

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,611 Member

    We haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Everything okay in your world??
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,102 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8)
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9)
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4)
    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 21…..11/11…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 22…..11/12…..189.4…..(Trend weight 188.8)
    Day 23…..11/13…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.0)
    Day 24…..11/14…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 26…..11/16…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 27…..11/17…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 28…..11/18…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 29…..11/19…..190.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 30…..11/20…..190.2…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 31…..11/21…..187.6…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 32…..11/22…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 33…..11/23…..187.2…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 34…..11/24…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 35…..11/25…..191.0…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 36…..11/26…..193.4…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 37…..11/27…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.9)
    Day 38…..11/28…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 39…..11/29…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 40…..11/30…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.7)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. 1 lb GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..4 LBS GAINED

    Day 41…..12/01…..188.7…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 42…..12/02…..188.2…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 43…..12/03…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 44…..12/04…..188.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 45…..12/05…..189.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 46…..12/06…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 47…..12/07…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 48…..12/08…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.6)
    Day 49…..12/09…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 50…..12/10…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.7)


    Day 51…..12/11…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 52…..12/12…..192.0…..(Trend weight 190.0)
    Day 53…..12/13…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 54…..12/14…..191.6…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 55…..12/15…..190.4…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 56…..12/16…..189.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 57…..12/17…..189.6…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 58…..12/18…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 59…..12/19…..191.0…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 60…..12/19…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.5)
    Day 61…..12/21…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 62…..12/22…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.7)
    Day 63…..12/23…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.8)
    Day 64…..12/24…..192.4…..(Trend weight 190.9)
    Day 65…..12/25…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.1)
    Day 66…..12/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 67…..12/27…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 68…..12/28…..193.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 69…..12/29…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 70…..12/30…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 71…..12/31…..191.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. 2.4 lbs GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..6.5 GAINED so far during challenge.

    Day 72…..01/01…..190.0…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 73…..01/02…..189.8…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 74…..01/03…..191.0…..(Trend weight 191.3)
    Day 75…..01/04…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 76…..01/05…..193.2…..(Trend weight 191.6)
    Day 77…..01/06…..194.0…..(Trend weight 191.8)
    Day 78…..01/07…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 79…..01/08…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 80…..01/09…..192.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 81…..01/10…..194.4…..(Trend weight 192.1)
    Day 82…..01/11…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 83…..01/12…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 84…..01/13…..192.8…..(Trend weight 192.3)
    Day 85…..01/14…..194.0…..(Trend weight 192.5)

    Day 86…..01/15…..194.6…..(Trend weight 192.7) Finished the leftovers, the stocking and apparently everything else in the house! Another restart today. Hope it works this time!

    Day 87…..01/16…..193.8…..(Trend weight 192.8) I am happy to see some progress. Kitchen reno is done (for now) and now begins the livingroom painting. Also adding two small walls to keep an open concept but give me small areas for extra cabinets on the dining room side. This will likely take a few weeks but at least I have free access to the kitchen (and meal planning) again! I finally broke down and changed my ticker to the higher weight I’ve had since late Oct before my surgery and the holidays. I was not happy to do it but keeping it real and honest is important! It is odd to read posts on the different challenges about how many times folks get up to go pee at night. I usually read once for most people. I get up every 40 minutes at the most. I monitor this to share with my doctor. Last night I actually got up 14 times which is a little more than usual. During the day I also urinate just as often. I can never go a full hour. No, I don’t take a water pill. I think it is a combo of the diabetes and the medications for it, and the fact that I drink coffee all day until about 5:00 pm (since I go to bed so late it’s okay). My normal four hours of sleep are always so disrupted! My fitbit also tracks this for me. How I wish I could get that 4 hours uninterrupted! I do keep water at my bedside and sip everytime I get up but that is because of my breathing machine drying out my mouth so bad. That happens to be bad for the teeth so keeping my mouth moist is important too. A vicious cycle!

    Day 88…..01/17…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.0) No TMI and I just could get full yesterday. Hopefully the scale will fare better tomorrow if my body functions (TMI) cooperate. My breathing machine doesn’t wake me up. It’s that I have to pee so often, even during the day. It’s really bad when my sugar is really high. It is just my body trying to rid the sugar (toxic) similar to alcohol when I pee a lot if I drink. My body is trying to save me, now if I could just help a little bit more!
    Day 89…..01/18…..193.8…..(Trend weight 193.0) Good meals but too much grazing during the day. Extra hungry for some reason. Today there will be more work on the living room reno project. This project will last several weeks. No room. Furniture covered and in the center. No privacy again. However, the dining room turned out nice and the living room will be an even bigger impact! Glad to be getting some of this out of the way during the cold snowy and icy months. I will need some alone time to leave the house to walk when the weather gets better.

    Day 90…..01/19…..193.2…..(Trend weight 193.1) Well, this certainly proves that results, good or bad, are not always reflected the very next morning. I had a bad eating day yesterday for sure. Yet the scale is down. Very low steps, practically no water. Very bad sleep, disrupted. Busy, busy day. Yet the scale is down by slightly over ½ pound. This must be a result of the past couple of days where my meals were more planned and within my limits. I suspect the scale will creep back up because of yesterday’s fiasco. I’ll work on a good day today.

    Day 91…..01/20…..192.6…..(Trend weight 193.0)
    Day 92…..01/21…..193.0…..(Trend weight 193.0) I had a great day yesterday until that late night piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip. Otherwise, I am proud of my choices for my meals and for the quantities I managed to stick to, even with the pie! I started babysitting Mon-Thur (sometimes Friday) for my 4 yr old live-in grandson. He will likely keep me on my toes. I started last Monday but movement in house is still restricted. So far, he spends more time upstairs in his room.

    Day 93…..01/22…..193.6…..(Trend weight 193.1) Pasta last night, all within calories so I am a bit teed off about the uptick but when thinking about it, pasta often does this to me. It’s an easy frozen go-to when I have a busy day. I’m going to try for more steps today. I don’t have much room for movement in this house right now but I’ve got to do something!
    Day 94…..01/23…..196.0…..(Trend weight 193.1) WTH????? Okay, I know how to play this game and THIS doesn’t make ANY sense! I did have Chinese carry-out for dinner brought in by daughter so I expected a bump up even though I drank extra water and I only ate half leaving leftovers for today, but the rest of my day was very good. It has to be the lack of exercise. This project is not yet half finished . My poor grandson is trapped upstairs and I’m trapped down. I’ve got to use the steps today for some extra movement.
    Day 95…..01/24…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.5) Well, my calories were about the same as the day before and so was my (lack of) exercise level. Scratching head but understanding there are times when it just can’t be understood.
    Day 96…..01/25…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.6) Reno going strong. Hair appointment today so my son will keep an eye on the crew. Tomorrow I go quite far for the dentist and will shop while I have the opportunity. It will be a long day with no advancement in the projects but these teeth must be cleaned!
    Day 97…..01/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..01/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member

    We haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Everything okay in your world??

    @dawnbgethealthy - Thank you for checking in with me.
    Yes all is okay though I have really off track at the moment. Letting excuses pile up and derail me.
    My granddaughter is 3 weeks old. I ended up babysitting her last week twice for long periods of time in addition to the 2 hr round trip. Actually ended up at their home 4x in 6 days ... called in to help.
    Then the volunteer job I have Learn English Ministry through our church kicked off and instead of co-teaching I am on my own with Level 2 class. Most of the volunteer teachers did not come back so instead of 2 per class we only have 1 per class.
    Oh and LEM conflicts with my Tues & Thurs strength training class.
    AND AND AND ... lots of things with kids, dogs, hubby, leading book club discussion which meant I needed to finish the book, etc.

