Lets do this again

yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
I know if my life is too chaotic then I have problems with eating healthily and not snacking too much. Since August I've been sitting on packed boxes, living in furnished rooms, quitting a new job in another country before starting and moving to yet another town for another job. Also was sick for about 4 weeks during this time. Finally my flat is pretty much ready and I've gotten into my job, and now I have to take care of myself again.

Posting here because this is so much easier than trying to do this alone. I know I need to start doing strength training again. Only bodyweight in my flat as the only proper dude gym nearby is run by covidiots. I've been trying to get into running again and found a few routes, but need to be careful there. My mood currently is not very good. I'm born with a muscular/metabolic condition that over the past many years got me into hospital again and again. I'm finally scratching the surface of figuring out what's going wrong. I'm seeing specialist doctors, but every disappointment, like waiting 3 months for an appointment and finding out the doctor is not interested is frustrating. Frustration -> high stress -> high energy needs immediately -> Hey, candy! Please don't say Keto. My body can't really use some energy sources, and no, I will never be fat adapted. That's part of the problem. I need carbs, and sometimes I need very quick carbs to prevent me from hitting the wall. So basically, I gained quite a bit of weight over the past few months, and I need support in getting back to normal. Added to that a doctor also found out my liver has a fatty spot/tumor that somehow needs taken care of. Bit difficult with pretty much the only food I can eat. But first we need more info on this. So: support please <3


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,282 Member
    Welcome back! Sounds like quite a challenging set of circumstances, wishing you success and answers to your medical issues!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    edited January 2022
    Aww, thanks a lot Lietchi. Getting there. I just need to get my life back in order, and need a bit of support here I guess. And get some peace of mind about living in a place I don't want to be at.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Sounds like never a dull moment in your life! I hope you get to the root of your medical issues and can find the right lifestyle that fits all your needs. So many changes; I imagine it must be difficult to stick to a plan. :/ Here's wishing you success and good health!!
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Sending you lots of hugs! Sometimes it's just impossible to summon the focus and energy needed to maintain our personal version of a healthy lifestyle, especially when there are roadblocks everywhere we look. Best wishes for regaining your health now that you're finally in a stable situation.
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 101 Member
    Wow! What a set of challenges!! Okay! Deep breath... you can do this! Hey! I don't know if this would help you at all but I started using a device/plan called a Lumen...the website is Lumen.me check it out if you want. The plan is based on carb cycling and a device that measures the CO2 in your breath to tell you if you are in carb or fat burn. I am looooving it so far!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Thanks a lot. I don't need a device to tell me anything though as I know what I need to do. Besides, you lose weight by using glycogen and fatty acids as energy source, thus it doesn't matter what this device says. The interesting thing for me would be: how much fatty acids is my body using compared to glycogen. But a) that would only be interesting when exercising, and I had a CPET that suggests my body can't really access fatty acids and b) I would not trust such a thing for that. Simples :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Thanks a lot guys. So far so good! Just posting here convinced me to step on the scale this morning, logging my breakfast for the first time since living here properly (thus using local brands and not what I used before the move), and to cook a lovely green curry with tofu and lots of veggies. My urge to Eat All The Snacks is also somewhat smaller now. Wanted to start so much earlier, but then I got sick, then I sliced a bit of my thumb off, then this then that... lots of rubbish reasons. Getting there :D

    Hey, @yirara - congrats on grabbing onto one strand of the tangle, and starting to unravel the complexity: That's what it takes, in my life, usually, when things feel overwhelming.

    You have my sympathies: You've been going through a lot, hard to handle . . . and you're getting a handle on handling it. 😉

    Onward! Wishing you reduced life complexity going forward, and good wishes overall!

    Aww, thanks a lot AnnPT77 <3 So great to see some familiar names here. Hey, not complicated is boring :D I'm getting out of this eventually. Will take a while, but I'm getting there. At least I logged my whole day today, including the four small Christmas chocolate balls.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    edited January 2022
    [quote="yirara;d-10853410"and I need support in getting back to normal.[/quote]

    Pfff... all the nice people write nice things... I'm interested only on whether there will be a new and/or different and/or different kind of sheep or lamb in your avatar! That's all!

