60 yrs and up



  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 385 Member
    edited February 2022
    @SbetaK and @swimmom_1 - Thought of you two when I saw this meme. Thanks for all you do.

    Thank you Steve! Appreciate the support, and hope that all of us here are giving it back to each other.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Hi All. I’ve been away for awhile. Had surgery a week ago ( female stuff😏), and have been quite stressed out while waiting for my surgery. Of course I managed to gain back all the weight I lost. Even though I gained pounds, I feel extremely motivated now. I realize I must do this to get healthy.
    It’s been brutally cold here recently, and we’ve had a lot of snow. Another one of my excuses! Starting to bundle up and walk anyway. I’ve always found it hard to breathe in really cold air. Believe it or not as a kid I Used to use a piece of fur as a filter over my mouth. It warmed the air. I can make excuses until the cows come home.
    Today, I used the elliptical. My goal was 10 minutes, and I managed 20. Made me feel hopeful.

    If you just had surgery last week, there's probably some water retention going on from that (related to healing). Maybe you've not gained back as much as it may seem? I hope you're sticking close to maintenance calories for a bit for healing purposes. I didn't do that after laparoscopic gallbladder removal, came to realize it would've been better to wait for a bit before going back into major calorie deficit. But you know best, have discussed with your doctor, etc., I'm sure. Wishing you a speedy and smooth recovery - hope the surgery had the intended good effects, whatever that may be!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thanks Ann. I've started using a new Fitbit my son gave me. It doesn't seem to have a set calorie goal, but does create a deficit for weight loss. I'm eating a lot of calories, but healthy ones. I will find out in a few weeks if the surgery had a good outcome. While I wait, I'd like to drop some weight but I will call the doctor soon to ask about healing issues. Good point I hadn't thought of.
  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    edited February 2022
    @alteredsteve175 I hope you continue to take the best care of yourself that you can alteredsteve175 , while going thru this trying time for your family.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    edited February 2022
    (Oops, posted in error - apologies!)
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,451 Member
    gvdjzo wrote: »
    Good morning all. I thought I wrote in to join, but maybe I posted somewhere else by accident.

    I'm 64, facing bariatric surgery, and want to do all I can to not have to do that. I've got a goal to lose 125 pounds. Bad knees, bad back, heart condition but I want to be healthier and lighter.

    I want to look back in 3-5 years and say I'm glad I did this.

    Support, encouragement, accountability, Joy and laughter is what I'm looking for.

    Good luck
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,451 Member
    coblujay wrote: »
    @gvdjzo Welcome! I just turned 63 and have lost 68 pounds since June. Another 36 to go. You can do this. It's amazing how much it changes as you drop down in size.

    You have got this!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hang in there Steve. You’re an inspiration to me.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Glad you had a nice time with family.

    February 15- 156.4 lbs Same weight for 5 days Good thing too because I ate some carbs yesterday that I shouldn't have. Wasn't even hungry and they weren't even worth the calories/carbs. (People brought in sweets for Valentine's Day at work.) And afterwards I felt mentally horrible for doing it! So I did my Elliptical today for 301 minutes for 20.02 miles. Just had to get to the 20 mile mark!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    @swimmom_1 - 20 miles on the elliptical. Wowsers! Awesome workout. You're like the Energizer Bunny!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Today it was more out of "guilt" for yesterday and hopefully no uptick on the scale, from it, in the near future! LOL!
  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    Checking in.....Welcome to all the new people! Prayers and positive thoughts your way Steve!