    I need to refocus and pull it together. First things first ... I will journal every bite today and I will attend my strength training class Wed night since I'm missing the Tues & Thurs class this week.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,611 Member
    I think that this is my 8th round.
    I started MFP (this time around) at 191.
    I joined this thread at 158.5

    If I don't have 500 calories in the Green on the tracker (on average) I don't lose weight.

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22:- 134.0 - Using my EW from the last 100
    Day 50: 136.6
    Day 75: 136.4

    13th Week Actual Weight: 136.8
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green): 4536 - enough to lose a pound and did

    14th Week Goal Weight: 134.0 - Start weight for this 100
    14th Week Actual Weight: 138.8 - up 2 pounds from last Saturday's weigh in somehow : - (
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green): 4036 - enough to lose a pound

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 137.6 - Last week!
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 139.0 - Weekend catching up, but also weighing at my usual early time.
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 137.8 - A bit better
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 136.6 - Okay, back to day 50 weight somehow. Good.
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27:
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:

    15th Week Goal Weight: 134.0 - Start weight for this 100
    15th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green):

    Challenge Starting Weight: 134.0

    Challenge Goal: 124.0

    Challenge Ending Weight:

    Excess Calories burned (in the Green) this 100:

    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,611 Member

    Good to hear from you. I am a worrier lol.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 155
    Challenge GW: 140

    Days 1-71

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 155
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 154.4
    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 154.2
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 153.6
    Day 5: Tue, 10/26: 153.6
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 153.4
    Day 7: Thu, 10/28: 153
    Week 1 Loss: -2.6

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 152.4
    Day 9: Sat, 10/30: 152.4
    Day 10: Sun, 10/31: 152.2
    October Loss: -2.8

    Day 11: Mon, 11/1: 152.6 No obvious reason for the uptick. Didn’t do anything different yesterday. No candy.
    Day 12: Tue, 11/2: 151.6
    Day 13: Wed, 11/3: 151.8
    Day 14: Thu, 11/4: 152 Weighed 3 hours earlier than usual. Had to get up early to bring my sister to the airport.
    Week 2 Loss: -2

    Day 15: Fri, 11/5: 150.4
    Day 16: Sat, 11/6: 150.8
    Day 17: Sun, 11/7: 150.2
    Day 18: Mon, 11/8: 151.4 Had a high sodium day yesterday and only drank 6 cups of water. Was under calories and did 35 minutes exercise.
    Day 19: Tue, 11/9: 150.4
    Day 20: Wed, 11/10: 149.8
    Day 21: Thu, 11/11: 149.6
    Week 3 Loss: -0.2

    Day 22: Fri, 11/12: 150.2
    Day 23: Sat, 11/13: 151.4 Expected. Ate lunch at a restaurant yesterday so this bump is sodium. Logged as best I could. The restaurant doesn’t have online nutrition info so had to use MFP database so probably not very accurate. Will be chugging water today.
    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 151.4
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 150.8
    Day 26: Tue, 11/16: 150.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 150
    Day 28: Thu, 11/18: 149.8
    Week 4 Loss: -1.4

    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 148.8
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 149
    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 148.8
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 148.2
    Day 33: Tue, 11/23: 148.6
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 148.4
    Day 35: Thu, 11/25: 147.6
    Week 5 GAIN: +0.4

    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 149.2
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 148.8
    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 147.8
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 147.4
    Day 40: Tue, 11/30: 147
    November Loss: -5.6

    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 147
    Day 42: Thu, 12/2: 146.4
    Week 6 Loss: -2.6

    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 146.6
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 146.2
    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 145.6
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 145
    Day 47: Tue, 12/7: 144.8
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 145
    Day 49: Thu, 12/9: 145
    Week 7 Loss: -1.4

    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 145.2
    Day 51: Sat, 12/11: 144.2
    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 144.2
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 143.8
    Day 54: Tue, 12/14: 144
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 143.4
    Day 56: Thu, 12/16: 143.2
    Week 8 Loss: -2

    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 143.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 143.6
    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 142.2
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 142.4
    Day 61: Tue, 12/21: 142
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.4
    Day 63: Thu, 12/23: 142.4
    Week 9 Loss: -1

    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 142.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 145.2
    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 145.8 Totally expected Christmas bloat. It will be gone this week...just in time for the New Year's bloat!
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 144.8
    Day 68: Tue, 12/28: 143.4
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 142.2 Christmas bloat gone!
    Day 70: Thu, 12/30: 142.4
    Week 10 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 142.4 Before Christmas I was wobbling at 142.x. Looks like I'm still wobbling!
    December Loss: -4.6

    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 141.8
    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 141.2
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 141.2
    Day 75: Tue, 1/4: 141
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 140.8
    Day 77: Thu, 1/6: 142.4 Extremely maddening. I went to a Chinese buffet last night, so this is sodium and actual weight of the food, but still. I didn't eat to the point that I was stuffed, and I didn't eat 1.4 fat pounds worth of calories. One day to put it on, 3 days to take it off! :#
    Week 11 Loss: -2

    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 140.4 Well, that was the fastest I've ever dropped water weight! I drank 12 cups of water yesterday, so maybe that helped.
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8: 140.4
    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 140.2
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10: 140.4
    Day 82: Tue, 1/11: 139.4 Made goal for this challenge! Now I just have to hold on to it.
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12: 139.4
    Day 84: Thu, 1/13: 139.2
    Week 12 Loss: -1.2

    Day 85: Fri, 1/14: 139.2
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15: 138.2
    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 138.8
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 138.2
    Day 89: Tue, 1/18: DNW
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 139.4 I had a lazy, indulgent Monday and was too scared to get on the scale yesterday haha!
    Day 91: Thu, 1/20: 139.2
    Week 13 Loss: -0.6

    Day 92: Fri, 1/21: 138.6
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22: 138.8
    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 138.4
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 138.4
    Day 96: Tue, 1/25: 137 Finally out of the 138s!
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 136.8

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member

    Good to hear from you. I am a worrier lol.

    I appreciate you worrying about me. Thank you!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 201.4
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 199.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: 199.8

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 200
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 202.2
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 202.2
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 200.8
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 199
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 199
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 197.6
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 198
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 197.6

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 197.6
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 197.4
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 198.4
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 198.6
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 197.2
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 196.6
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 197.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 196.2
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 197.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 196.4
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 198.8
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 198.6
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 199.2
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 197.4
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 196.6
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 195
    4th Week Goal Weight: 195.6
    4th Week Actual Weight: 195

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 192.2 - this puts me at 100+ pounds lost! WOO HOO!
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 192.8
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 193.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 193.4
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 192.4
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 192.4
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 194.2
    5th Week Goal Weight: 193.2
    5th Week Actual Weight: 194.2

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 194.4
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 193.8
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 194.2
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 192.4
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 192.2
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 192.4
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 192
    6th Week Goal Weight: 192.2
    6th Week Actual Weight: 192

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 191.6
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 192.4
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 192.2
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 192.8
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2: 192
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 192.8
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 192.4
    7th Week Goal Weight: 190.8
    7th Week Actual Weight: 192.4

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 191.8
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 191.2
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 190
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 190
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 188.2
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 189.6
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 189.2
    8th Week Goal Weight: 191.6
    8th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 189.6
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 191.8
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 191.6
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 191.4
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 190.6
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 189.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 187.4
    9th Week Goal Weight: 187.4
    9th Week Actual Weight: 187.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 187.4
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 188.2
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 188.6
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 186.2
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23: 187.8
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 189.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 189.2
    10th Week Goal Weight: 186.6
    10th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 190
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 189.8
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28: 191.2
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 191
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30: 190.6
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 188.6
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 190.6
    11th Week Goal Weight: 187.8
    11th Week Actual Weight: 190.6
    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 188
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 188
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 186.8
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 188.2
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6: 187
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 186.8
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8: 185.2
    12th Week Goal Weight: 187
    12th Week Actual Weight: 185.2

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 185.4
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10: 184.8
    Day 82: Tues, 1/11: 184.6
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12: 183.4
    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13: 184.6
    Day 85: Fri, 1/14: 183.2
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15: 182.2
    12th Week Goal Weight: 184.2
    12th Week Actual Weight: 182.2

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 184.4
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 185.4
    Day 89: Tues, 1/18: 184.4
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 183.2
    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20: 181.4
    Day 92: Fri, 1/21: 183
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22: 185
    14th Week Goal Weight: 180.8
    14th Week Actual Weight: 185

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 185.2
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 186
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 183.8
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 180.2
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27:
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:
    15th Week Goal Weight: 179.6
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,102 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »

    We haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Everything okay in your world??

