Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • I beat the binge as well, last night and today is/was one of those days were I was bleh, so I wanted to just stuff my face with nonsense. But instead I went to bed, and today I grabbed a peach and a yogurt. But even if I wanted to binge I have nothing to binge on, I do not like sweets really. I like salty foods like potato chips,etc. I bought LO snacky foods that are healthy but he also like cheeto's and stuff, so I bought him things when I went grocery shopping I knew I would not eat with him.... so my binge wont happen at all.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I, too, beat the binge! Instead I just got my doggy, (she's my little sidekick, I would take her everywhere if I could :P) and crawled into bed, and watched Rocko's Modern Life until I fell asleep. Unfortunately hubby and I weren't getting along too well last night. Didn't help that he had a few drinks, and didn't realize half of what he was saying. Woke me up at 11 pm after I had been asleep for about an hour and a half and asked me to fix him a bath and a hot dog, LOL. But I always want to binge when I feel ignored by him. Don't get me wrong, he's the best husband ever! I just get my feelings hurt when I look forward to spending time with him, and he goes straight to his computer and gets in vent with his gaming buddies. So I usually turn to chips, ice cream, cookies, whatever I can find just to be doing something, and I didn't last night! So that was a big deal for me. :happy:
  • I proud of you guys for NOT choosing the bad stuff last night! Somedays that is sooooooo hard but I know I always feel great when I'm able to plow through it.

    And I think I got a little over-excited thinking fall might be here. This morning was nice and cool but it sure isn't cool this afternoon. :/ While I was looking for a good chili recipe, I ran across one of my favorite corn chowder recipes.....and made that instead. YUM. :D
  • Yummy, corn chowder sounds good!

    For lunch today I went to Extreme Pita and had the Bourban Chipotle (small one, not regular) on whole wheat. It was really, really good and only 354 calories. Not too bad for a lunch I'd say. And it has a few servings of veggies in there which I sometimes lack. Living in residence is difficult when it comes to eating healthy.

    I've been struggling with drinking enough water lately. When I worked at the hospital during the summer I would easily drink 8+ glasses. Now I struggle to drink more than 4. I think that will be something I push for.

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I, too, beat the binge! Instead I just got my doggy, (she's my little sidekick, I would take her everywhere if I could :P) and crawled into bed, and watched Rocko's Modern Life until I fell asleep. Unfortunately hubby and I weren't getting along too well last night. Didn't help that he had a few drinks, and didn't realize half of what he was saying. Woke me up at 11 pm after I had been asleep for about an hour and a half and asked me to fix him a bath and a hot dog, LOL. But I always want to binge when I feel ignored by him. Don't get me wrong, he's the best husband ever! I just get my feelings hurt when I look forward to spending time with him, and he goes straight to his computer and gets in vent with his gaming buddies. So I usually turn to chips, ice cream, cookies, whatever I can find just to be doing something, and I didn't last night! So that was a big deal for me. :happy:

    Welp, when things get tough with hubby, that's why you have such a great companionship in your doggy! Tell her all your problems, then take her for a walk :) No binging! Glad you stayed strong!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yummy, corn chowder sounds good!

    For lunch today I went to Extreme Pita and had the Bourban Chipotle (small one, not regular) on whole wheat. It was really, really good and only 354 calories. Not too bad for a lunch I'd say. And it has a few servings of veggies in there which I sometimes lack. Living in residence is difficult when it comes to eating healthy.

    I've been struggling with drinking enough water lately. When I worked at the hospital during the summer I would easily drink 8+ glasses. Now I struggle to drink more than 4. I think that will be something I push for.

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well!

    Use a glass that holds 16oz, and make sure you drink the full thing at every meal... there's 6 cups down! Drink another 2 during workout :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Today was Day 1 of my becoming a full vegetarian. I did VERY well! I even enjoy tofu. :)
  • When will we be starting the challenges?
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Challenges and everything will start Monday so BE PREPARED! :)
  • Challenges and everything will start Monday so BE PREPARED! :)

  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Challenges and everything will start Monday so BE PREPARED! :)
    Yay! Woohoo! :D
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    What do you do when you have really really sore muscles?? My legs are so sore that they hurt to even touch them!!! ahhhh! I'll prolly still work out tomorrow and then I'll regret it later when I'm trying to work haha
  • Hello Everyone!

    Can I join in on this discussion?
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    What do you do when you have really really sore muscles?? My legs are so sore that they hurt to even touch them!!! ahhhh! I'll prolly still work out tomorrow and then I'll regret it later when I'm trying to work haha

    I take glutamine every morning with my other vitamins, it's supposed to keep you're muscles from getting all sore and stuff. It's just supposed to help your muscles recover faster from an intense workout and whatnot. :)
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    I did really good today, 2 days in a row! I even added interval training to my workout and actually ran at 5mph for 10 minutes, I could actually feel the burn.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member <--- this is what's for lunch today! yummmyy!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    If you overexert the same muscles it could be injuring them. My trainer always works on different muscles each workout to give the others time to rest and repair. Perhaps this will help you too.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    hey girls! sounds like everyone is doing so great! so happy to be part of such a motivational and supportive group!
    xo B
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    I had a pretty good day yesterday. Hamburger for lunch, skipped dessert, sensible dinner and again said "no" to dessert HOWEVER.... I overindulged in the lite beer area and was a couple hundred over my goal. That being said, I was deliberately far under my calories Friday for this very reason, so it all worked out in the end. I think it's important for people to realize they can do such a thing as that so they don't feel guilt about being over then chucking the whole thing because of it.

    ETA-ooooh it could have been MUCH worse overage if hubby hadn't refused to take me for fries on the way home, though. He's been a rock star about supporting me! I am very lucky!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    I also had a bad day yesterday...out for brunch with friends and then a cocktail dinner party. With drinks. Little time for exercise. Today my husband and I are going out to a great restaurant for dinner..... even if I'm careful, eat half of what they give me, I still know I won't be on diet. I'm trying to eat simple today and save the bulk of my calories for dinner.
    Good for you who stopped their impulses. Good going.