a few weeks. I tend to over eat a lot and then feel guilty. How do you all Stay accountable? How do you fight cravings for sugar and carbs? How do you get back on track if fall off?


  • makinlifehappen
    makinlifehappen Posts: 110 Member
    I just look at the scale. When It is moving the correct direction I know not eating when I shouldn't or what I shouldn't was the right way to go and it paid off.
  • Sandoremi
    Sandoremi Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on MFP for awhile on and off but I have not been able to stay consistent. I have not lost any weight because I do good for a few weeks and then fall off for a few weeks. I tend to over eat a lot and then feel guilty. How do you all Stay accountable? How do you fight cravings for sugar and carbs? How do you get back on track if fall off?

    Hi Muellerg1993: It sounds as though you are being too hard on yourself and making this regimen too damned hard. Give yourself a treat every day. Count it within your daily allotment of food. Lose more slowly. In the long run, you will reap so many benefits. Enjoying your meals and treats and losing weight even though you are eating what you like. That's what it feels like. Try it! Good luck!

  • JustRamona
    JustRamona Posts: 399 Member
    Accountable you mean stay within goals? Personally, I don't "reward" myself anything. No such thing as a day off or cheat day. I plan this way I don't think that my food diary requires rewards. Substitutions are a must too. I can't believe it's not butter, light is 35 calories a tablespoon. Light salad dressing or fat free cheeses and milk products. I started by replacing high calorie staple-items in my pantry and fridge with lower calorie equivalents. I plan/think about my menu for the entire day and then try to log it in the morning. See what my calorie intake looks like and make adjustments. No food if off limits, if I want pizza/cookies/chips etc I work it into the calories for that day. I will add exercise to my day BUT ONLY if I need some extra calories that day. I am on a 1200 calorie diet and I am surprised by all the food I eat in a day
  • janaleeheld
    janaleeheld Posts: 1 Member
    Keep tracking your food, even on your "off" days. I have similar challenges to yours. Tracking what I eat keeps me accountable. Don't give up :-)
  • dontlikepeople
    dontlikepeople Posts: 132 Member
    Sheer and unadulterated will power. If it was easy, everyone would do it and there wouldn't be a multi billion dollar industry to sell it to us.
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 672 Member
    Accountability? Food-wise, I just log what I eat. Period. Even if it goes over. And I ensure I don't deny myself anything (including carbs and sugar), because if I do I'll end up craving it. I LOVE McDonald's french fries. LOVE 'em. So I'll get a kid's meal so I get that sweet 100 calorie kids fries, satisfy my desire for those tasty fries, and have an entire meal that comes in at less than 500 calories. It's all about moderation and planning.

    Exercise-wise, I sign up for challenges regularly (I pretty much live on Strava). Having that challenge and the reward of a digital piece of bling hanging over my head, I push myself to complete it. This helps with the weight loss, too - it's easier to maintain a deficit with those sweet fries if I'm cycling my brains out!

    Other than that... see all the comments above mine.
  • Cozgirl40
    Cozgirl40 Posts: 30 Member
    I log my food (good and bad) and exercise everyday. I've been exercising everyday for the last 2 years because I had both my knees replaced and if I don't stretch them everyday, I get pretty stiff. I was able to add cardio in July. I bought myself an exercise bike and I also have a treadmill.
    As far as food is concerned, I don't deprive myself. I limit portions and weigh and measure everything. I have one sweet treat a day like a fun sized candy bar. I am a sweets fanatic, LOL.
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