Skinny Minnie by Christmas Challenge

Hello! I am starting a new challenge starting Sunday September 18th lasting until December 25th (Christmas). That will be 14 weeks of pure weight loss!

There will be 3 options of weight loss goals, 1.2lbs per week = 16.8 pounds, 1.4lbs per week = 19.6pounds & 1.6lbs per week = 22.4. Please choose the option that you feel will be achievable

The challenge rules:
1. Meet your weekly pound loss. Weigh-ins will be on Saturday mornings.
2. Encourage one another. Add everyone, and reply to the thread at least once a week (weigh-in)
3. Have fun and lose weight!

The people who meet their weekly weigh-in will not have any 'punishments', the ones who did not make their weigh-in will have to do 1 of 3 extra exercises chosen by the 3 top losers of each group (option 1,2,3).

To enter into this challenge, reply to the thread. After 15 people have replied the challenge will be closed.
The 15 people who are in the challenge please either reply to the thread or message me the following:
1.Your starting weight
2. Which option you are choosing.
3. A little bit about yourself, why you joined MFP (if you're going on vacation/health reasons/etc), what your long term goals are, or anything you want us to know.

My info:
1. 158.8
2. I am choosing option 2, 19.6lbs which will put me at 139.2 by Christmas time.
3. My name is Erica. I find myself having trouble losing weight by myself so I joined MFP to find that motivation. I also joined because I was tired of being the 'bigger' one in my family, everyone is a skinny minnie and I want to be one too! :) It has helped me in the past to do weekly challenges because I feel like I have to lose the weight to meet my goal for the challenge. My long term goal is to reach 125lb by my 21st birthday which is June 5th!


  • 1. My Start Weight is 150
    2. Choosing option number 1.4 lbs per week
    3. I am a mother of three I have lost alot of weight doing atkins and have maintained my weight for almost 3 years now however I have the last 30lbs I need to get off and am having trouble staying committed to anything on my own there is no reason I want the last 30 gone as for vacation or anything like that just to help with myself confidence :)
  • 1.SW: 132 lbs
    2. Option 1 so I will be around 115-116lbs (my goal weight) by Christmas time aka the MOST woOoOderFul time of the yeaaar!
    3. I joined MFP to have the visual motivation to keep my goals in check. It really has helped me to to learn about new foods and how healthier choices really make a huge difference. It took about 6 weeks for me to finally lose a pound but I can feel my body getting stronger and that's what matters most to me. I want to feel strong, and look good (of course), but most of all I want to be content with my lifestyle and let go of the constant "hooray to guilt" feelings I experience now.
  • KimmehL
    KimmehL Posts: 373 Member
    I'm in:) This fits perfectly with my goals!

    1.Your starting weight

    2. Which option you are choosing.
    Option 2: 1.4 /week

    3. A little bit about yourself, why you joined MFP (if you're going on vacation/health reasons/etc), what your long term goals are, or anything you want us to know.

    I have been on and off the weight loss bandwagon for a few years ago. I finally decided I needed to keep better track of what I was putting into my body and how hard I was making it work. MFP fit the bill. As for long term goals, I am not getting any younger, and I wanted to rope the out of control feeling in now, and make changes NOW, not tomorrow. I want to feel healthy and look healthy.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    1. 210.3
    2. 1.6lbs per week
    3. My name is Danielle. I joined mfp because I'm tired of being the fat girl.. I want to be fit and healthy not only for me, but my son. He deserves a full of life mommy. My family is also gonna be taking a trip to disney the first week of march, so I'm hoping to be at my goal weight by then.. My long term goal is to be at a healthy weight and bmi, and be able to maintain it for the rest of my life.

  • To enter into this challenge, reply to the thread. After 15 people have replied the challenge will be closed.
    The 15 people who are in the challenge please either reply to the thread or message me the following:
    1.Your starting weight
    2. Which option you are choosing.
    3. A little bit about yourself, why you joined MFP (if you're going on vacation/health reasons/etc), what your long term goals are, or anything you want us to know.