    Oh, happy new year too! :wink:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    edited January 2022
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    [quote="yirara;d-10853410"and I need support in getting back to normal.

    Pfff... all the nice people write nice things... I'm interested only on whether there will be a new and/or different and/or different kind of sheep or lamb in your avatar! That's all!

    Oh, happy new year too! :wink: [/quote]

    LOL! I might do a cucumber for this year. With white wool on the back.

    Happy new year to you too <3
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Oh yay, I just realized I'll go on a contraceptive break tonight. First tiny success, and it will all be killed off by water weight gain. My timing is a bit kitten :D Anyway, so far so good. Found a lovely alternative here for my beloved cheese sandwich: A kind of fresh cheese, a bit like labneh balls, but then more cheesy and more solid. Just half the calories for much more yum :smile: And I found that making two slices of bread in the afternoon with jam is also very tasty and totally fits into my budget.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Nice seeing you back and glad you are getting some time and energy for self care. It sounds like it has been a crazy time for you! I hope settling into an eating/exercise routine feels comforting to you. It does to me. For me the important factors are ease and consistency. If the routine is easy to start with, it's a lot easier to be consistent. We're not at our best every day, so committing to small stuff I know I can do even on days that aren't my best makes the consistency part more attainable. And an easy routine feels more comforting than something challenging. Being anchored in the little things I can control often helps me feel centered when things I can't control start brewing. Best to you in 2022!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Nice seeing you back and glad you are getting some time and energy for self care. It sounds like it has been a crazy time for you! I hope settling into an eating/exercise routine feels comforting to you. It does to me. For me the important factors are ease and consistency. If the routine is easy to start with, it's a lot easier to be consistent. We're not at our best every day, so committing to small stuff I know I can do even on days that aren't my best makes the consistency part more attainable. And an easy routine feels more comforting than something challenging. Being anchored in the little things I can control often helps me feel centered when things I can't control start brewing. Best to you in 2022!

    Thanks a lot ahoy! Yes, you are so right in every aspect. Most people need some consistency, and I know that I really need it as otherwise things go totally haywire.

    Happy new year to you too <3
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Day 3 done. So far no problems. But I'm running a very moderate deficit of 1400kcal plus exercise cals, which I fill up with Christmas chocolate leftovers :D Tomorrow will be "It's just waterweight" day as I stopped the pill last night and did a bit of bodyweight exercise today. Yiha :D
    Also have an appointment with a specialist doctor to discuss my medical condition and hopefully to get closer to an answer. Though... it's an appointment my gp suggested, not one I would have chosen. I guess I have no idea why I would go there. Ho hum...
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    OMG, it's official! I officially now have a muscle disease!!! :D
    Seriously, saw a neurologist, she did some tests, said: nope, this is not right. Finally conformation. Now 'only' need to find out what it is. She indeed suspects mito, thus lets see if there'll ever be a diagnosis as there are just so many options.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    If you like running, but not outside, check out Pahla B's running workouts on YouTube
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,811 Member
    Oh I just saw this! You are one of my MFP faves! Many many warm hugs to you.

    Are you settled down now? In what country? (Because your cheese sounds intriguing and I love farmers cheeses.)

    I totally get what you mean about the joy of having confirmation. After years of “bouts” and ER visits, I finally got a name. I wasn’t crazy after all.

    Ann is so perfectly right about having a thread to pull at.

    Having a name, so you can research, ask questions, and create a battle plan, places you in control. It means so much. It gives you power.

    I’m so happy you’re on your way. And that you’re not crazy, either. I sincerely hope she can finally put a name to it and let the battle begin!

    More hugs.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Sending huge hugs and good vibes for getting a diagnosis. It’s a blasted pain convincing doctors that something isn’t right and it’s awesome that it sounds like you’re getting somewhere. But tell us more about the cheese!