
Who all fasts? Thinking about starting! How often and for how long?


  • nancym30
    nancym30 Posts: 27 Member
    I do. For the past couple of years I’ve been doing longer fasts, ie 5 to 7 days each, two or three times per year. My biggest reason: I belief it’s a good way to let my body repair itself and to build my immune system. I also have wanted the weight loss benefit, which I’ve gotten.
    I’m not sure whether I’ll keep fasting like this, I don’t know.
  • nancym30
    nancym30 Posts: 27 Member
    I’m thinking of switching to short mini fasts, ie two days week of under 500 calories.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    Nope. I like food, and I like food so much that I prefer to spread it out over the day. Also, my body doesn't like fasting.

    Why do you consider this?
  • mizzpfft
    mizzpfft Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a 5 day fasting mimicking protocol to see if it will help with my chronic gut issues/IBD (reading Dr. Valter Longo, it appears it helps even more than strict water fasts). The weight loss--which appears to pull from visceral fat-- is a bonus, though I'm not expecting much actual weight loss. So far so good, but I'm only on day 1!

    I am also interested in the research that suggests alternating lower and high calorie periods is better for optimizing metabolism. According to Dexa scan, my BMR is almost 20% lower than it should be given age, muscle mass, etc. I think years of disordered eating via caloric restriction plus high cardio may have impacted my metabolic functioning and I'd like to optimize if possible.

    I generally practice 'time restricted' eating (essentially eat lunch and dinner plus coffee in the am), because I've never been a breakfast person and given my maintenance calories are around around 1350, I prefer two actual meals to three meagre meals. It hasn't resulted in weight loss for me, but again this is how I've eaten most of my life.
  • I think fasting can be a very personal thing. Some do it for religious/cultural reasons while others do it for health/weight loss. In reality, our bodies were built for physical activity (hunter/gatherer) and fasting (lean winter months/less food). It isn’t natural or good for our bodies to be sitting at a desk all day. Our postures have become terrible and we suffer from aching joints and muscles and poor flexibility.

    Personally, I starting fasting (16:8 - 18:6) to help reduce portion sizes. I’ve noticed that I feel full faster and I have much more energy. I use “LIFE” app to track my fasting. It’s extremely user friendly.
    My husband won’t use an app but he recently did a 36 hr fast. He felt great and plans on doing a 2 or 3 day fast next month.
  • I generally do OMAD (one meal a day), with allowances for collagen/splash of cream in my morning coffee/tea. I'd like to work in some 48-72 hour fasts, but I find the daily fasting is pretty manageable for now.
  • Thewonderofitall
    Thewonderofitall Posts: 98 Member
    Intermittent Fasting worked great for me! I was doing 16:8 five days a week. (Monday to Friday) I would finish diner by 8:00pm and wouldn't eat again until lunch at 12:00pm the next day. I lost the last 30 lbs or so that I was looking to lose. On Weekends I would eat breakfast to create a "Zig-Zag Diet". This way your metabolism doesn't become complacent. Then I started doing a 23 hour fast on Wednesday hoping to achieve "Autophagy". It's debatable whether 23 hours is long enough, but it seemed to work for me.

    Now that it's gotten colder and I have reached my target weight I am having a Pea protein Shake for Breakfast and just added it to me daily calorie count as I as looking to maintain weight.
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    edited February 2022
    I usually don't eat breakfast unless I am hungry. I try to not eat past 6pm and then I don't typically eat until after 11am the next day. Sometimes I don't feel hungry until well into the afternoon so I just use my hunger as a gauge. I just make sure to be well hydrated until I eat again. I will have a decent sized lunch and then try to have a light dinner.

    I lost 40+lbs doing IF, low carb, and moderate exercise in the past so I am going back to that this week since I gained back 20+lbs this winter.
  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    My neurologist prescribed IF for me, so I started with 18:6 and now I'm anywhere from 23:1 to 16:8 depending on the day, but typically eat between 2-5 hours a day, but only one meal, maybe a snack, and some tea and milk. The slow sipping of tea with milk in the evenings is the main thing that extends my eating time.
  • kimbaker40
    kimbaker40 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2022
    I do alternate day fasting, high calories (1700 ish) one day and btw 500-600 the next day. I also walk on the treadmill and drink lots of water. I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months and I’m at goal. I love it 🥰 and it works well for me!!
  • hestiamoon3382
    hestiamoon3382 Posts: 5 Member
    I do ADF now. If you have over 20 lbs to lose IF won’t work because your body will adapt and slow your metabolism unless you really vary it A LOT. ADF is easier. Zero calories one day, 2 meals the next. There’s no thinking, tracking, counting.
  • kittensden72
    kittensden72 Posts: 30 Member
    Who all fasts? Thinking about starting! How often and for how long?

    I do. I should say that I'm a beginner. I go 16:8. This means I can eat within an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours.
  • hestiamoon3382
    hestiamoon3382 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2022
    @ccrdragon You should take up your disagreement with Dr Jason Fung. I’m sure he’ll appreciate your well researched peer reviewed results.
  • hestiamoon3382
    hestiamoon3382 Posts: 5 Member
    @JarheadSFMF If you varied it than you varied it. If every day you ate from only noon to 8 that’s not varying it.
    Please feel free to tell Dr Jason Fung he’s incorrect in his findings because of your personal feelings.
  • hestiamoon3382
    hestiamoon3382 Posts: 5 Member
    Intermittent Fasting worked great for me! I was doing 16:8 five days a week. (Monday to Friday) I would finish diner by 8:00pm and wouldn't eat again until lunch at 12:00pm the next day. I lost the last 30 lbs or so that I was looking to lose. On Weekends I would eat breakfast to create a "Zig-Zag Diet". This way your metabolism doesn't become complacent. Then I started doing a 23 hour fast on Wednesday hoping to achieve "Autophagy". It's debatable whether 23 hours is long enough, but it seemed to work for me.

    Now that it's gotten colder and I have reached my target weight I am having a Pea protein Shake for Breakfast and just added it to me daily calorie count as I as looking to maintain weight.

    Good for you! Ignore the haters and deniers. They’re just jealous.
  • hestiamoon3382
    hestiamoon3382 Posts: 5 Member
    I have done IF now for 2 years varying the times but mostly 16:8. I lost 87lbs, didn't slow my metabolism it helped.

    If you varied it than you varied it. If every day you ate from only noon to 8 that’s not varying it.
    Please feel free to tell Dr Jason Fung he’s incorrect in his findings because of your personal feelings.