Less Alcohol ~ ☘MARCH 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    I had 3 glasses of pinot grigios today, so noting it for the record and to be honest with myself and so I can read this over tomorrow and reflect. I didn't get my day in the mountains today since DH pleaded to stay home and study for a recertification test. So I spent my Saturday a bit in a sourpuss mood, paying bills, checking 401k balances, yes not so good. Then at 3pm he says, "I'm going to the supermarket, do you want anything"....of course I say yes, please, pinot grigio would be nice.

    At least I got a workout in. @MissMay, I hope you feel better.

    Here's to a better Sunday....I'm driving myself to the Mall.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    March 1-2 AF
    March 3- wine 3 glasses (almost went for a 4th but switched to water and very glad I did because I feel good this morning)
    March 4 - wine 3 glasses
    March 5 - overdid it and threw up 🤢
    March 6- AF
    March 7- AF
    March 8 - AF
    March 9 - wine 3 glasses
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - wine 2 glasses
    March 12 - wine 3 glasses
    March 13 - wine 1 glass
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF
    March 16 - AF (discovered a hemp oil infused fizzy beverage- great for AF night)
    March 17- 18 - wine 3 glasses
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    I am Dawn. My ongoing goal is 16-20 AF days per month. I was a daily drinker when I began on this thread in November of 2018.

    Diary style is how I keep track.

    Friday March 18 - Drinks including a Spanish Cava.
    Saturday March 19 - Drinks, finished the bottle of Cava, which kept its fizz with saran over the top. It was delicious. Had it after a day of puttering and then an awesome long hike.

    Rolling total: 12 AF days out of 19 days
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited March 2022
    March accountability: 13 days AF
    Alcohol: 6 days (13 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.
    DH gave up alcohol for Lent and asked I support him. 6 weeks! He is skeptical that he can do it but I'm all in with him ... and said I would make the same commitment.

    3/1 - 3 wine Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday
    3/2 - AF Beginning of Lent
    3/3 - AF
    3/4 - AF
    3/5 - 1 wine w/ dinner before baseball game
    3/6 - AF
    3/7 - AF
    3/8 - AF
    3/9 - AF
    3/10 - AF
    3/11 - AF
    3/12 - 2 wine (DH only bought 1 bottle!)
    3/13 - AF
    3/14 - 2 wine (DH only bought 1 bottle!)
    3/15 - 2 wine @ my sisters w/ cousins visiting
    3/16 - AF 📚
    3/ 17 - AF
    3/18 - 3 wine @ my sisters with the entire family
    3/19 - AF @ baby shower and in the evening

    @dawnbgethealthy - Friday night my oldest son supported his pregnant sister ... and did not drink alcohol. He was tired after stressful airplane travel that day and had a long 1 hr drive home after dinner.
    At the baby shower on Saturday we had non-alcoholic champagne as an option for the mimosas, almond lemon tea and also the makings for Shirley Temples (sprite with maraschino cherry juice). So it was about half and half of drinkers vs non-drinkers (and there were multiple pregnant ladies at the party). DH polished off the leftover open champagne when he returned home.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    March 1-2 AF
    March 3- wine 3 glasses (almost went for a 4th but switched to water and very glad I did because I feel good this morning)
    March 4 - wine 3 glasses
    March 5 - overdid it and threw up 🤢
    March 6- AF
    March 7- AF
    March 8 - AF
    March 9 - wine 3 glasses
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - wine 2 glasses
    March 12 - wine 3 glasses
    March 13 - wine 1 glass
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF
    March 16 - AF (discovered a hemp oil infused fizzy beverage- great for AF night)
    March 17- 19 - wine 3 glasses
    March 20- AF
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 364 Member
    The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly...
    My Magnolia tree has started to bloom <3 ...it's raining [it's Pittsburgh] :( ... the groundhogs are out of hibernation >:) .
    Good riddance, "disagree" !! Can we get a "LOL" button ??

    Thawed oven roasted brussels just don't crisp up like fresh ones. My latest obsession is bok choy leaf chips...like kale but more fragile.

    My dream vacation would be turning into a fly on @Lilylady3k 's kitchen wall, copying her recipies.
    No-swat-zone, please !!

    Wondering if I made a mistake by ordering a few dozen bottles of my favorite wines. First order in a VERY long time. Down to just a few bottles in the cellar and thought "why not". Online ordering is way too easy. :* .
    The "moderation" thing has been going quite well lately. Thought about pouring a 3rd 3 ounce glass of wine last night...Nah, I wouldn't be drinking it for the taste, just out of mindless habit. [Pattingselfonback].

    What is WITH those people who pressure one to drink just because THEY are drinking ?? My drunk EX-SIL would never be satisfied until I accepted a bottle of beer. I would pretend to sip it all evening, then when he was sufficiently drunk, it got poured into the grass. Mom waving empty bottle, signalling that she had just grabbed a refill...

