Miyoka_Tata Posts: 329 Member
Hey, Everyone! We are back at it again with round 11!

Congratulations to those of you who stuck it out till the end in round 10! It is a long, but amazing journey and our daily habits can help us achieve our long term goals. We are so proud of you!

This challenge is a 100 days of weighting in daily. This is where we track our fluctuations on a day to day basis to see which foods, activities, & movement make the scale move in the right direction.

Day 1 will be on Sunday, January 30th & Day 100th will be on Monday, May 9th.

Feel free to start whenever you want. Jump in and join even if you didn’t start on Day 1.

The rules are simple:
1. Set yourself a goal of what you want to weigh on Day 100 and work towards getting there for the next 100 days.
2. Weigh yourself daily, unless you can’t (you’re away from home or not near a scale).
3. Don’t get discouraged by fluctuations. Use this as a time to understand your body.
4. Log your weight on here every single day. Feel free to share how you feel about your weigh in as well.
5. Encourage others, including yourself.

Onwards & upwards to healthy living!

If you’re going to join, feel free to copy and paste my next post down below as an entry. Let’s do this!💪

Thank you to curvvycaloriess for originally starting the challenge.


  • Miyoka_Tata
    Miyoka_Tata Posts: 329 Member
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30:
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12
    2nd Week Goal Weight: N/A
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14:
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15:
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16:
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17:
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18:
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19
    3rd Week Goal Weight: N/A
    3rd Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20:
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight:
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27:
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28:
    Day 31: Tues, 3/1:
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2:
    Day 33: Thurs, 3/3:
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4:
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5:
    5th Week Goal Weight:
    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6:
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7:
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8:
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9:
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10:
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11:
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12:
    6th Week Goal Weight:
    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13:
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14:
    Day 45: Tues, 3/15:
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16:
    Day 47: Thurs, 3/17:
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18:
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19:
    7th Week Goal Weight:
    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20:
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21:
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight:
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 57: Sun, 3/27:
    Day 58: Mon, 3/28:
    Day 59: Tues, 3/29:
    Day 60: Wed, 3/30:
    Day 61: Thurs, 3/31:
    Day 62: Fri, 4/1:
    Day 63: Sat, 4/2:
    9th Week Goal Weight:
    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 64: Sun, 4/3:
    Day 65: Mon, 4/4:
    Day 66: Tues, 4/5:
    Day 67: Wed, 4/6:
    Day 68: Thurs, 4/7:
    Day 69: Fri, 4/8:
    Day 70: Sat, 4/9:
    10th Week Goal Weight:
    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 71: Sun, 4/10:
    Day 72: Mon, 4/11:
    Day 73: Tues, 4/12:
    Day 74: Wed, 4/13:
    Day 75: Thurs, 4/14:
    Day 76: Fri, 4/15:
    Day 77: Sat, 4/16:
    11th Week Goal Weight:
    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 78: Sun, 4/17:
    Day 79: Mon, 4/18:
    Day 80: Tues, 4/19:
    Day 81: Wed, 4/20:
    Day 82: Thurs, 4/21:
    Day 83: Fri, 4/22:
    Day 84: Sat, 4/23:
    12th Week Goal Weight:
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 85: Sun, 4/24:
    Day 86: Mon, 4/25:
    Day 87: Tues, 4/26:
    Day 88: Wed, 4/27:
    Day 89: Thurs, 4/28:
    Day 90: Fri, 4/29:
    Day 91: Sat, 4/30:
    13th Week Goal Weight:
    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 92: Sun, 5/1:
    Day 93: Mon, 5/2:
    Day 94: Tues, 5/3:
    Day 95: Wed, 5/4:
    Day 96: Thurs, 5/5:
    Day 97: Fri, 5/6:
    Day 98: Sat, 5/7:
    14th Week Goal Weight:
    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 99: Sun, 5/8:
    Day 100: Mon, 5/9:
    15th Week Goal Weight:
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight:
    Challenge Goal:
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    Thank you @Miyoka_Tata!!!
  • sarahb8388
    sarahb8388 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you @Miyoka_Tata !
    I'm down to join tomorrow, good luck everyone 🙌🏽

    *Challenge Goal: -26 (154lbs)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Thank you @Miyoka_Tata !
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 146.9
    Challenge Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    Day 01 - 10/30 -
    Day 02 - 10/31 -
    Day 03 - 11/01 -
    Day 04 - 11/02 -
    Day 05 - 11/03 -
    Day 06 - 11/04 -
    Day 07 - 11/05 -
    1st Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    1st Week Actual Weight -
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited January 2022
    100 Days of Accountability 1/30-5/9
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.

    Female, Age 61, 5’3”
    Challenge Starting Weight: 212 (1/29)
    Challenge Goal: <200

    History & Goals
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022)
    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    🎯 Mini Goals & Weight:
    * Prior to Oct roadtrip damage: 205
    * 50 lbs lost never to be found: 195
    * Obese stage 1 BMI 34.9: 197
    * Onederland: 199

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

    My goal for 2022 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, strength training, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 64-80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12-16 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 211.4 Walked 3.9 miles, 1823 cal (-99 red), 100 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.
    Highly recommend this recipe for a London Broil. I cooked it twice now ... in the oven and grilled and both turn out great. Love the marinade (2-12 hrs). I used Tamari (Japanese form of soy sauce) instead of the Coconut Aminos. Think I’m going to try the marinade out on chicken next.
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: <210
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A
  • cybernurse251
    cybernurse251 Posts: 159 Member
    This is my first 100 day challenge . I’m eating primarily low carb . I’m 60 and arthritis is keeping from getting good movement . I’m an Icu nurse and eating can be a challenge . Some days at work it’s an eat and run if I’m lucky and some days I don’t eat anything because there is no option, then when I get home it’s I want to eat anything or something that’s bad for me. Here’s to 100 days of eating better and hopefully a decent weight loss . I’m hoping for 40 lbs .
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 263
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 260
    1st Week Actual Weight:

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 257
    2ndWeek Actual Weight:

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14:
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15:
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16:
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17:
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18:
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 254
    3rd Week Actual Weight:

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20:
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight:251
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27:
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28:
    Day 31: Tues, 3/1:
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2:
    Day 33: Thurs, 3/3:
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4:
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5:
    5th Week Goal Weight:248
    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6:
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7:
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8:
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9:
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10:
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11:
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12:
    6th Week Goal Weight:245
    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13:
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14:
    Day 45: Tues, 3/15:
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16:
    Day 47: Thurs, 3/17:
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18:
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19:
    7th Week Goal Weight:243
    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20:
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21:
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight:241
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 57: Sun, 3/27:
    Day 58: Mon, 3/28:
    Day 59: Tues, 3/29:
    Day 60: Wed, 3/30:
    Day 61: Thurs, 3/31:
    Day 62: Fri, 4/1:
    Day 63: Sat, 4/2:
    9th Week Goal Weight:238
    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 64: Sun, 4/3:
    Day 65: Mon, 4/4:
    Day 66: Tues, 4/5:
    Day 67: Wed, 4/6:
    Day 68: Thurs, 4/7:
    Day 69: Fri, 4/8:
    Day 70: Sat, 4/9:
    10th Week Goal Weight:235
    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 71: Sun, 4/10:
    Day 72: Mon, 4/11:
    Day 73: Tues, 4/12:
    Day 74: Wed, 4/13:
    Day 75: Thurs, 4/14:
    Day 76: Fri, 4/15:
    Day 77: Sat, 4/16:
    11th Week Goal Weight:232
    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 78: Sun, 4/17:
    Day 79: Mon, 4/18:
    Day 80: Tues, 4/19:
    Day 81: Wed, 4/20:
    Day 82: Thurs, 4/21:
    Day 83: Fri, 4/22:
    Day 84: Sat, 4/23:
    12th Week Goal Weight:229
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 85: Sun, 4/24:
    Day 86: Mon, 4/25:
    Day 87: Tues, 4/26:
    Day 88: Wed, 4/27:
    Day 89: Thurs, 4/28:
    Day 90: Fri, 4/29:
    Day 91: Sat, 4/30:
    13th Week Goal Weight:226
    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 92: Sun, 5/1:
    Day 93: Mon, 5/2:
    Day 94: Tues, 5/3:
    Day 95: Wed, 5/4:
    Day 96: Thurs, 5/5:
    Day 97: Fri, 5/6:
    Day 98: Sat, 5/7:
    14th Week Goal Weight:223
    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 99: Sun, 5/8:
    Day 100: Mon, 5/9:
    15th Week Goal Weight:220
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight:263
    Challenge Goal:220
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • nic0520
    nic0520 Posts: 86 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi! I am Nicole, I live in Florida, I'm 48, and started intermittent fasting about 2 weeks ago. I have tried all the diets out there- WW, 3-hour diet, keto (which I lost the most, but it is not sustainable for me- I gain back twice as much just looking at a piece of bread) I read an article on MFP about IF and having great success and I feel great. I am excited to see this 100-day challenge and look forward to supporting and cheering on everyone!

