Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    It's great to meet all of you!! I am excite to be in a more active group!
    Triathlon this SUNDAY!!!!
    Also my 25th Birthday!!

    NSV: tried on my triathlon suit and it's too big!!! Just got back from buying new pants so they don't fall off! :laugh:
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Wow all these stories are fantastic!! We have quite a diverse group and I think that it will be ever more helpful with so many opinions.

    To all late joiners- of course you can join! :) The more the merrier.

    I'm so excited to work with all you guys because I can tell we are all really motivated and have great goals to achieve. So, as for the group, what are you guys wanting to do? Weigh-in's? Contests/challenges? Any thoughts or ideas would be great!

    Amanda - you just put the biggest smile on my face!! You have also helped me so much and it's so nice knowing that if you can lose all your weight then so can I. And 152? Good gracious you're shrinking so quickly! I'm so proud of you and can't wait until we can meet up one day :):heart: I LOVE YOU MAN!

    You're all free to add me as well! I know I got quite a few of you but not everyone :)

    Yes to the weigh-ins.. YES to challenges..

    I'm glad I make you smile! Can't wait either!!! <3
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    I would like to have weigh ins and I think that contests or challenges would be fun too! :)
  • I agree to weigh ins. Once per week maybe?
    As for challenges, I don't really have any ideas. But I would be interested in participating.

    I have a question for everyonel. My current calorie limit is 1200 per day. Is it bad if I eat less than that? Some days I am under. (yesterday I had 1107). Is this effecting my metabolism? If I'm not hungry, I don't eat up to my 1200. What do you all do?

    And feel free to add me also!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I agree to weigh ins. Once per week maybe?
    As for challenges, I don't really have any ideas. But I would be interested in participating.

    I have a question for everyonel. My current calorie limit is 1200 per day. Is it bad if I eat less than that? Some days I am under. (yesterday I had 1107). Is this effecting my metabolism? If I'm not hungry, I don't eat up to my 1200. What do you all do?

    And feel free to add me also!

    Hey girl! Yes, it is.. to be honest. You MUST eat 1200, especially if you are working out. Your body needs it for your vital organs to function properly. However, once in a while won't kill you or throw off your whole process. I used to eat under 1200, and while I lost weight... I didn't feel my best. Now I do my best to eat more than that, and I feel great! I'm even dropping a lot faster than I was! Good luck!
  • Wow all these stories are fantastic!! We have quite a diverse group and I think that it will be ever more helpful with so many opinions.

    To all late joiners- of course you can join! :) The more the merrier.

    I'm so excited to work with all you guys because I can tell we are all really motivated and have great goals to achieve. So, as for the group, what are you guys wanting to do? Weigh-in's? Contests/challenges? Any thoughts or ideas would be great!

    Amanda - you just put the biggest smile on my face!! You have also helped me so much and it's so nice knowing that if you can lose all your weight then so can I. And 152? Good gracious you're shrinking so quickly! I'm so proud of you and can't wait until we can meet up one day :):heart: I LOVE YOU MAN!

    You're all free to add me as well! I know I got quite a few of you but not everyone :)

    weekly weigh ins and challenges?
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I am hoping it's not too late to sneak in...

    My name is Martina and I am 42. I will be 43 at the end of the year. I have been married for just a little over 18 years (oh man!!!) and have 2 dogs and a cat.

    I have battled weight all of my life and have definitely come out the loser (not in a good way). I was always bigger but the majority of my weight has come on since I got married. My highest weight ever was 330 a number of years ago but my starting weight was 315.8 in July. I have lost 19.4 lbs since then and am excited at the thought of this support.

    3 random things...
    1) I play in a medieval recreationist group
    2) I knit, sew, cook, embroider and kayak.
    3)I apparently have a shoe addiction.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I am hoping it's not too late to sneak in...

    My name is Martina and I am 42. I will be 43 at the end of the year. I have been married for just a little over 18 years (oh man!!!) and have 2 dogs and a cat.

    I have battled weight all of my life and have definitely come out the loser (not in a good way). I was always bigger but the majority of my weight has come on since I got married. My highest weight ever was 330 a number of years ago but my starting weight was 315.8 in July. I have lost 19.4 lbs since then and am excited at the thought of this support.

    3 random things...
    1) I play in a medieval recreationist group
    2) I knit, sew, cook, embroider and kayak.
    3)I apparently have a shoe addiction.

    Welcome! Great loss so far! Amen to the shoe addiction! I JUST ordered these

    . :)
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 57, married, and have one step daughter, one granddaughter (8), and a large labradoodle who forces me to exercise. I am 5'8" and weigh 172. My adult life i've eaten very healthy and weighed between 140-145 most of my life . In 2000 I had a kidney transplant and to put it simply, I gained weight and could not exercise for about 7 years. My all time high was 187 pounds. I had a second transplant one year ago, feel good and exercise again but I have lost SO much stamina, strength, etc. Plus, I am 14 years older.

    I work part time and love my work.

    I tried weight watchers but lost one pound in 5 weeks. I hope I can do better here. The support here is amazing. I love the initial reason for this group...a dedicated bunch! I have been following my calories for less than a week. I hope to loss more with your support.
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I am hoping it's not too late to sneak in...

