Ugh. Pigs on here!



  • methetree
    In other words a lady who may be for the first time in a long time (or ever) is finally feeling good about how she looks should either hide it or expect to be harassed?
    Bull crap,there is no excuse for that behavior,end of discussion.

    Way to go Carl!!!!!

    You, sir, are awesome and amazing!
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    I agree, block and report. Naming names is up to you. MFP or not, there are idiots everywhere. It's a shame you had to deal with this. Oh yeah, thanks to all the guys that responded with support!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Block it.

    I've gotten a few disgusting messages here. I don't let it take away from my experience. You'll find a bad apple no matter what community you're a part of. Cut 'em out and move on!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I just figured and hoped that a website like this would have less of a chance of getting tagged by pigs.

    So you figured and hoped a website that has cleavage days and constant pictures of girls with their boobs and *kitten* hanging out of their clothes wouldn't attract pigs?

    Sure I guess.....I mean why would pigs be attracted to close up shots of girls with their.....assets hanging out and tiny little bikinis asking questions like "HONESTLY GUISE, DO MY BEWBS LOOK GUUD IN THIS?"

    Yeah, that kind of site wouldn't attract pigs. I'm perplexed, blown away, confused as to how a piggish male would EVER find this site.

    Here's the issue, Sherlock. I have never, nor will I ever, participate in "cleavage days" or whatever you're saying. If you look, 1. you probably can't even see my crap because I'm pretty sure mine is private, and 2. even if you did, the ONLY pictures I have are of me and my husband.

    And you know what's even worse? The fact that someone is actually sticking up for him. It disgusts me that men pull that crap and think it's ok. I'll shoot you his screen name, maybe you two can yuck it up elsewhere. If you posted a thread about jock itch, you wouldn't expect a woman to respond with "MMMMMMMM I LIKE YOUR JUNK BABY" Really? How disgusting are you guys?

    As for everyone else? I thank you for your support :) Especially from the MEN who know this ISN'T OK.
  • RangerSteve
    Here's the issue, Sherlock. I have never, nor will I ever, participate in "cleavage days" or whatever you're saying. If you look, 1. you probably can't even see my crap because I'm pretty sure mine is private, and 2. even if you did, the ONLY pictures I have are of me and my husband.

    And you know what's even worse? The fact that someone is actually sticking up for him. It disgusts me that men pull that crap and think it's ok. I'll shoot you his screen name, maybe you two can yuck it up elsewhere. If you posted a thread about jock itch, you wouldn't expect a woman to respond with "MMMMMMMM I LIKE YOUR JUNK BABY" Really? How disgusting are you guys?

    As for everyone else? I thank you for your support :) Especially from the MEN who know this ISN'T OK.

    Reading comprehension issues? I think that should have been covered in 3rd grade or so.

    If you could find where in my post I was sticking up for him, I'd be happy to see it. I think you'll be looking for awhile though since I never stuck up for any piggish male.

    Secondly, SHERLOCK, if you can see the part I quoted in response to you, it was about you figuring a website that had all of the things I mentioned and not having pigs also attached to it is similar to expecting not to burn your hand when you touch a hot stove. Nowhere did I say you were doing any of that and who honestly cares if you do? My sarcastic reply was meant to highlight your lack of understanding of all things internet related. If you join a site where girls literally stick their boobs on the lens of a camera and take pics while attention whoring with comments about how men don't like their DD sized breasts, would you honestly expect pigs to stay away? And to follow up, would you honestly expect pigs not to send you messages?

    I know this is crazy but guys get a lot of weird messages on here too. What most of us do click the little "x" button on the top right corner of the screen to close the window and then go about our day.

    I'm sure it disgusts you that men pull that crap. I hope it equally disgusts you that women pull that same crap. We wouldn't want any double standards now would we. Feel free to shoot me his name though if it makes you feel better. Maybe I'll tell him I like his junk so he'll make a thread about it and wait for white knights to appear and build up his sensitive ego.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Just report the guy and be done with it, once again the post gets derailed by sarcastic comments that do nothing to help or answer the op.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Here's the issue, Sherlock. I have never, nor will I ever, participate in "cleavage days" or whatever you're saying. If you look, 1. you probably can't even see my crap because I'm pretty sure mine is private, and 2. even if you did, the ONLY pictures I have are of me and my husband.