    @dawnbgethealthy - Thank you for checking in with me.
    Yes all is okay though I have really off track at the moment. Letting excuses pile up and derail me.
    My granddaughter is 3 weeks old. I ended up babysitting her last week twice for long periods of time in addition to the 2 hr round trip. Actually ended up at their home 4x in 6 days ... called in to help.
    Then the volunteer job I have Learn English Ministry through our church kicked off and instead of co-teaching I am on my own with Level 2 class. Most of the volunteer teachers did not come back so instead of 2 per class we only have 1 per class.
    Oh and LEM conflicts with my Tues & Thurs strength training class.
    AND AND AND ... lots of things with kids, dogs, hubby, leading book club discussion which meant I needed to finish the book, etc.

    I need to refocus and pull it together. First things first ... I will journal every bite today and I will attend my strength training class Wed night since I'm missing the Tues & Thurs class this week.

    @Lilylady3k Glad to hear you & new grandbaby are doing well. I was worried a bit too, especially with the new baby's arrival. On your schedule and conflicts, trust me, I get it. My life has been a mess for a while with no end in sight. We will just have to ride out the waves when the high winds and storms venture into our path on this journey. It is so much easier when there is time to log, research, exercise, plan meals, prep cook, do special grocery shopping etc. But life isn't always tied up in a neat little bow. My goals right now is to do all I can, when I can, where I can, how I can. That is my 100% right now. My plan: When my plate is full, finish everything on it then lick it before it licks me! Puns intended LOL. Hang in there. We support you!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,102 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8)
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9)
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4)
    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 21…..11/11…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 22…..11/12…..189.4…..(Trend weight 188.8)
    Day 23…..11/13…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.0)
    Day 24…..11/14…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 26…..11/16…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 27…..11/17…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 28…..11/18…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 29…..11/19…..190.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 30…..11/20…..190.2…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 31…..11/21…..187.6…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 32…..11/22…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 33…..11/23…..187.2…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 34…..11/24…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 35…..11/25…..191.0…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 36…..11/26…..193.4…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 37…..11/27…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.9)
    Day 38…..11/28…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 39…..11/29…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 40…..11/30…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.7)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. 1 lb GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..4 LBS GAINED

    Day 41…..12/01…..188.7…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 42…..12/02…..188.2…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 43…..12/03…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 44…..12/04…..188.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 45…..12/05…..189.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 46…..12/06…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 47…..12/07…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 48…..12/08…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.6)
    Day 49…..12/09…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 50…..12/10…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.7)


    Day 51…..12/11…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 52…..12/12…..192.0…..(Trend weight 190.0)
    Day 53…..12/13…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 54…..12/14…..191.6…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 55…..12/15…..190.4…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 56…..12/16…..189.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 57…..12/17…..189.6…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 58…..12/18…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 59…..12/19…..191.0…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 60…..12/19…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.5)
    Day 61…..12/21…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 62…..12/22…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.7)
    Day 63…..12/23…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.8)
    Day 64…..12/24…..192.4…..(Trend weight 190.9)
    Day 65…..12/25…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.1)
    Day 66…..12/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 67…..12/27…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 68…..12/28…..193.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 69…..12/29…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 70…..12/30…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 71…..12/31…..191.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. 2.4 lbs GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..6.5 GAINED so far during challenge.

    Day 72…..01/01…..190.0…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 73…..01/02…..189.8…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 74…..01/03…..191.0…..(Trend weight 191.3)
    Day 75…..01/04…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 76…..01/05…..193.2…..(Trend weight 191.6)
    Day 77…..01/06…..194.0…..(Trend weight 191.8)
    Day 78…..01/07…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 79…..01/08…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 80…..01/09…..192.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 81…..01/10…..194.4…..(Trend weight 192.1)
    Day 82…..01/11…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 83…..01/12…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 84…..01/13…..192.8…..(Trend weight 192.3)
    Day 85…..01/14…..194.0…..(Trend weight 192.5)

    Day 86…..01/15…..194.6…..(Trend weight 192.7) Finished the leftovers, the stocking and apparently everything else in the house! Another restart today. Hope it works this time!

    Day 87…..01/16…..193.8…..(Trend weight 192.8) I am happy to see some progress. Kitchen reno is done (for now) and now begins the livingroom painting. Also adding two small walls to keep an open concept but give me small areas for extra cabinets on the dining room side. This will likely take a few weeks but at least I have free access to the kitchen (and meal planning) again! I finally broke down and changed my ticker to the higher weight I’ve had since late Oct before my surgery and the holidays. I was not happy to do it but keeping it real and honest is important! It is odd to read posts on the different challenges about how many times folks get up to go pee at night. I usually read once for most people. I get up every 40 minutes at the most. I monitor this to share with my doctor. Last night I actually got up 14 times which is a little more than usual. During the day I also urinate just as often. I can never go a full hour. No, I don’t take a water pill. I think it is a combo of the diabetes and the medications for it, and the fact that I drink coffee all day until about 5:00 pm (since I go to bed so late it’s okay). My normal four hours of sleep are always so disrupted! My fitbit also tracks this for me. How I wish I could get that 4 hours uninterrupted! I do keep water at my bedside and sip everytime I get up but that is because of my breathing machine drying out my mouth so bad. That happens to be bad for the teeth so keeping my mouth moist is important too. A vicious cycle!

    Day 88…..01/17…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.0) No TMI and I just could get full yesterday. Hopefully the scale will fare better tomorrow if my body functions (TMI) cooperate. My breathing machine doesn’t wake me up. It’s that I have to pee so often, even during the day. It’s really bad when my sugar is really high. It is just my body trying to rid the sugar (toxic) similar to alcohol when I pee a lot if I drink. My body is trying to save me, now if I could just help a little bit more!
    Day 89…..01/18…..193.8…..(Trend weight 193.0) Good meals but too much grazing during the day. Extra hungry for some reason. Today there will be more work on the living room reno project. This project will last several weeks. No room. Furniture covered and in the center. No privacy again. However, the dining room turned out nice and the living room will be an even bigger impact! Glad to be getting some of this out of the way during the cold snowy and icy months. I will need some alone time to leave the house to walk when the weather gets better.

    Day 90…..01/19…..193.2…..(Trend weight 193.1) Well, this certainly proves that results, good or bad, are not always reflected the very next morning. I had a bad eating day yesterday for sure. Yet the scale is down. Very low steps, practically no water. Very bad sleep, disrupted. Busy, busy day. Yet the scale is down by slightly over ½ pound. This must be a result of the past couple of days where my meals were more planned and within my limits. I suspect the scale will creep back up because of yesterday’s fiasco. I’ll work on a good day today.

    Day 91…..01/20…..192.6…..(Trend weight 193.0)
    Day 92…..01/21…..193.0…..(Trend weight 193.0) I had a great day yesterday until that late night piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip. Otherwise, I am proud of my choices for my meals and for the quantities I managed to stick to, even with the pie! I started babysitting Mon-Thur (sometimes Friday) for my 4 yr old live-in grandson. He will likely keep me on my toes. I started last Monday but movement in house is still restricted. So far, he spends more time upstairs in his room.