    1. 173.0 lbs is my starting weight.
    2. I am choosing the highest loss one, the 1.6 lbs/week
    3. My name is Jaimie, I am a taekwondo instructor, a chemistry tutor, and mom of two. I want to be in better shape and healthier overall. My long term goals are to get in shape and stay that way. :)

  • Hi! This sounds great :)

    1. Starting Weight: 184
    2. LBS Per Week: 1.4 lbs per week - so I should end at 164.4
    3. Who am I: Hey yall! I need to lose this weight. I'm a senior in college and I want to leave as a healthier person and looking the way I have always wanted to look. I'm excited to give this a try. :)
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    My name is also Erica

    1. SW: 212lbs
    2. I'm choosing option number 2. 1.4lbs loss per week.
    3. I joined MFP because I needed more support in my weightloss journey. I am a very healthy person minus the fact that i'm overweight. So I would like to keep it that way and lose the weight. Plus, my hubby is in the Army and is constantly losing weight so I would like to join him on that. I also have a 7 month old son and would like to control my eating and exercise habit now so when he gets older he knows how to do things correctly. Plus, I want better clothes options. lol
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    1. 240
    2. I am going for 1.2 lbs/week. I would like to loose a lot more than that, but I am trying to be realistic!
    3. Hey! My name is Caitlin (: I joined MFP after discovering I had PCOS. I decided I needed to get my body back before it got worse. Since starting college and coming back from vacation, I have gained 5 lbs and have only been exercising about once a week. I need to get back on track!!! I had a plan on my profile but I am behind now.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    We still have 7 openings left, can't wait to start losing with you all!
  • hey im wildbeal my start weight is 308 im choosing the 1.4 ultimately want to get back to 230 oh im 6 ft 3 so the weight should be good on my frame
  • I'm in if there is still space!
    1. SW 259.2
    2. 1.4 per week
    3. My name is Daisy, I'm a mom of 2 great girls and want to be an example for them and to be around to see them grow up. I joined mfp for knowledge and support! I love Zumba and I have a goal of going at least 3x per week!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    We still have 7 openings left, can't wait to start losing with you all!

    5 more spots!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    We still have 7 openings left, can't wait to start losing with you all!

    5 more spots!

    Roster so far:

  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    If I don't get 4 more people in the next 15 minutes then the challenge will close and we will have a smaller group!

    Please add everyone (including me)
  • 1. SW 174.5
    2. I am going to go with option #1
    3. I joined MFP instead of weight watchers to get back on track. I want to lose about 40 more pounds and know I need motivation to get going towards my end goal. A little bit at a time!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    3 more to go. Anyone one want in?

    3 minutes and this challenge is closed!
  • 1. Starting weight 169.4 / 77 kilos
    2. 1.6 lb per week
    3. Just taken a look at some beach photos...all I could see was belly before I get taken over by depression is
    something I have never had before as I always had a small waist.. ! have to do something.

    I am 52 - 2.5 yrs into menopause - struggling a bit with thyroid issues and a lot of work stress so also affected with IBS and, as
    you can see from the time this is being posted - also struggling with sleep.
    My doctor was very happy to tell me it was all to be expected at my age and gave me a prescription for six months of Zolpidem
    (which I really hate taking as feel I am not really sleeping but being knocked out), so only take 5mg / 1/2 tablet when have no
    I have been using the app but find it a bit boring with no challenge...except to eat enough... so will be looking for menu
    suggestions as currently have to try to make up calories with Curves Milkshakes.!
    I have been trying to do the Curves high protein healthy eating plan but am still finding the weight is just sitting around my
    middle area..

    So, hopefully, here is to a skinny minny christmas and a new wardrobe of clothes in the january sales !
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Can you find heart to squeeze me in!?
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Can you find heart to squeeze me in!?

  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Challenge is now closed! Please add everyone below, including me (if I haven't added you already)!
