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Add water history log

It would be beneficial for all users who track water in MFP to be able to see a history log of your water, like the time you logged water and amount logged for a certain day.

Multiple times I’ve thought I’ve logged water when I didn’t or vice versa (because life happens). Having a log to review in MFP would help with that.
17 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I've always wished there was a history. And also reminders when I've forgotten to log water by certain times (as it's usually because I've forgotten to actually have the water!)
  • LorieJCall
    LorieJCall Posts: 10 Member
    I'd prefer more MFP integration with general apps that can track water (like Apple Health or Samsung Health) or integration with niche water apps (like WaterMinder), but however they get there is fine by me.
  • makattack220
    makattack220 Posts: 219 Member
    Agree. There should be more functionality with the water logging and it should be available to sync with whatever tracker app we use. For example, I track my water on my Garmin watch and wish that data synced along with the other data I sync from the Garmin connect app.
  • skidavidson
    skidavidson Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to see a section for fluids, so you can see how many calories you are drinking atm I log them in snacks but that doesn't seem the right area for drinks.
  • becerratops
    becerratops Posts: 1 Member
    LorieJCall wrote: »
    I'd prefer more MFP integration with general apps that can track water (like Apple Health or Samsung Health) or integration with niche water apps (like WaterMinder), but however they get there is fine by me.

    Posting to communicate I would love this as well! Why not integrate water intake with Apple Health if MFP is integrated and syncing other metrics anyway? I imagine it’s not a heavy lift.

    My guess is that the demand is not high enough for MFP to justify the effort/cost of building this. For example, would adding this feature add more premium users to the platform more than some other feature they are working on?

    If a dev sees this, hopefully this feature gets bumped up some in the backlog!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I wasn't aware that people actually bothered with logging water. I would be logging constantly as I always have my water bottle right next to me or with me.
  • I’m new to the app and the first thing I looked for was fluid tracking integrated with the Apple Health App. I have to use another app, “Water Reminder” for that. It tracks my daily fluids, reminds me and integrates with Apple Health. Be nice to have that all in one app.
  • jde_1974
    jde_1974 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m new to MFP and I was looking for a way to track my fluids and not just water. I also drink coffee and sometimes tea; what are you all doing as a work around? Or do you track everything as water?
  • I currently have to use a companion app, "WaterReminder" which integrates with Apple Health. I would love to do it all in one app.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,357 MFP Staff
    edited April 2022
    Hi all,

    Our website and our mobile apps offer a designated water tracking feature.

    Click the "Food" tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll see a glass of water with arrows pointing up and down. Click the top arrow to record a serving of water, and click the bottom arrow to remove a serving.

    Tap the large blue plus button
    Tap "Water"

    Another option is... you can also add water directly to your food diary, by searching for and adding "water -municipal" in the main database. You could also add a new meal category specifically designated for water, or beverages. Having a meal slot named water and using timestamps can let you know when you last logged water.

    If you want to see totals by day over time, you could add a new measurement category named water and manually log the total water amount after the completion of your day to see it in list or graph form.

  • LaBellaHarris
    LaBellaHarris Posts: 63 Member
    jde_1974 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I’m new to MFP and I was looking for a way to track my fluids and not just water. I also drink coffee and sometimes tea; what are you all doing as a work around? Or do you track everything as water?
    I use WaterLlama! The character of the day is always cute, and you can track all your fluids, coffee, different kinds of teas, sodas, milk, even soup!