    My name is Martina and I am 42. I will be 43 at the end of the year. I have been married for just a little over 18 years (oh man!!!) and have 2 dogs and a cat.

    I have battled weight all of my life and have definitely come out the loser (not in a good way). I was always bigger but the majority of my weight has come on since I got married. My highest weight ever was 330 a number of years ago but my starting weight was 315.8 in July. I have lost 19.4 lbs since then and am excited at the thought of this support.

    3 random things...
    1) I play in a medieval recreationist group
    2) I knit, sew, cook, embroider and kayak.
    3)I apparently have a shoe addiction.

    Welcome! Great loss so far! Amen to the shoe addiction! I JUST ordered these

    . :)

  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    Hi everyone! i am so excited to be able to join!

    My name is Becky and I am from Middletown, Ct. I have been trying to lose weight since January and i feel like i haven't been moving as fast as i would like to. :( I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago when i got married and i would like to lost about 20 more! I am 5'4 and currently weigh between 149-153 (it fluctuates of course). lol

    1. I am 1/8 Native American.
    2. i work as a child psychotherapist and i absolutely love it!
    3. i don't LOVE to exercise but i love doing everything outstide (especially rollerblading, tennis and hiking!)

    please please friend me, it's always great to have more support!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So how did everyone do today? I actually did really good! I did 30 mins on the treadmill, drank 8 glasses of water, stayed in my calorie range, and best of all I actually ate fruit and veggies, which I rarely do! And to top it all off, I wasen't even hungry!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Wow all these stories are fantastic!! We have quite a diverse group and I think that it will be ever more helpful with so many opinions.

    To all late joiners- of course you can join! :) The more the merrier.

    I'm so excited to work with all you guys because I can tell we are all really motivated and have great goals to achieve. So, as for the group, what are you guys wanting to do? Weigh-in's? Contests/challenges? Any thoughts or ideas would be great!

    Amanda - you just put the biggest smile on my face!! You have also helped me so much and it's so nice knowing that if you can lose all your weight then so can I. And 152? Good gracious you're shrinking so quickly! I'm so proud of you and can't wait until we can meet up one day :):heart: I LOVE YOU MAN!

    You're all free to add me as well! I know I got quite a few of you but not everyone :)

    Absolutely wanting to participate in weighin, contests, challenges, etc. Sign me up!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I would love to participate in anything you guys decide to do!! I'm looking for support for not just losing weight, but to keep a healthy lifestyle once I reach my GW. :)

    As for my day, I weighed in at 128.6 this morning (woot!) and I did 65 minutes on the elliptical. I'm still trying to decide what I want for dinner, and it almost 8, yikes! Today is also my second day of taking oxyelite pro. And that's about it! Hope you all had a wonderful Friday!! :D
  • How are you ladies today?
  • jenkamac
    jenkamac Posts: 61 Member
    I'm late to the party! I just saw that you created a new thread!

    Alright, My name is Jenny - you can call me Jenny and not JenKaMac...I live in Washington State and I am 27 and married to my college sweetheart and we have two fat cats! My husband is a videographer and I am a performer and a private voice and piano coach. I am 5'2" and currently around 134.5 given the day. My highest weight was in college at 147 and I am at the weight I was when I got married. But, I have always wanted to be 120 and I just can't seem to get below 130! I think it's a mind block or something. Annnddd.. I like to eat.

    3 things:

    1) I'm an opera singer - yep, we do exist even at my young age, and no I do not wear viking horns.
    2) I love to cook, if I wasn't a singer I may have gone to culinary school. I also LOVE shopping and wish I could sew a little better.
    3) I won big on Wheel of Fortune a few years ago. It was pretty sweet.

    I'm really needing this and the accountability! I'm totally up for weekly weigh-ins, I really suck and weighing myself. I just won't do it until I feel "skinny".
  • jenkamac
    jenkamac Posts: 61 Member
    I can't believe I said I'm 27! That's crazy. No, I'm 29. Wow, I wrote that and reread it and didn't even blink an eye. I'm in denial that I'm turning 30 in 6 month.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Bahaha Jenny that's funny! :) I love that you're an opera singer AND I LOVE WHEEL OF FORTUNE!

    As for me, life has been a big ball of stress and I haven't been doing as good as I could be. Surprisingly enough, my eating hasn't been bad! I'm just having such a hard time motivating myself to work out. I'm in the middle of a move with no place to live set up yet, so my bf and I have to stay with my parents for a while. Money is a little scarce but I should have a job soon. I'm so ready for everything to be settled so I can just breathe!! But I will not give up, especially with how far I've come. I am so set on losing this week (I weigh in on Wednesdays) so I will let you all know how it goes.

    Amanda has kindly offered to help me run the group so I think I want to start getting things going on Monday, so that will give everyone time to get to know everyone and if we have any other ideas we can throw those out too.

    I'm sure I've already said it, but you guys are an awesome group and I'm so excited to be working through this with you all!!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    That is so cool about wheel of fortune!! I'm jealous!!! :)
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    i am also up for anything...weigh ins, challenges etc. i am so excited!