    Day 93…..01/22…..193.6…..(Trend weight 193.1) Pasta last night, all within calories so I am a bit teed off about the uptick but when thinking about it, pasta often does this to me. It’s an easy frozen go-to when I have a busy day. I’m going to try for more steps today. I don’t have much room for movement in this house right now but I’ve got to do something!
    Day 94…..01/23…..196.0…..(Trend weight 193.1) WTH????? Okay, I know how to play this game and THIS doesn’t make ANY sense! I did have Chinese carry-out for dinner brought in by daughter so I expected a bump up even though I drank extra water and I only ate half leaving leftovers for today, but the rest of my day was very good. It has to be the lack of exercise. This project is not yet half finished . My poor grandson is trapped upstairs and I’m trapped down. I’ve got to use the steps today for some extra movement.
    Day 95…..01/24…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.5) Well, my calories were about the same as the day before and so was my (lack of) exercise level. Scratching head but understanding there are times when it just can’t be understood.
    Day 96…..01/25…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.6) Reno going strong. Hair appointment today so my son will keep an eye on the crew. Tomorrow I go quite far for the dentist and will shop while I have the opportunity. It will be a long day with no advancement in the projects but these teeth must be cleaned!
    Day 97…..01/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.6) No change this morning but the day was par for the course. 7000 step range. 15 flights of stairs. Totally restricted other than my stairs which are in the same room as the reno. I’m sure they think I am a crazy woman up & down those stairs but I just keep pretending that this old lady is setting an example for them. I traveled today to the dentist for my cleaning. I go every 4 months now that I’m older and have gum issues. Lots of shopping afterward and a nice dinner at Applebee’s that was way over calorie and carb. I hope tomorrow the scale will just overlook the whole thing and throw me a bone! Got home late evening so no work done on the house today. I left at 9:00 a.m. Yikes, folks. Look below this sentence! Only 3 days left! Pitiful!
    Day 98…..01/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 147.2lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 135lbs (29th Jan 2022)
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 147.2 (trend 149.1)
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23 149.4 (trend 149.2) Ate a lot of bulky low cal food yesterday, so I'm guessing this gain is mainly waste. Not a great start!
    1st Week Goal Weight: 147.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 149.4

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 148.2 (trend 149.0) Settling back down
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 148.6 (trend 148.9)Feel like I'm going backwards
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 147.4 (trend 148.7)Almost back where I started
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 148.6 (trend 148.7) Been around this weight for 2 weeks now
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 147.0 (trend 148.5) This is the boost I needed!
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 148.2 (trend 148.4)Drank a large glass of water before weighing, oops!
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 147.0 (trend 148.2) Nearly made my goal
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 146.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 147.0

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 147.2 (trend 148.1) Had a binge last night
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 146.8 (trend 147.9) slept most of the day!
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 146.0 (trend 147.7) surprised at this drop!
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 146.0 (trend 147.5) glad to still be holding this number
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 145.0 (trend 147.1) Shocked!
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 145.0 (trend 146.8) Holding steady!
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 145.2 (trend 146.6) 1.8lbs lost this week, yay!
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 146.4
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 145.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 146.6 (trend 146.6) over calories
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 146.6 (trend 146.6) bloated
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 145.8 (trend 146.5) Hopefull!
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 145.2 (trend 146.3) So slooow
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 147.0 (trend 146.4) dammit
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 148.6 (trend 146.8) Uh Oh!
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 147.2 (trend 146.8) Hmm.
    4th Week Goal Weight: 144
    4th Week Actual Weight: 147.2

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 146.2 (trend 146.6) ok, getting back
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 145.0 (trend 146.5) feeling a lot better about this!
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 145.2 (trend 146.3) Expected as no tmi
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 146.2 (trend 146.1) boo.
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 143.6 (trend 145.9) now that's what I like to see!
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 143.8 (trend 145.6) Happy with this
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 142.8 (trend 145.2) No longer overweight!!
    5th Week Goal Weight: 144
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.8

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 142.4 (trend 144.9) A nice start to week 6
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 141.8 (trend 144.4) still dropping!
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 141.4 (trend 144.0) Great!
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 140.6 (trend 143.6) 40lbs lost!
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 140.2 (trend 143.2) come on 130s!
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 140.0 (trend 142.7) Hit my end of year goal one month early, yay!
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 142.0 (trend 142.6) up 2lbs from yesterday?? Well at least I made my goal even with the strange fluctuations, serves as a reminder not to get complacent!
    6th Week Goal Weight: 142.0
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.0

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 143.0 (trend 142.7) Taking this with a pinch of salt as long car journeys and flying yesterday, but I was also way over calories. Hopefully it'll come back down over the next few days however totm is due soon so maybe not.
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 142.2 (trend 142.6) Settling back down
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 143.0 (trend 142.7) trying not to worry!
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:143.0 (142.7) hmm
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:141.0 (trend 142.5) phew!
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 141.8 (trend 142.4) need to drink more water
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:142.2 (trend 142.4) take away and beers, oops!
    7th Week Goal Weight: 141.0
    7th Week Actual Weight: 142.2

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 141.0 (trend 142.2) need to stop bouncing around and get back to losing
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 141.4 (trend 142.1) Trend weight still going down thankfully
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 140.6 (trend 141.9) low food day yesterday
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 140.0 (trend 141.6) surprised at this as I went way over calories
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 139.8 (trend 141.4) Oo 130s!
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 140.4 (trend 141.2)Happy halfway point! 6.8lbs lost so far, 5.4 to go!
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 140.4 (trend 141.1) bit of a binge last night
    8th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    8th Week Actual Weight: 140.4

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 142.0 (trend 141.3)oh dear! +1.6lbs
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 142.2 (trend 141.4) No tmi for 2 days
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 140.0 (trend 141.2 The bloat is gone!
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 139.4 (trend 140.9)New low weight, yay!
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 139.6 (trend 140.8)Had a bit of a binge
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 138.6 (trend 140.5) dropped some water weight
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 141.4 (trend 140.6) Gained water weight back and then some!
    9th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    9th Week Actual Weight: 141.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 140.2 (trend 140.6) Countdown to Christmas!
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:140.6 (trend 140.6) haven't been sleeping well or drinking enough water
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 140.0 (trend 140.5) Lots of carb cravings yesterday
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.2 (trend140.8) Far too much junk
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:143.2 (trend 141.1) Well.
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:142.6 (trend 141.3) Think I broke the world record for most After Eights eaten in one sitting!
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: DNW
    10th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    10th Week Actual Weight:?

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:DNW
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 145.0 (trend 142.6) Hoping this is mostly water from all the salt and carbs
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:145.2 (trend 142.9) still gaining!
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 145.2 (trend 143.2) dear oh dear
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:146.4 (trend 143.6) Shocked!
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 144.2 (trend 143.7) Well that's a bit more realistic! Happy New Year everyone!
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 146.6 (trend 144.2)Ah well.
    11th Week Goal Weight: No goal
    11th Week Actual Weight:146.6

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 146.8 (trend 144.5) Desperately need to get back in control
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 144.6 (trend 144.5) Much better day
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 142.8 (trend 144.3) glad it's coming back off!
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 141.6 (trend 144.0) Weight is going down but still a bit bloated
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:141.0 (trend 143.5) Glad to see this! It'll be nice to get back to 140lbs, think I lost about 6 weeks progress through December
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 141.0 (trend 143.2) nice to see trend weight is almost back to healthy bmi range
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:140.8 (trend 142.9) Had a bit of a binge so I'm surprised to have dropped again
    12th Week Goal Weight: 143.0
    12th Week Actual Weight: 140.8

