Not Making Goal

I’m on a Calorie Deficit Diet while Intermittent Fasting which I think I been kind of good at doing it thus far. On my table of contents it states my Goal for Carbs is 178 but I just so happen to be under the Goal that the app says. Like today I only ate 76 Carbs by coincidence. My question is will I still lose weight by not hitting the goal? I been hitting under the goals in some other areas like Carbs, Fats and etc.. I’m trying to see if I’m hitting under the goals of what the app expect me to do in areas that not good anyways, will it affect my results on not losing weight? because I’m not hitting the ideal goal what the app is expecting me to do?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,757 Member
    Directly speaking, only calories affect fat loss. (Some other things can have an indirect effect: If your nutrition is poor, you could get fatigued, move less, burn fewer calories; or if you don't feel full, you might have trouble sticking with a calorie goal).

    Macros - protein, fats, carbs - are about nutrition and health. Most of us want health, not just weight loss. For health, try to hit around your protein and fat goals (as minimums) most days; it really doesn't matter where carbs fall (technically) unless you find that they affect your energy level or appetite in some way. Close on protein and fats is fine, especially if it's a little over one day, a little under the next, averaging out around the right level over a few days to a week. Also, for health purposes, it doesn't have to be perfect right away: You can chip away at changing your eating patterns to improve, and that'll be fine (unless your doctor diagnosed you with a deficiency at the start).

    For weight loss, hit your calorie goal - not way under, but right close to it. For health, work on getting enough protein, healthy fats, and plenty of varied, colorful veggies/fruits for fiber and micronutrients. It doesn't have to be exact every day, and you to work to gradually get into a good range most days.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited March 2022
    I think of calories as a maximum I try not to exceed (on average).

    I think of protein, fat and fiber as minimum nutrition that I try to meet or exceed (on average) without going over on calories.

    ETA: to respond to your question specifically about losing weight, if you eat the calorie goal MFP gives you, you will lose weight. Nutrition influences how you feel while losing weight but as long as you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose regardless of nutrition.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,832 Member
    edited March 2022
    You’re a beginner. You’re allowed to flounder for a bit. Learning curve, right?

    As long as you’re eating your calories, it’s not likely you’re going to die of malnutrition, unless you’re getting them all from pounds and pounds of cabbage, or bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar, or drinking only juice cleanses and protein shakes.

    I never ever make macros on a daily basis, and I’ve been at this three and a half years.

    BUT, once a week I change my nutrition setting to “7-Day view”. That’s when I realize I’ve done pretty darn good on an weekly-average basis, and that’s good enough for me. Our bodies are very forgiving, and tbh they appreciate the loss of dragging around the extra weight far more than they appreciate perfect macros.

    Things will fall into place with practice. 😘