30 Day Shred CHALLENGE!!

I'm starting 30DS tomorrow and need some support PLEASE join me!

Starting weight-200lbs


  • I am on day 14.... It's brutal but feels really good!

    Just remember, you can do this!
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I'm starting tomorrow too. We can keep each other accountable. I will take starting measurement, weight and pics as well. Let's go!! Q
  • I'm in! I've started 30DS a few times, but have never finished the full 30 days. lol
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Need to find my copy, then I'm in. Ae we going to post starting weight or measurments
  • susy99
    susy99 Posts: 82 Member
    Im going to start this on Sept 19 since I saw this now and I need to plan my meals!!!
    What kind of diet is each going to do?
    What about cardio? or just the 30 day Shred workout??

  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Im going to start this on Sept 19 since I saw this now and I need to plan my meals!!!
    What kind of diet is each going to do?
    What about cardio? or just the 30 day Shred workout??

    I'm finishing the couch to 5k program so I will be doing that 3 times a week. I also have her 6 pack workout and will be doing that 3 times a week at well. As for eating, I'm keeping it simple. A protein shake for breakfast, lunch and post workout. 2 meals with chicken or fish and a large green salad. I will be using GNC's lean system 25 shake along with Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey protein for post workout. The latter helps with recovery and soreness. So my first 10 days will look like this:
    Day 1 Sun (18th) 30ds Level 1
    Day 2 Mon (19th) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1
    Day 3 Tue (20th) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1 pm- C25k
    Day 4 Wed (21st) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1
    Day 5 Thu (22nd) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl1 pm-C25k
    Day 6 Fri (23rd) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1
    Day 7 Sat (24th) am- 30ds Level 1 pm- C25k
    Day 8 Sun (25th) 30ds Level 1
    Day 9 Mon (26th) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1
    Day 10 Tue (27th) am- 30ds Level 1, 6 pack Lvl 1 pm- C25k

    I will make adjustments to my schedule as needed. Q
  • Hi,

    I started it yesterday, its hard but I really enjoy it.

    I'd like to go running but not sure I have the confidence yet!

    I'm going to try and do my 'zumba' DVD a few times a week too.

    We don't drive so I walk alot most days.

    Was 193lbs last Monday- weigh in tomorrow :)
  • I'm in! I am at about the same starting weight as you...

    I'm just working on eating healthier, so no specific diet.
  • I'm starting 30DS tomorrow and need some support PLEASE join me!

    Starting weight-200lbs

    :drinker: I'll join you. I start tomorrow, though. But I'll root for you throughout the time.
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    I started yesterday! Fairly sore in my glutes, quads, and pecs today, so I'm scared about today's workout :wink:
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    I'm also trying to get a bunch of cardio in, too. I like to do 40-50 mins. of step aerobics in addition to the 30DS if I have time to work it in. I only burn about 150 calories doing 30DS, so I definitely need to get something else in there.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Okay so I started today. I chose circuit training to log my workouts. I don't know how accurate it was. I did 30 ds and the 6 week six-pack and I am already feeling it. I will do both tomorrow morning and couch to 5k in the pm. Keep up the good work everyone!!! Q
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    I will. I've got to start too- I've started it before and haven't finished it.:sad:
  • I started an Saturday so today was day 3. Count me in. Need to be accountable to a group to stay on task.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Day 2 is done. I have 6 week six pack and couch to 5k later today. Q
  • amyaddison79
    amyaddison79 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm joining in too. I just finished Day 2.
  • hi

    i am doing 30 day shred as well started on monday.

    i like would like to start running have you heard about the C25K? i started that last night and went for first run it really eases you in.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157

    i am doing 30 day shred as well started on monday.

    i like would like to start running have you heard about the C25K? i started that last night and went for first run it really eases you in.
    I'm doing the C25K right now. I'm finishing week 5. I love it. Q
  • Rvillafane925
    Rvillafane925 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I just joined MFP recently so I'm kind of a noobie at everything but! I've been looking around on the forums and everyone seems to have nothing but awesome things to say about the 30DS workout. I ordered a copy on Amazon today so it should arrive by Saturday. Ill be starting on Sunday or Monday (depends when I get it). Hopefully you guys can keep me motivated :)
  • amyaddison79
    amyaddison79 Posts: 10 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 completed! :bigsmile: