Why do I keep getting logged out?



  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    This is still happening to me also since Monday that I noticed.
  • faemich
    faemich Posts: 4 Member
    Can't get tech help when they're saying my email or password is incorrect. Gosh, I'm already logged in. Having to log in daily is a nuisance. It was bad enough getting logged out once a month, but daily?
  • jbrumitt38
    jbrumitt38 Posts: 10 Member
    It's getting worse. I literally can't view my feed anymore. It asks me to login and then I login, but it crashes after it tries to load the feed.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    This is getting so frustrating!!!
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 7,452 Member
    edited February 2022
    Communication is already so difficult on this website. I am a team leader and have members who rely on my posts in the newsfeed which many of them have been unable to see in a week. (For a timed competition) I rely on the newsfeed for knowing when they post a blog and keeping up with my members. When I can even get into my newsfeed, it won't reload or show me the posts that I've missed and I check daily and often several times a day. This is a deal breaker. I have members wanting to permanently walk away from MFP right now, but I'm encouraging them to stay and finish our 8 week Challenge. But personally, even I will be leaving if this is not fixed by the time our Challenge is over (in 3 weeks). What makes it worse is NO announcement from MFP that you are aware of the issue, that PC users matter to MFP, that you are working on it. Communication is key! (And if you really don't have any staff monitoring this thread and those like them, maybe I AM on the wrong website!) I really need to know that you give a damn!

    Because it says this thread is not monitored but is for peer to peer support, I tried contacting support as well. But I can't. It won't accept my email and password. I've tried repeatedly and it just won't go through. MFP, I hope you care more than it shows and that something is being done about our inability to even log in and access the Home side of your website.

    Tips for those dealing with the log in issue: 1) Bookmark Groups so you can access them without going through the Home page login process. 2) When log-in gives you an error message, look for the MFP toolbar, ignore the message and click on where you want to go to. That has gotten me in. Not that it will show you very much, but you might be able to see a bit of your newsfeed or access other areas that way.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Come on MFP, what is this. Multiple people complaining for a while now and nothing resolved. Having to log in each day, newsfeed doesn't load and then it does. Why, when I am logged in, does the site ask for a further log in to access the forums?
  • bootsncatsnboots
    I have been having issues with this the last week. Use Opera. Also tried on Chrome and same issue.
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    Woohoo! It seems to be working for me.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yay! working properly, at last!!! :D
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Yup, but I have to constantly change the language back to English. It's maddening.
  • klkl10
    klkl10 Posts: 40 Member
    edited February 2022
    My best guess is... well at least how I was able to resolve the issue is by unblocking Facebook through the NoScript addon for Firefox (which I have had blocked). It might also be the blocking of other sites through NoScript, so I just set everything showing up in NoScript while on the MFP website to trusted. However, if you don't use NoScript, but do use Firefox, then maybe it is a privacy setting within Firefox. I have mine set to Strict at the moment and I do believe that blocks things like embedded tweets on other websites. Oh, also there was some setting in Firefox's about:config that was logging me out of certain websites. I don't remember what the setting was, but I disabled it and that resolved the issue. Firefox may have already resolved the issue with this setting though, so you may have to do some googling. This might be it? https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/jbrijr/firefox_consistently_logging_me_out_of_logged_in/

    Anyway, my issue now is that my MFP homepage doesn't update when I edit my diary. Kinda sucks. Been that way for 3 days. Relogging fixed it today, but it's back to not updating.

    This might be useful too: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1203650
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I still have to change my language back to English every time I change pages. Is there anyone who is working to fix these bugs? It's been going on for weeks.
  • UltraRunnerIan
    UltraRunnerIan Posts: 1 Member
    This is still an issue for both my wife and I. Every several days either the app or website (on a Computer) log us out. The support is completely useless. I dropped their Premium subscription because nobody was responding. To be honest, ever since Under Amour purchased MFP it has slowly gone downhill. If this is being monitored by MFP support, please fix the login issues. I'm fed up with deleting and reinstalling the app, clear web browser data to try and fix this. It does not fix it!
  • Selahgal
    Selahgal Posts: 1 Member
    I keep getting logged out too, on my PC and my tablet! I use MFP daily and have used it for YEARS and this problem is getting annoying. Might have to find another program if it's not fixed.
  • ziplock9000
    ziplock9000 Posts: 4 Member
    Same problem.
    It seems this has been happening for at least a year.
    Do MFP even care? No answers from them?
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