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 141.8 (trend 142.7) sodium and carbs blip
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10:140.6 (trend 142.5) active day, low appetite
    Day 82: Tues, 1/11:140.4 (trend 142.2)Surprised to get a drop as had a carby day
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12:139.4 (trend 141.8) back in the 130s!
    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13:141.0 (trend 141.7)Bums, back up again due to a takeaway, wine and chocolate. Why do I always take my foot off the gas whenever I start making any decent progress!
    Day 85: Fri, 1/14:139.6 (trend 141.4)
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15:140.0 (trend 141.2) It's been a bumpy ride this week
    13th Week Goal Weight: 139.0
    13th Week Actual Weight: 140.0

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 142.2 (trend 141.4) This is the result of burger and chips! Eeek!
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 141.6 (trend 141.4)Still quite bloated from Saturday
    Day 89: Tues, 1/18: 140.8 (trend 141.3)
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 141.6 (trend 141.4)
    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20: 140.0 (trend 141.2)
    Day 92: Fri, 1/21:141.0 (trend 141.2)
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22:139.6 (trend 140.9)
    14th Week Goal Weight: 137.0
    14th Week Actual Weight: 139.6

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 140.2 (trend 140.8)
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 141.0 (trend 140.9)
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 140.8 (trend 140.9)
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 140.0 (trend 140.7)
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27: 139.6 (trend 140.6) sorry I haven't been commenting much lately, going through a bit of a low patch, January blues? Hanging on in there and looking forward to the next 100 x
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28:
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:
    15th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge goal weight 135.0
    Current weight 139.6
    Left to lose 4.6lbs
    Full Weeks remaining 0
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,611 Member
    I think that this is my 8th round.
    I started MFP (this time around) at 191.
    I joined this thread at 158.5

    If I don't have 500 calories in the Green on the tracker (on average) I don't lose weight.

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22:- 134.0 - Using my EW from the last 100
    Day 50: 136.6
    Day 75: 136.4

    13th Week Actual Weight: 136.8
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green): 4536 - enough to lose a pound and did

    14th Week Goal Weight: 134.0 - Start weight for this 100
    14th Week Actual Weight: 138.8 - up 2 pounds from last Saturday's weigh in somehow : - (
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green): 4036 - enough to lose a pound

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 137.6 - Last week!
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 139.0 - Weekend catching up, but also weighing at my usual early time.
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 137.8 - A bit better
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 136.6 - Okay, back to day 50 weight somehow. Good.
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27: 137.6 - That was short lived. Better than 139 I suppose.
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:

    15th Week Goal Weight: 134.0 - Start weight for this 100
    15th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess Calories burned (in the Green):

    Challenge Starting Weight: 134.0

    Challenge Goal: 124.0

    Challenge Ending Weight:

    Excess Calories burned (in the Green) this 100:

    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,102 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ October 22, 2021 through January 29, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge October 21, 2021 : : 185.2
    Day 01…..10/22…..DNW…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 02…..10/23…..DNW…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 03…..10/24…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 04…..10/25…..187.0…..(Trend weight 186.9)
    Day 05…..10/26…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.0)
    Day 06…..10/27…..188.2…..(Trend weight 186.8)
    Day 07…..10/28…..189.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 08…..10/29…..186.6…..(Trend weight 187.2)
    Day 09…..10/30…..188.0…..(Trend weight 187.3)
    Day 10…..10/31…..188.2…..(Trend weight 187.2)

    Weight Loss in October (partial month) ……………….. 3.0 lbs GAINED in 10 days!
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..3.0 lb gain

    Day 11…..11/01…..189.4…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 12…..11/02…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.8)
    Day 13…..11/03…..189.0…..(Trend weight 187.9)
    Day 14…..11/04…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.1)
    Day 15…..11/05…..188.8…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 16…..11/06…..188.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 17…..11/07…..189.0…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 18…..11/08…..189.2…..(Trend weight 188.2)
    Day 19…..11/09…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.4)
    Day 20…..11/10…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 21…..11/11…..189.6…..(Trend weight 188.6)
    Day 22…..11/12…..189.4…..(Trend weight 188.8)
    Day 23…..11/13…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.0)
    Day 24…..11/14…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 26…..11/16…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 27…..11/17…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 28…..11/18…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 29…..11/19…..190.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 30…..11/20…..190.2…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 31…..11/21…..187.6…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 32…..11/22…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 33…..11/23…..187.2…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 34…..11/24…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.2)
    Day 35…..11/25…..191.0…..(Trend weight 187.7)
    Day 36…..11/26…..193.4…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 37…..11/27…..191.0…..(Trend weight 189.9)
    Day 38…..11/28…..188.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 39…..11/29…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 40…..11/30…..189.2…..(Trend weight 189.7)

    Weight Loss in November ……………….. 1 lb GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..4 LBS GAINED

    Day 41…..12/01…..188.7…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 42…..12/02…..188.2…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 43…..12/03…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 44…..12/04…..188.8…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 45…..12/05…..189.4…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 46…..12/06…..189.6…..(Trend weight 189.4)
    Day 47…..12/07…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.5)
    Day 48…..12/08…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.6)
    Day 49…..12/09…..190.4…..(Trend weight 189.7)
    Day 50…..12/10…..189.8…..(Trend weight 189.7)


    Day 51…..12/11…..190.6…..(Trend weight 189.8)
    Day 52…..12/12…..192.0…..(Trend weight 190.0)
    Day 53…..12/13…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 54…..12/14…..191.6…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 55…..12/15…..190.4…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 56…..12/16…..189.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 57…..12/17…..189.6…..(Trend weight 190.2)
    Day 58…..12/18…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.3)
    Day 59…..12/19…..191.0…..(Trend weight 190.4)
    Day 60…..12/19…..191.2…..(Trend weight 190.5)
    Day 61…..12/21…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.5)

    Day 62…..12/22…..192.2…..(Trend weight 190.7)
    Day 63…..12/23…..191.4…..(Trend weight 190.8)
    Day 64…..12/24…..192.4…..(Trend weight 190.9)
    Day 65…..12/25…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.1)
    Day 66…..12/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 67…..12/27…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 68…..12/28…..193.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 69…..12/29…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 70…..12/30…..192.0…..(Trend weight 191.7)
    Day 71…..12/31…..191.6…..(Trend weight 191.7)

    Weight Loss in December ……………….. 2.4 lbs GAINED
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..6.5 GAINED so far during challenge.

    Day 72…..01/01…..190.0…..(Trend weight 191.5)
    Day 73…..01/02…..189.8…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 74…..01/03…..191.0…..(Trend weight 191.3)
    Day 75…..01/04…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.4)
    Day 76…..01/05…..193.2…..(Trend weight 191.6)
    Day 77…..01/06…..194.0…..(Trend weight 191.8)
    Day 78…..01/07…..192.6…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 79…..01/08…..191.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 80…..01/09…..192.2…..(Trend weight 191.9)
    Day 81…..01/10…..194.4…..(Trend weight 192.1)
    Day 82…..01/11…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 83…..01/12…..192.6…..(Trend weight 192.2)
    Day 84…..01/13…..192.8…..(Trend weight 192.3)
    Day 85…..01/14…..194.0…..(Trend weight 192.5)

    Day 86…..01/15…..194.6…..(Trend weight 192.7) Finished the leftovers, the stocking and apparently everything else in the house! Another restart today. Hope it works this time!

    Day 87…..01/16…..193.8…..(Trend weight 192.8) I am happy to see some progress. Kitchen reno is done (for now) and now begins the livingroom painting. Also adding two small walls to keep an open concept but give me small areas for extra cabinets on the dining room side. This will likely take a few weeks but at least I have free access to the kitchen (and meal planning) again! I finally broke down and changed my ticker to the higher weight I’ve had since late Oct before my surgery and the holidays. I was not happy to do it but keeping it real and honest is important! It is odd to read posts on the different challenges about how many times folks get up to go pee at night. I usually read once for most people. I get up every 40 minutes at the most. I monitor this to share with my doctor. Last night I actually got up 14 times which is a little more than usual. During the day I also urinate just as often. I can never go a full hour. No, I don’t take a water pill. I think it is a combo of the diabetes and the medications for it, and the fact that I drink coffee all day until about 5:00 pm (since I go to bed so late it’s okay). My normal four hours of sleep are always so disrupted! My fitbit also tracks this for me. How I wish I could get that 4 hours uninterrupted! I do keep water at my bedside and sip everytime I get up but that is because of my breathing machine drying out my mouth so bad. That happens to be bad for the teeth so keeping my mouth moist is important too. A vicious cycle!

    Day 88…..01/17…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.0) No TMI and I just could get full yesterday. Hopefully the scale will fare better tomorrow if my body functions (TMI) cooperate. My breathing machine doesn’t wake me up. It’s that I have to pee so often, even during the day. It’s really bad when my sugar is really high. It is just my body trying to rid the sugar (toxic) similar to alcohol when I pee a lot if I drink. My body is trying to save me, now if I could just help a little bit more!
    Day 89…..01/18…..193.8…..(Trend weight 193.0) Good meals but too much grazing during the day. Extra hungry for some reason. Today there will be more work on the living room reno project. This project will last several weeks. No room. Furniture covered and in the center. No privacy again. However, the dining room turned out nice and the living room will be an even bigger impact! Glad to be getting some of this out of the way during the cold snowy and icy months. I will need some alone time to leave the house to walk when the weather gets better.

    Day 90…..01/19…..193.2…..(Trend weight 193.1) Well, this certainly proves that results, good or bad, are not always reflected the very next morning. I had a bad eating day yesterday for sure. Yet the scale is down. Very low steps, practically no water. Very bad sleep, disrupted. Busy, busy day. Yet the scale is down by slightly over ½ pound. This must be a result of the past couple of days where my meals were more planned and within my limits. I suspect the scale will creep back up because of yesterday’s fiasco. I’ll work on a good day today.

    Day 91…..01/20…..192.6…..(Trend weight 193.0)

    Day 92…..01/21…..193.0…..(Trend weight 193.0) I had a great day yesterday until that late night piece of pumpkin pie with Cool Whip. Otherwise, I am proud of my choices for my meals and for the quantities I managed to stick to, even with the pie! I started babysitting Mon-Thur (sometimes Friday) for my 4 yr old live-in grandson. He will likely keep me on my toes. I started last Monday but movement in house is still restricted. So far, he spends more time upstairs in his room.

    Day 93…..01/22…..193.6…..(Trend weight 193.1) Pasta last night, all within calories so I am a bit teed off about the uptick but when thinking about it, pasta often does this to me. It’s an easy frozen go-to when I have a busy day. I’m going to try for more steps today. I don’t have much room for movement in this house right now but I’ve got to do something!

    Day 94…..01/23…..196.0…..(Trend weight 193.1) WTH????? Okay, I know how to play this game and THIS doesn’t make ANY sense! I did have Chinese carry-out for dinner brought in by daughter so I expected a bump up even though I drank extra water and I only ate half leaving leftovers for today, but the rest of my day was very good. It has to be the lack of exercise. This project is not yet half finished . My poor grandson is trapped upstairs and I’m trapped down. I’ve got to use the steps today for some extra movement.

    Day 95…..01/24…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.5) Well, my calories were about the same as the day before and so was my (lack of) exercise level. Scratching head but understanding there are times when it just can’t be understood.

    Day 96…..01/25…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.6) Reno going strong. Hair appointment today so my son will keep an eye on the crew. Tomorrow I go quite far for the dentist and will shop while I have the opportunity. It will be a long day with no advancement in the projects but these teeth must be cleaned!

    Day 97…..01/26…..194.4…..(Trend weight 193.6) No change this morning but the day was par for the course. 7000 step range. 15 flights of stairs. Totally restricted other than my stairs which are in the same room as the reno. I’m sure they think I am a crazy woman up & down those stairs but I just keep pretending that this old lady is setting an example for them. I traveled today to the dentist for my cleaning. I go every 4 months now that I’m older and have gum issues. Lots of shopping afterward and a nice dinner at Applebee’s that was way over calorie and carb. I hope tomorrow the scale will just overlook the whole thing and throw me a bone! Got home late evening so no work done on the house today. I left at 9:00 a.m. Yikes, folks. Look below this sentence! Only 3 days left! Pitiful!

    Day 98…..01/27…..196.8…..(Trend weight 194.0) After travel weight gain which is ridiculous! 2 ½ pounds overnight. I ate 3 normal meals with nothing exceptional. I did a lot of walking in Hobby Lobby, but otherwise, a lot of sitting including in the dentist chair. Back to babysitting today and restriction during the work on the house today. Back to using the stairs as a form of exercise. Still too cold outside and slippery and now with the babysitting……. Yesterday when I left for dentist office it was 10 below zero actual. Today it is already 20 degrees above zero. Lots of snow today but warmer. Tomorrow will be a high of about 15. I just got over the illness that took 3 weeks to heal. I’m staying warm!

    Day 99…..01/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..01/29…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in January ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited January 2022
    Challenge SW: 155
    Challenge GW: 140

    Days 1-71

    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 155
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 154.4
    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 154.2
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 153.6
    Day 5: Tue, 10/26: 153.6
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 153.4
    Day 7: Thu, 10/28: 153
    Week 1 Loss: -2.6

    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 152.4
    Day 9: Sat, 10/30: 152.4
    Day 10: Sun, 10/31: 152.2
    October Loss: -2.8

    Day 11: Mon, 11/1: 152.6 No obvious reason for the uptick. Didn’t do anything different yesterday. No candy.
    Day 12: Tue, 11/2: 151.6
    Day 13: Wed, 11/3: 151.8
    Day 14: Thu, 11/4: 152 Weighed 3 hours earlier than usual. Had to get up early to bring my sister to the airport.
    Week 2 Loss: -2

    Day 15: Fri, 11/5: 150.4
    Day 16: Sat, 11/6: 150.8
    Day 17: Sun, 11/7: 150.2
    Day 18: Mon, 11/8: 151.4 Had a high sodium day yesterday and only drank 6 cups of water. Was under calories and did 35 minutes exercise.
    Day 19: Tue, 11/9: 150.4
    Day 20: Wed, 11/10: 149.8
    Day 21: Thu, 11/11: 149.6
    Week 3 Loss: -0.2

    Day 22: Fri, 11/12: 150.2
    Day 23: Sat, 11/13: 151.4 Expected. Ate lunch at a restaurant yesterday so this bump is sodium. Logged as best I could. The restaurant doesn’t have online nutrition info so had to use MFP database so probably not very accurate. Will be chugging water today.
    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 151.4
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 150.8
    Day 26: Tue, 11/16: 150.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 150
    Day 28: Thu, 11/18: 149.8
    Week 4 Loss: -1.4

    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 148.8
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 149
    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 148.8
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 148.2
    Day 33: Tue, 11/23: 148.6
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 148.4
    Day 35: Thu, 11/25: 147.6
    Week 5 GAIN: +0.4

    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 149.2
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 148.8
    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 147.8
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 147.4
    Day 40: Tue, 11/30: 147
    November Loss: -5.6

    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 147
    Day 42: Thu, 12/2: 146.4
    Week 6 Loss: -2.6

    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 146.6
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 146.2
    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 145.6
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 145
    Day 47: Tue, 12/7: 144.8
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 145
    Day 49: Thu, 12/9: 145
    Week 7 Loss: -1.4

    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 145.2
    Day 51: Sat, 12/11: 144.2
    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 144.2
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 143.8
    Day 54: Tue, 12/14: 144
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 143.4
    Day 56: Thu, 12/16: 143.2
    Week 8 Loss: -2

    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 143.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 143.6
    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 142.2
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 142.4
    Day 61: Tue, 12/21: 142
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.4
    Day 63: Thu, 12/23: 142.4
    Week 9 Loss: -1