    And you know what's even worse? The fact that someone is actually sticking up for him. It disgusts me that men pull that crap and think it's ok. I'll shoot you his screen name, maybe you two can yuck it up elsewhere. If you posted a thread about jock itch, you wouldn't expect a woman to respond with "MMMMMMMM I LIKE YOUR JUNK BABY" Really? How disgusting are you guys?

    As for everyone else? I thank you for your support :) Especially from the MEN who know this ISN'T OK.

    Reading comprehension issues? I think that should have been covered in 3rd grade or so.

    If you could find where in my post I was sticking up for him, I'd be happy to see it. I think you'll be looking for awhile though since I never stuck up for any piggish male.

    Secondly, SHERLOCK, if you can see the part I quoted in response to you, it was about you figuring a website that had all of the things I mentioned and not having pigs also attached to it is similar to expecting not to burn your hand when you touch a hot stove. Nowhere did I say you were doing any of that and who honestly cares if you do? My sarcastic reply was meant to highlight your lack of understanding of all things internet related. If you join a site where girls literally stick their boobs on the lens of a camera and take pics while attention whoring with comments about how men don't like their DD sized breasts, would you honestly expect pigs to stay away? And to follow up, would you honestly expect pigs not to send you messages?

    I know this is crazy but guys get a lot of weird messages on here too. What most of us do click the little "x" button on the top right corner of the screen to close the window and then go about our day.

    I'm sure it disgusts you that men pull that crap. I hope it equally disgusts you that women pull that same crap. We wouldn't want any double standards now would we. Feel free to shoot me his name though if it makes you feel better. Maybe I'll tell him I like his junk so he'll make a thread about it and wait for white knights to appear and build up his sensitive ego.

    I have never once had women doing that so guess I am either a loser (probably) or telling the truth about things (more likely).
    Piffle on.
  • RangerSteve

    The op didn't participate in any of those things so I don't understand your comment, yes some guys are pigs, not all of us are and I know the op wasn't saying that. I agree with the others that you should report this. I don't have a problem with the ladies on here that want to post suggestive comments or have suggestive pictures, but that doesn't mean every women on here is looking for those types of comments. This is a fitness web site first and it doesn't take long to read people's posts to see if they are like that or not so don't try to defend what this guy did based on other people's actions.

    Rant done.

    Another person with reading comprehension issues. They're everywhere.

    The funny part is that the original part I quoted is still visible in your post so you must have seen it at least 2 times while writing and hitting "post reply" afterwards. Either you're trying too hard to score brownie points or you need to take a remedial class on comprehension.

    Also, I'll give you the same task I gave the person who started the thread. Point out where I defended this piggish male in my post. I'll wait.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Here's the issue, Sherlock. I have never, nor will I ever, participate in "cleavage days" or whatever you're saying. If you look, 1. you probably can't even see my crap because I'm pretty sure mine is private, and 2. even if you did, the ONLY pictures I have are of me and my husband.

    And you know what's even worse? The fact that someone is actually sticking up for him. It disgusts me that men pull that crap and think it's ok. I'll shoot you his screen name, maybe you two can yuck it up elsewhere. If you posted a thread about jock itch, you wouldn't expect a woman to respond with "MMMMMMMM I LIKE YOUR JUNK BABY" Really? How disgusting are you guys?

    As for everyone else? I thank you for your support :) Especially from the MEN who know this ISN'T OK.

    Reading comprehension issues? I think that should have been covered in 3rd grade or so.

    If you could find where in my post I was sticking up for him, I'd be happy to see it. I think you'll be looking for awhile though since I never stuck up for any piggish male.

    Secondly, SHERLOCK, if you can see the part I quoted in response to you, it was about you figuring a website that had all of the things I mentioned and not having pigs also attached to it is similar to expecting not to burn your hand when you touch a hot stove. Nowhere did I say you were doing any of that and who honestly cares if you do? My sarcastic reply was meant to highlight your lack of understanding of all things internet related. If you join a site where girls literally stick their boobs on the lens of a camera and take pics while attention whoring with comments about how men don't like their DD sized breasts, would you honestly expect pigs to stay away? And to follow up, would you honestly expect pigs not to send you messages?

    I know this is crazy but guys get a lot of weird messages on here too. What most of us do click the little "x" button on the top right corner of the screen to close the window and then go about our day.