    Highest weight 289
    Current weight 234.3
    Ultimate goal weight 175
    100-day goal weight 210

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 234.30
    Day 2: Mon, 1/21:
    Day 3: Tues 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed 2/2:
    Day 5: Thur 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 232
    1st Week Actual Weight:

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12
    2nd Week Goal Weight: N/A
    2nd Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14:
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15:
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16:
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17:
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18:
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19
    3rd Week Goal Weight: N/A
    3rd Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20:
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight:
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27:
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28:
    Day 31: Tues, 3/1:
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2:
    Day 33: Thurs, 3/3:
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4:
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5:
    5th Week Goal Weight:
    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6:
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7:
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8:
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9:
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10:
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11:
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12:
    6th Week Goal Weight:
    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13:
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14:
    Day 45: Tues, 3/15:
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16:
    Day 47: Thurs, 3/17:
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18:
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19:
    7th Week Goal Weight:
    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20:
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21:
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight:
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 57: Sun, 3/27:
    Day 58: Mon, 3/28:
    Day 59: Tues, 3/29:
    Day 60: Wed, 3/30:
    Day 61: Thurs, 3/31:
    Day 62: Fri, 4/1:
    Day 63: Sat, 4/2:
    9th Week Goal Weight:
    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 64: Sun, 4/3:
    Day 65: Mon, 4/4:
    Day 66: Tues, 4/5:
    Day 67: Wed, 4/6:
    Day 68: Thurs, 4/7:
    Day 69: Fri, 4/8:
    Day 70: Sat, 4/9:
    10th Week Goal Weight:
    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 71: Sun, 4/10:
    Day 72: Mon, 4/11:
    Day 73: Tues, 4/12:
    Day 74: Wed, 4/13:
    Day 75: Thurs, 4/14:
    Day 76: Fri, 4/15:
    Day 77: Sat, 4/16:
    11th Week Goal Weight:
    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 78: Sun, 4/17:
    Day 79: Mon, 4/18:
    Day 80: Tues, 4/19:
    Day 81: Wed, 4/20:
    Day 82: Thurs, 4/21:
    Day 83: Fri, 4/22:
    Day 84: Sat, 4/23:
    12th Week Goal Weight:
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 85: Sun, 4/24:
    Day 86: Mon, 4/25:
    Day 87: Tues, 4/26:
    Day 88: Wed, 4/27:
    Day 89: Thurs, 4/28:
    Day 90: Fri, 4/29:
    Day 91: Sat, 4/30:
    13th Week Goal Weight:
    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 92: Sun, 5/1:
    Day 93: Mon, 5/2:
    Day 94: Tues, 5/3:
    Day 95: Wed, 5/4:
    Day 96: Thurs, 5/5:
    Day 97: Fri, 5/6:
    Day 98: Sat, 5/7:
    14th Week Goal Weight:
    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 99: Sun, 5/8:
    Day 100: Mon, 5/9:
    15th Week Goal Weight:
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight: 234.3
    Challenge Goal: 210
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Back for my second 100 day challenge! I am looking to hit my first ultimate goal weight of 125 lbs lost by end of March / early April. While that will put me in normal BMI, I will be at the very top end so I believe I'll likely keep losing until I get closer to mid-range.

