Women 200lb+, Let's Be Majestic This March!!!



  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    thank you @CupcakeCrusoe for your input. Doctor was reluctant because of money cuts most likely. I've used Orlistat before. I use to get some side effects when I ate too much high fat. You're meant to stick to 15g of fat per meal. So it kind of makes you want to stick to low fat so you don't get the side effects 😂 doctor said to stick to weight watchers too. I don't always track my food on MFP because I know i don't go over my calories, I mostly use the community and challenges but I don't mind doing all 3. I have a two week trial with noom so will see how I feel when it's done with. I've lost weight in the past so I know i can do it again.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I hope your baby feels better soon. It’s hard to watch them feel cruddy. I hope you stay well too, or that whatever it is is mild. And thank you, I agree. I know I’ve likely had high blood pressure all this time and hadn’t been to the doctor in a while so that wasn’t good. I’d rather be on meds and monitoring it than be doing more damage.
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    @roz0810 why was your doctor reluctant? A quick google tells me that the side effects can be gross, and you shouldn't take it for more than 6 months, or stop after 3 if you haven't lost at least 5% body weight.

    Gently, and with all love, because like everyone here, I want to see everyone doing well and happy:

    this is a LOT. Two different weight loss systems at the same time? And MFP? And dealing with meds? I know Noom has some articles about psychology of weight loss that might be helpful, I'm just worried that this is too many numbers to track. Did your doc have any recommendations about weight loss, besides meds?

    If this is going to work for you, and it's going to be sustainable for you, and you can be happy doing it, I'm happy for you. I just want you to know- it's a lot, and it's not a "failure" if you can't keep up with all this- I certainly wouldn't be able to. If you find one of these systems is working better for you than the others, drop the others.

    All you need for weight loss is a deficit. Doesn't matter how you get there (although healthy foods make you feel better), as long as you get there. It can take some trial and error to find what works best for you.

    @CupcakeCrusoe - you are up in here speaking the truth!
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    Random question for you ladies: how many times a week do you wash your hair?

    Twice per week in winter, three times in summer if needed. If, in between wash days, I'm feeling gross, I'll completely re-wet the hair, but will just do some conditioner on the ends. I have wavy/curly hair, though, so the calculus tends to be a little different for textured hair.

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe great steps. enjoy your dinner. happy Thursday :) I am happy that I'm going in the right direction.