Where do I begin?

Hi everyone, I’m 29, mom to 5 kids. I’ve been trying to lose weight for years. Nothing really has worked for me. My stomach, arms and face are my main worry to be honest. Over the last year I’ve lost 32 pounds from not snacking, not drinking every weekend, and not really eating processed foods. I’m trying to lose weight and feel better about myself and be more confident! I’m just stuck. I really don’t know where to begin. What do I eat? What kind of workouts do I do? I’m reaching out for help so please no negativity! Feel free to add me and visit as well! Extra motivation is always a plus! 7huddk51cbsc.jpeg


  • hodgin9314
    hodgin9314 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey!! I'm also a mom of 5 and the process has been difficult to even think about adding to my list of things to do. I've just started (for the millionth time) and found a few carido workouts online that my kids enjoy doing with me which has helped. I like the body project as they have diffrent levels so while I do the simple version my more athletic kiddos do the harder options.
    Feel free to add me if you want support. You go momma!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You've already lost 32lbs, so something is working! As far as workouts go, you might need to try several before you find what you like. I started with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and some of The Firm workouts. This was before I had regular internet. There is so much available for free on YouTube now. Start with 20-30 min 2-3 xx/week and work your way up. Alternate cardio and strength. Some trainers I like:
    Pahla B https://youtube.com/c/PahlaBowers
    Grow with Jo https://youtube.com/c/growwithjo
    Sydney Cummings https://youtube.com/c/SydneyCummings
    Cdornerfitness https://youtube.com/c/CDornerFitness
    If there is some other kind of workout you like, but can't find, let me know!
    I also have an open diary, so feel free to have a look for meal ideas. I'm happy to help😀
  • ElanaEpstein
    ElanaEpstein Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am a new mom, and would love to be friends!
  • AlekseyMorrow
    AlekseyMorrow Posts: 5 Member

    Congratulations on being a mom of 5 kids. You have a busy lifestyle and it's wonderful to hear that you are taking steps on taking care of yourself. As parents we want to be there for our kids but we can't forget to make sure to take of ourselves so that we can be there for them.

    Where to begin?
    Your number one priority should always be Nutrition. Nutrition sets the foundation for everything else. Start tracking your calories and stay consistent with it.

    Second focus should be on cardiovascular training. Find an activity that you enjoy doing and can do 3-4 times a week. Some examples are walking, hiking, running, biking, dancing and many more.

    Let me know if you have any questions.