Women 200lb+, Let's Be Majestic This March!!!



  • DeterminedKins
    DeterminedKins Posts: 26 Member
    Not sure how to tag people, but thank you ladychr0nic, thank you!!
    Decided to do daily logins, so:
    SW: 129.9kg 5th March

    6th March: 129.4kg
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,361 Member
    Good morning! Sunday meal prep day!

    My weight's a little up today, but that burger bowl yesterday had a lot of sodium and it's ovulation time. Not worried about it, I know exactly how many calories I took in yesterday.

    Today's plan is to put some chicken in the crock pot with some marinade for lunches for the week. I think I'm going to mix up the veggies- I usually just throw in whatever frozen veg I need to get rid of, but this week I think I'll make :star: salads :star: And dinner tonight will be chicken curry, and I'll put mine over cauliflower rice instead of normal rice.

    I had two of the new Girl Scout cookies yesterday, Adventuresomes- very good. It's a good thing I only bought one box, and my family demolished the rest, lol.

    Tag party:
    @jazzadesigns +0.1 is so little, so you're doing great!
    @J_doe welcome, we're all here for you!
    @cowgirlslikeus86 I think that's a doable goal, if you push a little! As you get smaller, of course it will be hard to do deficit enough to lose 1 lb or more a week :heart:
    @ladychr0nic I'm so glad you've found what works for you. I love those meal delivery services, too. Takes some of the planning out of it, and that's most of the pain of cooking :neutral:
    @goal06082021 Let us know how the pot roast went! And the tofu! I've only ever been able to eat tofu when it's in a stir fry and I can't really tell it's there- I prefer seitan.
    @wilsonshri44 you can do it! I find this thread really helps- if I check in every morning, it sets my brain for accountability for the day.
    @lmgoff232 have you thought about using one of the weight averaging apps? On Android, I use Libra, but I think for Apple phones it's called Happy Scale. You can adjust how many days go into the average and all you have to do is plug the numbers in every time you weigh in!
    @roz0810 you're on fire!
    @kirstygudgeon5590 :heart: also to tag people just put an @ in front of their username. Although I don't think this site gives notifications for tags, so very silly.


  • DeterminedKins
    DeterminedKins Posts: 26 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe brilliant, thanks!! And how do you respond to individual comments (with the comment visible.... If that makes sense!!)?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,361 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe brilliant, thanks!! And how do you respond to individual comments (with the comment visible.... If that makes sense!!)?

    If you hit the quote button, you'll get the whole post, then you can delete inside the quote brackets. And I found out I do get notifications for tags, so here we gooo @kirstygudgeon5590