    I'm sure it disgusts you that men pull that crap. I hope it equally disgusts you that women pull that same crap. We wouldn't want any double standards now would we. Feel free to shoot me his name though if it makes you feel better. Maybe I'll tell him I like his junk so he'll make a thread about it and wait for white knights to appear and build up his sensitive ego.

    I have never once had women doing that so guess I am either a loser (probably) or telling the truth about things (more likely).
    Piffle on.

    I'm right there with you, almost all my friends on here are female and I've never had that happen to me either. Like I said, the thread gets derailed by comments that don't do anything constructive,
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I understand the frustration. I lost a lot of weight and was sort of new to feeling "Sexy" for awhile. I have some cleavage pics. I don't post them to get attention..well from anyone specifically..more to feel good about feeling good and feeling attractive and wearing cute clothes!! lol!

    No, wearing sexy clothing does not warrant someone sending you a smarmy email. But this type of behavior has been going on since the dawn of time. When there was no internet, men cat called or whistled! lol! Now, as in "real life"..there will be men (and women) behaving that way. I don't think that's ever going to change. And unfortunately, sexy clothing does attract attention. MOST men just think it and keep it to themselves....but some are going to make comments or feel it's ok to contact you about things. Report him if he's out of line and makes you unfomfortable.

    I do get RangerSteves point too. He's not saying what he did was right..more that there ARE consequences to what we choose to say and do and wear. I have been on here for a long time. I used to be a lot more involved in the fun threads. We'd have fun, joke around, maybe get a bit risque...but we'd get into trouble for it. Now, to be's about 20x more risque than anything those in the past did. And having our cleavage and *kitten* hanging out in going to attract the wrong attention sometimes. It's just part of life. No, I'm not saying it's right. The good thing about it being online is you CAN report it, CAN block them and CAN ignore it. If I get a smarmy email...because I have cleavage (what's left of it! lol!)...showing in a pic.....then I can report them and I can take those pics down to keep that attention away. It is within my power to do so.

    Best of luck! And the important thing is to not let the smarmy types ruin it for you. This IS a great site. I've been on here for a long time and the tools helped me lose (and keep off) a ton of weight. Take care!!
  • RangerSteve

    I'm right there with you, almost all my friends on here are female and I've never had that happen to me either. Like I said, the thread gets derailed by comments that don't do anything constructive,

    Maybe the whole thread shouldn't have been started in the first place? If I had a dollar for every suggestive comment I've received on here....I'd have at least........maybe 5 dollars? :-/

    No one is saying she shouldn't report the guy. My reply, as I originally stated, was a retort that people could a join a site like this where boob shots are as common as "wheat is evil" threads and then expect creeper males not to send messages to every chick they can possibly find. It's a public internet forum where plenty of women are dressed like it's a playboy bunny Halloween party. If you're a chick and don't expect to get hit on then you're living in a bubble. Yes, that means it will happen even if you don't have bikini pictures up. That's life.
  • RangerSteve
    I understand the frustration. I lost a lot of weight and was sort of new to feeling "Sexy" for awhile. I have some cleavage pics. I don't post them to get attention..well from anyone specifically..more to feel good about feeling good and feeling attractive and wearing cute clothes!! lol!

    No, wearing sexy clothing does not warrant someone sending you a smarmy email. But this type of behavior has been going on since the dawn of time. When there was no internet, men cat called or whistled! lol! Now, as in "real life"..there will be men (and women) behaving that way. I don't think that's ever going to change. And unfortunately, sexy clothing does attract attention. MOST men just think it and keep it to themselves....but some are going to make comments or feel it's ok to contact you about things. Report him if he's out of line and makes you unfomfortable.

    I do get RangerSteves point too. He's not saying what he did was right..more that there ARE consequences to what we choose to say and do and wear. I have been on here for a long time. I used to be a lot more involved in the fun threads. We'd have fun, joke around, maybe get a bit risque...but we'd get into trouble for it. Now, to be's about 20x more risque than anything those in the past did. And having our cleavage and *kitten* hanging out in going to attract the wrong attention sometimes. It's just part of life. No, I'm not saying it's right. The good thing about it being online is you CAN report it, CAN block them and CAN ignore it. If I get a smarmy email...because I have cleavage (what's left of it! lol!)...showing in a pic.....then I can report them and I can take those pics down to keep that attention away. It is within my power to do so.