    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 142.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 145.2
    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 145.8 Totally expected Christmas bloat. It will be gone this week...just in time for the New Year's bloat!
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 144.8
    Day 68: Tue, 12/28: 143.4
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 142.2 Christmas bloat gone!
    Day 70: Thu, 12/30: 142.4
    Week 10 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 142.4 Before Christmas I was wobbling at 142.x. Looks like I'm still wobbling!
    December Loss: -4.6

    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 141.8
    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 141.2
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 141.2
    Day 75: Tue, 1/4: 141
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 140.8
    Day 77: Thu, 1/6: 142.4 Extremely maddening. I went to a Chinese buffet last night, so this is sodium and actual weight of the food, but still. I didn't eat to the point that I was stuffed, and I didn't eat 1.4 fat pounds worth of calories. One day to put it on, 3 days to take it off! :#
    Week 11 Loss: -2

    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 140.4 Well, that was the fastest I've ever dropped water weight! I drank 12 cups of water yesterday, so maybe that helped.
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8: 140.4
    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 140.2
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10: 140.4
    Day 82: Tue, 1/11: 139.4 Made goal for this challenge! Now I just have to hold on to it.
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12: 139.4
    Day 84: Thu, 1/13: 139.2
    Week 12 Loss: -1.2

    Day 85: Fri, 1/14: 139.2
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15: 138.2
    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 138.8
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 138.2
    Day 89: Tue, 1/18: DNW
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 139.4 I had a lazy, indulgent Monday and was too scared to get on the scale yesterday haha!
    Day 91: Thu, 1/20: 139.2
    Week 13 Loss: -0.6

    Day 92: Fri, 1/21: 138.6
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22: 138.8
    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 138.4
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 138.4
    Day 96: Tue, 1/25: 137 Finally out of the 138s!
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 136.8
    Day 98: Thu, 1/27: 137.4 Normal adjustment. I had a pretty big loss Tuesday. Still below goal for this challenge.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    @39flavours Sorry to hear you're feeling funky but glad you're still here and we'll love seeing you more active again soon. For now just look after you :)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 201.4
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23: 199.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: 199.8

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 200
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 202.2
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 202.2
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 200.8
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 199
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 199
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 197.6
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 198
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 197.6

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 197.6
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 197.4
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 198.4
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 198.6
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 197.2
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 196.6
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 197.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 196.2
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 197.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 196.4
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 198.8
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 198.6
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 199.2
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 197.4
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 196.6
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 195
    4th Week Goal Weight: 195.6
    4th Week Actual Weight: 195

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 192.2 - this puts me at 100+ pounds lost! WOO HOO!
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 192.8
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 193.6
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 193.4
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 192.4
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 192.4
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 194.2
    5th Week Goal Weight: 193.2
    5th Week Actual Weight: 194.2

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 194.4
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 193.8
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 194.2
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 192.4
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 192.2
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 192.4
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 192
    6th Week Goal Weight: 192.2
    6th Week Actual Weight: 192

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 191.6
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 192.4
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 192.2
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1: 192.8
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2: 192
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 192.8
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4: 192.4
    7th Week Goal Weight: 190.8
    7th Week Actual Weight: 192.4

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 191.8
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 191.2
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 190
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 190
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 188.2
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 189.6
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 189.2
    8th Week Goal Weight: 191.6
    8th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 189.6
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 191.8
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 191.6
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 191.4
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 190.6
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 189.2
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 187.4
    9th Week Goal Weight: 187.4
    9th Week Actual Weight: 187.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 187.4
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20: 188.2
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 188.6
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 186.2
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23: 187.8
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24: 189.2
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: 189.2
    10th Week Goal Weight: 186.6
    10th Week Actual Weight: 189.2

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26: 190
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 189.8
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28: 191.2
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 191
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30: 190.6
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 188.6
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 190.6
    11th Week Goal Weight: 187.8
    11th Week Actual Weight: 190.6
    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 188
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 188
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 186.8
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 188.2
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6: 187
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 186.8
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8: 185.2
    12th Week Goal Weight: 187
    12th Week Actual Weight: 185.2

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 185.4
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10: 184.8
    Day 82: Tues, 1/11: 184.6
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12: 183.4
    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13: 184.6
    Day 85: Fri, 1/14: 183.2
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15: 182.2
    12th Week Goal Weight: 184.2
    12th Week Actual Weight: 182.2

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 184.4
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 185.4
    Day 89: Tues, 1/18: 184.4
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 183.2
    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20: 181.4
    Day 92: Fri, 1/21: 183
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22: 185
    14th Week Goal Weight: 180.8
    14th Week Actual Weight: 185

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 185.2
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 186
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 183.8
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 180.2
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27: 179.8
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:
    15th Week Goal Weight: 179.6
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight: 201.4
    Challenge Goal: 174
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    @39flavours Sorry to hear you're feeling funky but glad you're still here and we'll love seeing you more active again soon. For now just look after you :)

    That means a lot, thank you 💗
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 147.2lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 135lbs (29th Jan 2022)
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Day 1: Fri, 10/22: 147.2 (trend 149.1)
    Day 2: Sat, 10/23 149.4 (trend 149.2) Ate a lot of bulky low cal food yesterday, so I'm guessing this gain is mainly waste. Not a great start!
    1st Week Goal Weight: 147.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 149.4

    Day 3: Sun, 10/24: 148.2 (trend 149.0) Settling back down
    Day 4: Mon, 10/25: 148.6 (trend 148.9)Feel like I'm going backwards
    Day 5: Tues, 10/26: 147.4 (trend 148.7)Almost back where I started
    Day 6: Wed, 10/27: 148.6 (trend 148.7) Been around this weight for 2 weeks now
    Day 7: Thurs, 10/28: 147.0 (trend 148.5) This is the boost I needed!
    Day 8: Fri, 10/29: 148.2 (trend 148.4)Drank a large glass of water before weighing, oops!
    Day 9: Sat: 10/30: 147.0 (trend 148.2) Nearly made my goal
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 146.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 147.0

    Day 10: Sun: 10/31: 147.2 (trend 148.1) Had a binge last night
    Day 11: Mon: 11/1: 146.8 (trend 147.9) slept most of the day!
    Day 12: Tues: 11/2: 146.0 (trend 147.7) surprised at this drop!
    Day 13: Wed: 11/3: 146.0 (trend 147.5) glad to still be holding this number
    Day 14: Thurs: 11/4: 145.0 (trend 147.1) Shocked!
    Day 15: Fri: 11/5: 145.0 (trend 146.8) Holding steady!
    Day 16: Sat: 11/6: 145.2 (trend 146.6) 1.8lbs lost this week, yay!
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 146.4
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 145.2

    Day 17: Sun: 11/7: 146.6 (trend 146.6) over calories
    Day 18: Mon: 11/8: 146.6 (trend 146.6) bloated
    Day 19: Tues: 11/9: 145.8 (trend 146.5) Hopefull!
    Day 20: Wed: 11/10: 145.2 (trend 146.3) So slooow
    Day 21: Thurs: 11/11: 147.0 (trend 146.4) dammit
    Day 22: Fri: 11/12: 148.6 (trend 146.8) Uh Oh!
    Day 23: Sat: 11/13: 147.2 (trend 146.8) Hmm.
    4th Week Goal Weight: 144
    4th Week Actual Weight: 147.2

    Day 24: Sun, 11/14: 146.2 (trend 146.6) ok, getting back
    Day 25: Mon, 11/15: 145.0 (trend 146.5) feeling a lot better about this!
    Day 26: Tues, 11/16: 145.2 (trend 146.3) Expected as no tmi
    Day 27: Wed, 11/17: 146.2 (trend 146.1) boo.
    Day 28: Thurs, 11/18: 143.6 (trend 145.9) now that's what I like to see!
    Day 29: Fri, 11/19: 143.8 (trend 145.6) Happy with this
    Day 30: Sat, 11/20: 142.8 (trend 145.2) No longer overweight!!
    5th Week Goal Weight: 144
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.8

    Day 31: Sun, 11/21: 142.4 (trend 144.9) A nice start to week 6
    Day 32: Mon, 11/22: 141.8 (trend 144.4) still dropping!
    Day 33: Tues, 11/23: 141.4 (trend 144.0) Great!
    Day 34: Wed, 11/24: 140.6 (trend 143.6) 40lbs lost!
    Day 35: Thurs, 11/25: 140.2 (trend 143.2) come on 130s!
    Day 36: Fri, 11/26: 140.0 (trend 142.7) Hit my end of year goal one month early, yay!
    Day 37: Sat, 11/27: 142.0 (trend 142.6) up 2lbs from yesterday?? Well at least I made my goal even with the strange fluctuations, serves as a reminder not to get complacent!
    6th Week Goal Weight: 142.0
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.0

    Day 38: Sun, 11/28: 143.0 (trend 142.7) Taking this with a pinch of salt as long car journeys and flying yesterday, but I was also way over calories. Hopefully it'll come back down over the next few days however totm is due soon so maybe not.
    Day 39: Mon, 11/29: 142.2 (trend 142.6) Settling back down
    Day 40: Tues, 11/30: 143.0 (trend 142.7) trying not to worry!
    Day 41: Wed, 12/1:143.0 (142.7) hmm
    Day 42: Thurs, 12/2:141.0 (trend 142.5) phew!
    Day 43: Fri, 12/3: 141.8 (trend 142.4) need to drink more water
    Day 44: Sat, 12/4:142.2 (trend 142.4) take away and beers, oops!
    7th Week Goal Weight: 141.0
    7th Week Actual Weight: 142.2

    Day 45: Sun, 12/5: 141.0 (trend 142.2) need to stop bouncing around and get back to losing
    Day 46: Mon, 12/6: 141.4 (trend 142.1) Trend weight still going down thankfully
    Day 47: Tues, 12/7: 140.6 (trend 141.9) low food day yesterday
    Day 48: Wed, 12/8: 140.0 (trend 141.6) surprised at this as I went way over calories
    Day 49: Thurs, 12/9: 139.8 (trend 141.4) Oo 130s!
    Day 50: Fri, 12/10: 140.4 (trend 141.2)Happy halfway point! 6.8lbs lost so far, 5.4 to go!
    Day 51: Sat: 12/11: 140.4 (trend 141.1) bit of a binge last night
    8th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    8th Week Actual Weight: 140.4

    Day 52: Sun, 12/12: 142.0 (trend 141.3)oh dear! +1.6lbs
    Day 53: Mon, 12/13: 142.2 (trend 141.4) No tmi for 2 days
    Day 54: Tues, 12/14: 140.0 (trend 141.2 The bloat is gone!
    Day 55: Wed, 12/15: 139.4 (trend 140.9)New low weight, yay!
    Day 56: Thurs, 12/16: 139.6 (trend 140.8)Had a bit of a binge
    Day 57: Fri, 12/17: 138.6 (trend 140.5) dropped some water weight
    Day 58: Sat, 12/18: 141.4 (trend 140.6) Gained water weight back and then some!
    9th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    9th Week Actual Weight: 141.4

    Day 59: Sun, 12/19: 140.2 (trend 140.6) Countdown to Christmas!
    Day 60: Mon, 12/20:140.6 (trend 140.6) haven't been sleeping well or drinking enough water
    Day 61: Tues, 12/21: 140.0 (trend 140.5) Lots of carb cravings yesterday
    Day 62: Wed, 12/22: 142.2 (trend140.8) Far too much junk
    Day 63: Thurs, 12/23:143.2 (trend 141.1) Well.
    Day 64: Fri, 12/24:142.6 (trend 141.3) Think I broke the world record for most After Eights eaten in one sitting!
    Day 65: Sat, 12/25: DNW
    10th Week Goal Weight: 140.0
    10th Week Actual Weight:?

    Day 66: Sun, 12/26:DNW
    Day 67: Mon, 12/27: 145.0 (trend 142.6) Hoping this is mostly water from all the salt and carbs
    Day 68: Tues, 12/28:145.2 (trend 142.9) still gaining!
    Day 69: Wed, 12/29: 145.2 (trend 143.2) dear oh dear
    Day 70: Thurs, 12/30:146.4 (trend 143.6) Shocked!
    Day 71: Fri, 12/31: 144.2 (trend 143.7) Well that's a bit more realistic! Happy New Year everyone!
    Day 72: Sat, 1/1: 146.6 (trend 144.2)Ah well.
    11th Week Goal Weight: No goal
    11th Week Actual Weight:146.6

    Day 73: Sun, 1/2: 146.8 (trend 144.5) Desperately need to get back in control
    Day 74: Mon, 1/3: 144.6 (trend 144.5) Much better day
    Day 75: Tues, 1/4: 142.8 (trend 144.3) glad it's coming back off!
    Day 76: Wed, 1/5: 141.6 (trend 144.0) Weight is going down but still a bit bloated
    Day 77: Thurs, 1/6:141.0 (trend 143.5) Glad to see this! It'll be nice to get back to 140lbs, think I lost about 6 weeks progress through December
    Day 78: Fri, 1/7: 141.0 (trend 143.2) nice to see trend weight is almost back to healthy bmi range
    Day 79: Sat, 1/8:140.8 (trend 142.9) Had a bit of a binge so I'm surprised to have dropped again
    12th Week Goal Weight: 143.0
    12th Week Actual Weight: 140.8

    Day 80: Sun, 1/9: 141.8 (trend 142.7) sodium and carbs blip
    Day 81: Mon, 1/10:140.6 (trend 142.5) active day, low appetite
    Day 82: Tues, 1/11:140.4 (trend 142.2)Surprised to get a drop as had a carby day
    Day 83: Wed, 1/12:139.4 (trend 141.8) back in the 130s!
    Day 84: Thurs, 1/13:141.0 (trend 141.7)Bums, back up again due to a takeaway, wine and chocolate. Why do I always take my foot off the gas whenever I start making any decent progress!
    Day 85: Fri, 1/14:139.6 (trend 141.4)
    Day 86: Sat, 1/15:140.0 (trend 141.2) It's been a bumpy ride this week
    13th Week Goal Weight: 139.0
    13th Week Actual Weight: 140.0

    Day 87: Sun, 1/16: 142.2 (trend 141.4) This is the result of burger and chips! Eeek!
    Day 88: Mon, 1/17: 141.6 (trend 141.4)Still quite bloated from Saturday
    Day 89: Tues, 1/18: 140.8 (trend 141.3)
    Day 90: Wed, 1/19: 141.6 (trend 141.4)
    Day 91: Thurs, 1/20: 140.0 (trend 141.2)
    Day 92: Fri, 1/21:141.0 (trend 141.2)
    Day 93: Sat, 1/22:139.6 (trend 140.9)
    14th Week Goal Weight: 137.0
    14th Week Actual Weight: 139.6

    Day 94: Sun, 1/23: 140.2 (trend 140.8)
    Day 95: Mon, 1/24: 141.0 (trend 140.9)
    Day 96: Tues, 1/25: 140.8 (trend 140.9)
    Day 97: Wed, 1/26: 140.0 (trend 140.7)
    Day 98: Thurs, 1/27: 139.6 (trend 140.6) sorry I haven't been commenting much lately, going through a bit of a low patch, January blues? Hanging on in there and looking forward to the next 100 x
    Day 99: Fri, 1/28: 139.2 (trend 140.4) Lowest trend weight, officially lost my holiday gain at last
    Day 100: Sat, 1/29:
    15th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge goal weight 135.0
    Current weight 139.2
    Left to lose 4.2lbs
    Full Weeks remaining 0