    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight:
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 239.6
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 236
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 233
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14:
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15:
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16:
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17:
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18:
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 230
    3rd Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20:
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21:
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22:
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23:
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24:
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25:
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26:
    4th Week Goal Weight:
    4th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27:
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28:
    Day 31: Tues, 3/1:
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2:
    Day 33: Thurs, 3/3:
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4:
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5:
    5th Week Goal Weight:
    5th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6:
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7:
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8:
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9:
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10:
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11:
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12:
    6th Week Goal Weight:
    6th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13:
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14:
    Day 45: Tues, 3/15:
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16:
    Day 47: Thurs, 3/17:
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18:
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19:
    7th Week Goal Weight:
    7th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20:
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21:
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight:
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 57: Sun, 3/27:
    Day 58: Mon, 3/28:
    Day 59: Tues, 3/29:
    Day 60: Wed, 3/30:
    Day 61: Thurs, 3/31:
    Day 62: Fri, 4/1:
    Day 63: Sat, 4/2:
    9th Week Goal Weight:
    9th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 64: Sun, 4/3:
    Day 65: Mon, 4/4:
    Day 66: Tues, 4/5:
    Day 67: Wed, 4/6:
    Day 68: Thurs, 4/7:
    Day 69: Fri, 4/8:
    Day 70: Sat, 4/9:
    10th Week Goal Weight:
    10th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 71: Sun, 4/10:
    Day 72: Mon, 4/11:
    Day 73: Tues, 4/12:
    Day 74: Wed, 4/13:
    Day 75: Thurs, 4/14:
    Day 76: Fri, 4/15:
    Day 77: Sat, 4/16:
    11th Week Goal Weight:
    11th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 78: Sun, 4/17:
    Day 79: Mon, 4/18:
    Day 80: Tues, 4/19:
    Day 81: Wed, 4/20:
    Day 82: Thurs, 4/21:
    Day 83: Fri, 4/22:
    Day 84: Sat, 4/23:
    12th Week Goal Weight:
    12th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 85: Sun, 4/24:
    Day 86: Mon, 4/25:
    Day 87: Tues, 4/26:
    Day 88: Wed, 4/27:
    Day 89: Thurs, 4/28:
    Day 90: Fri, 4/29:
    Day 91: Sat, 4/30:
    13th Week Goal Weight:
    13th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 92: Sun, 5/1:
    Day 93: Mon, 5/2:
    Day 94: Tues, 5/3:
    Day 95: Wed, 5/4:
    Day 96: Thurs, 5/5:
    Day 97: Fri, 5/6:
    Day 98: Sat, 5/7:
    14th Week Goal Weight:
    14th Week Actual Weight:

    Day 99: Sun, 5/8:
    Day 100: Mon, 5/9:
    15th Week Goal Weight:
    15th Week Actual Weight:

    Challenge Starting Weight:239.6
    Challenge Goal:
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • Miyoka_Tata
    Miyoka_Tata Posts: 329 Member
    edited January 2022
    I am Miyoka! I am working on consistent daily healthy habits, so I can stop gaining and losing over and over again. Good luck everyone!☺️

    Challenge Starting Weight: 217.2
    Challenge Goal: 203

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 217.2
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 216
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    Thank you @Miyoka_Tata

    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 138.8lbs (trend 139.9)
    Challenge goal weight: 133lbs (9th May 2022)
    Ultimate goal weight: 122.4lbs

    Aiming for a more realistic 0.5lb loss per week (hopefully!) and am using my trend weight to set my targets

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 138.8 (trend 139.9) Starting the challenge with my trend weight in a new decade, woo!

    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 139.5
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A
  • sarahb8388
    sarahb8388 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Everyone👋🏾

    I'm Sarah, I'm 33, and I'm new to my weight loss goals but ultimately I'm looking to get back in shape, and have more energy. Right now, I'm watching my calories, eating low carb, drinking a lot of H20, and exercising.

    I'm also looking for more accountability partners so feel free to add me if you're needing some too. 😊

    Challenge Starting Weight: 184 lbs
    Challenge Goal: -30 lbs (154lbs)

    ✅Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 184 (PM check in)
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 182
    1st Week Actual Weight: TBD

    Total Weight Loss for Challenge: 0

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited January 2022
    100 Days of Accountability 1/30-5/9
    I need to quit losing the same pounds over and over. If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.