    Congrats to those keeping [more or less] to their goals...and extra hugs to those with in-house enablers.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly...
    My Magnolia tree has started to bloom <3 ...it's raining [it's Pittsburgh] :( ... the groundhogs are out of hibernation >:) .
    Good riddance, "disagree" !! Can we get a "LOL" button ??

    Thawed oven roasted brussels just don't crisp up like fresh ones. My latest obsession is bok choy leaf chips...like kale but more fragile.

    My dream vacation would be turning into a fly on @Lilylady3k 's kitchen wall, copying her recipies.
    No-swat-zone, please !!

    @forestdweller1 - I want the LOL button for your comment about being a fly on my kitchen wall. LOL
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited March 2022
    Another AF evening while DH drinks bourbon & sprite. I'm good with my decision. My mind is in a good place regarding drinking. Not so much on the eating and exercise ... I need to focus on that aspect in the coming weeks!

    March accountability: 14 days AF
    Alcohol: 6 days (13 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member

    Aw, that is so sweet that your son stayed AF to support his pregnant sis :):):)
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    I am Dawn. My ongoing goal is 16-20 AF days per month. I was a daily drinker when I began on this thread in November of 2018.

    Diary style is how I keep track.

    Friday March 18 - Drinks including a Spanish Cava.
    Saturday March 19 - Drinks, finished the bottle of Cava, which kept its fizz with saran over the top. It was delicious. Had it after a day of puttering and then an awesome long hike.
    Sunday March 20 - AF - Very windy here today, so I worked on completing the cleaning of everything on my porch. I know that it will be dirty again soon from the street, but I have curtains around 2/3 of it so that keeps the dust in those areas down somewhat. Housecleaning and laundry, not a very exciting day, but a really nice way to spend the day off of work. Listened to hours of "2 Cellos" these guys from Croatia that play in all of these awesome places. They are going to be near Dallas this month, but I can't really get the time off of work right now. Maybe I will catch them somewhere more exotic some day, like Verona.

    Rolling total: 13 AF days out of 20 days
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,321 Member
    March 1-2 AF
    March 3- wine 3 glasses (almost went for a 4th but switched to water and very glad I did because I feel good this morning)
    March 4 - wine 3 glasses
    March 5 - overdid it and threw up 🤢
    March 6- AF
    March 7- AF
    March 8 - AF
    March 9 - wine 3 glasses
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - wine 2 glasses
    March 12 - wine 3 glasses
    March 13 - wine 1 glass
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF
    March 16 - AF (discovered a hemp oil infused fizzy beverage- great for AF night)
    March 17- 19 - wine 3 glasses
    March 20-21 - AF
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy I love those 2 cello guys! So creative. I looked up their concert near Dallas and it's in a venue I have never heard of. Will definitely check this out. Thank you for mentioning it.

    Last night I poured all my excess basketball energy into cooking but stayed on track with food & bev. After wine I switched to limey fresca with the ritual zero proof tequila. I think it helps me to transition away from alcoholic beverages to something else I enjoy without the alcohol. Slipping out now to try to get my miles in between raindrops on this rainy day.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member

    I love the colours and the grainy texture.
    Great job, thanks for that!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    I am Dawn. My ongoing goal is 16-20 AF days per month. I was a daily drinker when I began on this thread in November of 2018.

    Diary style is how I keep track.

    Friday March 18 - Drinks including a Spanish Cava.
    Saturday March 19 - Drinks, finished the bottle of Cava, which kept its fizz with saran over the top. It was delicious. Had it after a day of puttering and then an awesome long hike.
    Sunday March 20 - AF - Very windy here today, so I worked on completing the cleaning of everything on my porch. I know that it will be dirty again soon from the street, but I have curtains around 2/3 of it so that keeps the dust in those areas down somewhat. Housecleaning and laundry, not a very exciting day, but a really nice way to spend the day off of work. Listened to hours of "2 Cellos" these guys from Croatia that play in all of these awesome places. They are going to be near Dallas this month, but I can't really get the time off of work right now. Maybe I will catch them somewhere more exotic some day, like Verona.
    Monday March 21st - AF - March came in like a lamb around these parts, but the first day of spring here today was grey and windy. Cranbrook is the sunniest city in BC, so I guess that I should practice some patience.

    Rolling total: 14 AF days out of 21 days
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member

    I have watched a bunch of 2 cellos videos on Youtube, they sure have played in some amazing venues.
    Right near my birthday in September they are playing in Madrid and then Zagreb. Hmm. They are calling this their final tour, and will be ending it in December in New Zealand. Thank goodness for Youtube!

    On a stretching tangent, my guitar player Fred and I just got tickets today to see the Celtic Tenors who are coming through here on March 29th. Fred's Dad was a singer, a baritone, so he enjoys vocal performances. I like and appreciate almost all live entertainment, so am very excited to see these lads from Ireland.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    AF last night, and better yet, I had no cravings for alcohol! I guess my body wanted a flat stomach more than booze last night! Haha!