Women 200lb+, Let's Be Majestic This March!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,366 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    It's hump day! One step closer to Spring Break for my kids, where they go see Grandma for a week, and I get to take a diet break, lol. Not that I mind what I'm doing now- it's pretty sustainable for me. Last night Whatsisface wanted to drink beer with me, so I said yes, looked it up, and realized I could only have half of one. So that's what I did. I gave him my other half. It helped I kept my hands busy with Destiny 2. :tongue:

    This morning I re-found my bottle of sugar free toffee nut coffee syrup, so my normal coffee is :star: fancy :star: right now.

    Weight is staying put at the latest low for me! During TOM! I dare to hope there will be another drop after it's done, but I don't want to be greedy- 4.2 lbs for this month is already pretty much on target for what I set my deficit to be.

    Tag party time!
    @hap2go I agree with everything @goal06082021 and @seltzer_lover said, as well as: If you want more of a snacky breakfast, I used to just make a batch of hard boiled eggs for the week, take a couple with me every day with some fruit and some rolled up lunchmeat, make a little homemade protein bento box.

    I am also a BIG proponent of prelogging. For me, that looks like eating the same breakfast and lunch every day all week, and eating whatever the family is eating for dinner (or close enough). I switched up my food diary settings to make it easier for me to roll over what I ate from the day before- made it so that I could roll breakfasts and lunches together in one "meal," as they're always the same, and then log whatever I'm having for dinner in the next "meal." My diary's open if you want to see what that looks like.

    @bridalblonde welcome to the thread! This is the best thread on the whole site, I think. Your plan sounds very healthy and good.

    @ladychr0nic so jealous of a dog trip to vancouver island! Enjoy!

    @sarah12277 That's a good plan to deal with a con. Do you have any foods that will especially tempt you there, that you might want to plan on a portion of? I find it helps me sometimes to log a part of a big temptation to have that to look forward to so I don't go off-plan. If that doesn't help you, or there aren't any foods there like that, feel free to discard my comment. :)

    @kenziestabes ooooh an assisted pull up machine?? nice! I'm glad to hear the pup is doing well.

    @_manny_702 okay, cool, you had me worried there for a minute. 1100 is pretty low for your height, but if you set your goal for 1600 and only make it to 1100, I just want you to know that if you're exercising a lot, try to make it to 1600. Your body needs that fuel, and it's hard to get the nutrients you need at that calorie level. :heart:

    @mofee1 your story is inspiring. You've lost almost half of what you used to weigh, and that's incredible. I have no doubt you can make it to goal.

    @I_have_questions I love your username, number 1, lol. And welcome to the thread! I am a big, big proponent of kindness to yourself and your body while you lose weight, so you're absolutely in the right place. I don't go for the hard-charging lose-at-any-cost mentality at all, for me it's about building habits that will serve you on after you've hit goal weight, and it sounds like you're doing the same. Nice to meet you.

    Have a great Wednesday, everyone!

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think springlering tipped me off about this in another thread, but within the app, you can select-all on your whole diary or a whole meal to copy it to another day - swipe down at the top of the diary screen and tap the little pencil icon to activate the tickboxes. One limitation of the app is that you can only copy entries up to two days away from the current day in any direction, on the desktop site you can go further, and "the current day" is what day it is IRL - even if you're looking at, say, Saturday and today is Wednesday, "today" is always what day it is in real life.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,366 Member
    swipe down at the top of the diary screen and tap the little pencil icon

    Ooh, this is easier than what I was doing- using the "..." At the bottom of the meal and clicking "copy meal." Good to know, thanks!
  • hap2go
    hap2go Posts: 105 Member
    hap2go wrote: Β»
    Need ideas for prep ahead breakfasts that are filling/snackable that dont include seeds/nuts (not allergic, just dont like them much) Also, need to be sure to TRACK AS I GO - if I wait until the end of the day, I overeat.

    My go-to breakfast preps lately have been breakfast burritos and baked oatmeal. Baked oatmeal seems to be Having A Moment on the ol' socmeeds right now, it shouldn't be hard to find a recipe that works for you, I even shared one earlier in this very thread. I'm not sure what you mean by "snackable" though.

    We're technically not supposed to eat at our desks so its gotta be something I can snack on, not sit down with a bowl or plate and eat a meal.

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @hap2go okay, so you need something handheld, then. How do you do with drinking your calories, do you think a protein/meal replacement shake would do it for you? Or do you think your body needs solid food in order to not feel hungry? My husband does well with liquid breakfast; he doesn't like to eat early in the morning, but on days when he's in clinic and busy all morning he needs the energy to keep him going until lunchtime, so he'll drink an Ensure-type protein shake on the drive in, or grab a breakfast smoothie at the hospital cafe when he gets there.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Just popping into this thread to say that I HIT 50 POUNDS LOST TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

    And I did chest presses with 25lb dumbbells and I can't believe I had that much extra weight just hanging around. It was HARD to lift them!


    Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,366 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Weight the same for the third day in a row, really thinking there will be a whoosh.

    Not much to say, both kids and work are stressful, but I'm going to let go of outcomes and just do my best. My kid has trouble putting on weight, and so two of her docs have recommended she goes on this antihistamine that might stimulate her appetite. My mother, when she found out about this, just started texting me high calorie foods like I don't know what calories are, or that I haven't been trying to feed my kid out of this all this time. So I stopped texting her so I wouldn't say anything mean. She means well.

    Tag party!
    @seltzer_lover YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS :smiley: Way to gooo!
    @RealTamaraB even with life being hectic, you still made good progress!

    Have a great Thursday, everyone!

  • hap2go
    hap2go Posts: 105 Member
    @hap2go okay, so you need something handheld, then. How do you do with drinking your calories, do you think a protein/meal replacement shake would do it for you?

    So I'm fine with smoothies the main problem is I dont care for the prepackaged ones (I dont like chocolate or peanut butter much and the vanilla ones taste... yucky. I do like most fruits though so if you have a good strawberry suggestion or banana, I'm all ears) When I have more time and am less stressed, I make my own and those work great but I'm basically on my last tether of time with everything I have going on family wise so ideally quick, easy, low sugar, high protein, etc...

  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    Just popping into this thread to say that I HIT 50 POUNDS LOST TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

    And I did chest presses with 25lb dumbbells and I can't believe I had that much extra weight just hanging around. It was HARD to lift them!


    That’s awesome! Congrats!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited March 2022
    Also, welcome back @VickyEltonGreen!! *high five*
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    @justanotherloser007 - I love the skirt pic! You look fantastic!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,366 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday, everyone!


    So happy it's Friday. Weight went up a little from where I was holding steady just because I dared to think there would be a whoosh before weigh in, haha. But I'm perfectly happy with this weigh in.

    33 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW: 200.4
    Halfway GW: 183
    UGW: 150

    MARCH! πŸ€ GOALS! πŸ€
    πŸ’š Log every food in grams. βœ…
    πŸ’š Get 7k steps every day, no excuses βœ…
    πŸ’š Lift weights 3x week βœ…
    πŸ’š More than 100g protein every day βœ…

    Just for this week: πŸ€
    πŸ’š No playing Witch Queen until my steps are done for the day, lol βœ…

    3/1: 198.8
    3/4: 196.6
    3/11: 196.6
    3/18: 194.8
    3/25: 194.2 (-4.6 overall!)

    Tag party!
    @hap2go In that case, I would definitely say protein bento boxes. When I do hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, I do a whole dozen at once, and label the carton in the fridge so I know which eggs are which, then pair them with like, an apple and some cheese or lunchmeat. All very quick to prep and easy to snack on.
    @VickyEltonGreen I love your energy! You can make it to your goal, it's perfectly doable. :smiley:
    @sandielewis2001 I'm so happy to hear this. Let us know how it's going, I've got a diet break coming up myself.
    @justanotherloser007 It's complicated for my kid, because she's got a rare genetic condition that is causing this. And she LOVES to snack, she's got snacks in front of her all the time, lol. This is really just a case of my mom not having realistic expectations about what my kid is capable of, and what I am capable of doing on my own without medical help. Which I get. It's not easy to come to terms with the fact that my kid's life will just... always be different than everyone else's.

    I LOVE the skirt picture! Amazing work, both that AND altering your clothes multiple times! I am so lazy I still have several pairs of pants I haven't fixed that I need to, lol.