    Female, Age 61, 5’3”
    Challenge Starting Weight: 212 (1/29)
    Challenge Goal: <200

    History & Goals
    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.
    Ultimate Lifetime Goal: Weigh Less Each Year Than the Last
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    2021 SW: 212 BMI 37.6 (1/1/2021) NOTE: Low 201.1 in August 2021
    2022 SW: 209 BMI 37.0 (1/1/2022)
    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    🎯 Mini Goals & Weight:
    * Prior to Oct roadtrip damage: 205
    * 50 lbs lost never to be found: 195
    * Obese stage 1 BMI 34.9: 197
    * Onederland: 199

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

    My goal for 2022 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, strength training, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 64-80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12-16 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 211.4 Walked 3.9 miles, 1823 cal (-99 red), 100 net carbs, 2 glasses wine.
    Highly recommend this recipe for a London Broil. I cooked it twice now ... in the oven and grilled and both turn out great. Love the marinade (2-12 hrs). I used Tamari (Japanese form of soy sauce) instead of the Coconut Aminos. Think I’m going to try the marinade out on chicken next.
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 210.1 Walked 3 miles, 1763 cal (-112 red), 65 net carbs, 3 glasses wine. The above marinade works wonders with chicken legs! Completed menu plan and grocery list for this week. Also prepped the Unit 1 for volunteer teaching ESL/LEM (Learn English Ministry). I’m teaching using series of books by Steven Molinsky.. I teach Level 2 but the church also teaches Level 1, 3, 4 and citizenship. We offer the classes free to the community. I’m using the Side by Side Plus: Teacher’s Guide 2 while the students use Side by Side Plus 2 Book for student and then we also have the Side by Side Plus 2A activity student book. NOTE: I was never a teacher in my lifetime but decided during retirement teaching English to adults from all over the world would be interesting and worth it. So many of my students moved here to live with their children and want to talk to their grandchildren. Or they moved here and are seeking a new life. One student was a reporter and fled to US while his wife and child are in another country … since he doesn’t speak English he is waiting tables trying to learn English from his customers. Others were engineers, teachers, doctors, etc. My students are from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan, Vietnam, South Korea, China. It is interesting to learn about their live styles and countries while I teach them English.
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: <210
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2
    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6) Gaining 2 ½ pounds a day is crazy. Small drops in-between but then large 2 ½ lb leaps. Yesterday was pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner. Real Chocolate and regular milk. All bad news! I’ll work harder today. I’m not hitting the 200 mark again! I’ve worked too hard!
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9) This had GOT to be a better round and it’s not just for vain reasons. Health, health, health. Good luck Everyone. Let’s go get real proud of ourselves!

    Day 03…..02/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 04…..02/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 05…..02/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 06…..02/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 07…..02/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 08…..02/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 09…..02/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 10…..02/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 11…..02/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 12…..02/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 13…..02/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 14…..02/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 15……02/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 16…..02/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 17…..02/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 18…..02/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 19…..02/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 20…..02/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 21…..02/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 22…..02/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 23…..02/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 24…..02/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 25…..02/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 26…..02/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 27…..02/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 28…..02/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 29…..02/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 30…..02/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 31…..03/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 32…..03/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 33…..03/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 34…..03/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 35…..03/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 36…..03/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 37…..03/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 38…..03/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 39…..03/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 40…..03/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 41…..03/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 42…..03/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 43…..03/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 44…..03/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 45…..03/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 46…..03/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 47…..03/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 48…..03/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 50…..03/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51…..03/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,639 Member

    Thank you for keeping us going : - )
    Stay with us.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,639 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30:
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31:
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: N/A
    1st Week Actual Weight: N/A

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6:
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7:
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8:
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9:
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10:
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11:
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12
    2nd Week Goal Weight: N/A
    2ndWeek Actual Weight: N/A
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 136.4
    Challenge GW: 125

    This is my final round. I will reach goal either the end of March or early/mid-April.

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 136.4
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 136.8 Normal fluctuation. I was perfect yesterday and got over 12K steps.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1:
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2:
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3:
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4:
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5:
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: