60 yrs and up



  • glojlilly
    glojlilly Posts: 313 Member
    Good morning all. I have decided to add collagen powder in my coffee/ tea to go along with my partial keto food. I heard collagen is good for skin, hair and joints. I now just log my food and not my exercise to stay under goals. Have a Great Tuesday!
  • Tuppence26
    Tuppence26 Posts: 143 Member
    Evening all, blew the calories count again today.. it would be too frightening not to log my exercise.. you are very strong glojlilly!!
  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    After several months of retirement, my FIL, since departed, told me, “retirement is like six Saturdays and a Sunday. And I’m loving it.” Now I’m retired. And yes, retirement is like 6 Saturdays and a Sunday. And I’m loving it. The BH and I are both Vax’d, so it’s off to hug the grandkids!

    I hear ya Karl. Before I retired, I was very aprehensive. For the last 45 years, I knew nothing but work. Now, 3 months later...loving it. First thing I did was fire MFP back up to drop some extra weight and it has definitely enhanced my enjoyment of retirement.
  • southkonahi
    southkonahi Posts: 137 Member
    Can I just say that over 60 every day is a new adventure?! LOL (and I don't mean that necessarily in a good way either). sigh.

    Our family motto is, "Getting old is not for sissies". :D
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,068 Member
    Good Morning from Rainy texas. How often can I say that? As far as retirement, well, that's a few years off unless someone fixes the US health insurance system which I don't think will happen anytime soon. My older brother just became eligible this year and so far he says it is fantastic (medicare). The other thing I do NOT want to happen is that I spend all my time going to various "appts" and such.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,626 Member
    glojlilly wrote: »
    Checking in. Diet, calorie counts are out the door today. Celebrating 63 years!!! I'm getting all kinds of goodies today. 🎂

    Happy birthday
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning from Rainy texas. How often can I say that? As far as retirement, well, that's a few years off unless someone fixes the US health insurance system which I don't think will happen anytime soon. My older brother just became eligible this year and so far he says it is fantastic (medicare). The other thing I do NOT want to happen is that I spend all my time going to various "appts" and such.

    Your brother is correct! The day I was eligible for Medicare was the day I retired! Best medical coverage ever!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    glojlilly wrote: »
    Checking in. Diet, calorie counts are out the door today. Celebrating 63 years!!! I'm getting all kinds of goodies today. 🎂

    Enjoy! You’re only 63 once party hardy!!🎁🎂🧁🍧🍨
    Can I just say that over 60 every day is a new adventure?! LOL (and I don't mean that necessarily in a good way either). sigh.

    Our family motto is, "Getting old is not for sissies". :D

    Amen to that!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,068 Member
    glojlilly wrote: »
    Checking in. Diet, calorie counts are out the door today. Celebrating 63 years!!! I'm getting all kinds of goodies today. 🎂

    have a great Bday... I an right behind you in August!!

  • richum1960
    richum1960 Posts: 43 Member
    glojlilly wrote: »
    Checking in. Diet, calorie counts are out the door today. Celebrating 63 years!!! I'm getting all kinds of goodies today. 🎂

    Happy B'day! Munch out!
  • bonitabeach33
    bonitabeach33 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all,I just found this site and hope I can join you all. I haven’t figured out how to add friends as yet. I started MFP 11 days ago and am trying OMAD. So far things seem to be going well. Reading lots to try to inspire me during these early days and watching videos and success stories too.
  • bonitabeach33
    bonitabeach33 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi. I'm doing nice and steady with my "calorie counting" approach, it works for me. And, since I don't want to have to think too hard about what to log, it sort of keeps me from getting too complicated with my meal planning. [Maybe it just encourages simple eating?]
    I’m planning on not buying anything new at all for a good while. I have so many various sizes to get through before I can even think about wonderful new clothes. I am envious as you must be in site of your goal. Way to go.
    Anyone else doing any prep for summer weather cloths in combo with [hopefully] weight loss? I've bought some new items, I had to decide between "fits if I don't accidently shrink it", vs, "could almost be considered too big, but now I can allow it to be in the dryer too long". It takes me extra planning because much of the women's clothes is made to fit a 20 year old figure. Shopping for 60+ is more limited, in my experience. [For men, I don't think it is as much of a difference on the shape between age groups. Size yes, shape no.]

  • southkonahi
    southkonahi Posts: 137 Member
    I already have a background at my age of knowing how to count calories. Now, choosing to do so or not, that is another matter. But anyway, I am getting along fine with tracking my food (counting calories), so while making the choices of foods needs some concentration, I do fine with recording. Hey, that's one of the benefits of having been around for so many decades. ("Glass half full"). Anyone else have a diet skill that they already have figured out at their 60+ age?
  • Tuppence26
    Tuppence26 Posts: 143 Member
    Good Morning from Rainy texas. How often can I say that? As far as retirement, well, that's a few years off unless someone fixes the US health insurance system which I don't think will happen anytime soon. My older brother just became eligible this year and so far he says it is fantastic (medicare). The other thing I do NOT want to happen is that I spend all my time going to various "appts" and such.
    Good Morning from Rainy texas. How often can I say that? As far as retirement, well, that's a few years off unless someone fixes the US health insurance system which I don't think will happen anytime soon. My older brother just became eligible this year and so far he says it is fantastic (medicare). The other thing I do NOT want to happen is that I spend all my time going to various "appts" and such.

  • Tuppence26
    Tuppence26 Posts: 143 Member
    Raining in New Zealand too👍Not much tho.
  • Tuppence26
    Tuppence26 Posts: 143 Member
    glojlilly wrote: »
    Checking in. Diet, calorie counts are out the door today. Celebrating 63 years!!! I'm getting all kinds of goodies today. 🎂