    Best of luck! And the important thing is to not let the smarmy types ruin it for you. This IS a great site. I've been on here for a long time and the tools helped me lose (and keep off) a ton of weight. Take care!!

    Now this is a good post. Thank you.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member

    I'm right there with you, almost all my friends on here are female and I've never had that happen to me either. Like I said, the thread gets derailed by comments that don't do anything constructive,

    Maybe the whole thread shouldn't have been started in the first place? If I had a dollar for every suggestive comment I've received on here....I'd have at least........maybe 5 dollars? :-/

    No one is saying she shouldn't report the guy. My reply, as I originally stated, was a retort that people could a join a site like this where boob shots are as common as "wheat is evil" threads and then expect creeper males not to send messages to every chick they can possibly find. It's a public internet forum where plenty of women are dressed like it's a playboy bunny Halloween party. If you're a chick and don't expect to get hit on then you're living in a bubble. Yes, that means it will happen even if you don't have bikini pictures up. That's life.

    I really hope you are a minority of males out there...I truly do.
  • RangerSteve
    I really hope you are a minority of males out there...I truly do.

    I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    In other words a lady who may be for the first time in a long time (or ever) is finally feeling good about how she looks should either hide it or expect to be harassed?
    Bull crap,there is no excuse for that behavior,end of discussion.

    This ^ is why so many girls love you, Carl...Tell it brother...Amen.
  • carolynmittens

    I'm right there with you, almost all my friends on here are female and I've never had that happen to me either. Like I said, the thread gets derailed by comments that don't do anything constructive,

    Maybe the whole thread shouldn't have been started in the first place? If I had a dollar for every suggestive comment I've received on here....I'd have at least........maybe 5 dollars? :-/

    No one is saying she shouldn't report the guy. My reply, as I originally stated, was a retort that people could a join a site like this where boob shots are as common as "wheat is evil" threads and then expect creeper males not to send messages to every chick they can possibly find. It's a public internet forum where plenty of women are dressed like it's a playboy bunny Halloween party. If you're a chick and don't expect to get hit on then you're living in a bubble. Yes, that means it will happen even if you don't have bikini pictures up. That's life.

    I really hope you are a minority of males out there...I truly do.
    what exactly didn't you agree with in what you quoted here? that we live in a world where women get hit on by weirdos? so you hope the majority of men out there are oblivious to that fact also? great, that's the first step towards solving an issue... oblivion :|
  • Tuffjourney
    I am like you. The bra digs into my shoulders, my back aches all the time. I am always self conscious of having too much cleavage showing. It is not fun. Its hard to find tops that fit. It sucks.:grumble:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member

    I'm right there with you, almost all my friends on here are female and I've never had that happen to me either. Like I said, the thread gets derailed by comments that don't do anything constructive,

    Maybe the whole thread shouldn't have been started in the first place? If I had a dollar for every suggestive comment I've received on here....I'd have at least........maybe 5 dollars? :-/

    No one is saying she shouldn't report the guy. My reply, as I originally stated, was a retort that people could a join a site like this where boob shots are as common as "wheat is evil" threads and then expect creeper males not to send messages to every chick they can possibly find. It's a public internet forum where plenty of women are dressed like it's a playboy bunny Halloween party. If you're a chick and don't expect to get hit on then you're living in a bubble. Yes, that means it will happen even if you don't have bikini pictures up. That's life.

    I really hope you are a minority of males out there...I truly do.
    what exactly didn't you agree with in what you quoted here? that we live in a world where women get hit on by weirdos? so you hope the majority of men out there are oblivious to that fact also? great, that's the first step towards solving an issue... oblivion :|

    No,the notion it should be accepted as normal or okay.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am like you. The bra digs into my shoulders, my back aches all the time. I am always self conscious of having too much cleavage showing. It is not fun. Its hard to find tops that fit. It sucks.:grumble:
    If you can, try and go get measured. I hear that's the way to get a proper fitting support and not dig into your shoulders. Victoria's Secret does it. :smile:
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    You beat me to it Carl, just because it happens, doesn't mean it has to be accepted. The op's original post had to do with how disgusted she was that some weirdo messaged her after she made a post. To say " that's life" is fine to say, doesn't mean people have to take it. She vented about it and hopefully will report it. I don't see why she should be criticized for making this post or expecting that she could make a post on a health forum with out someone sending her a perverted pm.
This discussion has been closed.