Have a Health & Nutrition Question? Ask the RD!



  • jbirming
    jbirming Posts: 1 Member
    My doctor recommended eating 2 probiotic foods per day. I eat yogurt or kefir, but so many brands have so much sugar. Are cottage cheese, cheddar, swiss, or other cheeses probiotic foods? I've tried some non-dairy probiotics (kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut), but didn't care for them. Are there any other probiotic choices?
  • juanitab711
    juanitab711 Posts: 1 Member
    I have colitis. Have a difficult time losing weight because if I eat too many salads or fruit, I will have a very bad day. I’m working out 6 days a week, for an hour. What is a good diet that will help.
  • JohnRInSF
    JohnRInSF Posts: 1 Member
    I religiously track what I eat and even weigh and measure all my servings yet I *still* am not losing weight. WTH could be on? The *ONLY* way I'm noticeably losing weight is to not eat anything AT ALL for an entire day, which isn't sustainable.
  • giraffeadf
    giraffeadf Posts: 1 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with diabetes. Each book I read suggests a different program. One says 60 grams of carbs a day and another 69 per meal. What is the healthiest diet to follow to reverse diabetes?
  • pdavis62
    pdavis62 Posts: 2 Member
    I've just been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees. What foods should I avoid to help with the swelling and pain?
  • drkgopal
    drkgopal Posts: 3 Member
    Is there a way to track added sugar alone as opposed to total sugar in Myfitnesspal or similar apps?
    I am more worried about my added sugar component than the total sugar.
  • wojo6329
    wojo6329 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing intermittent fasting most days 18/6 and I'm transitioning to a plant-focused style of eating. I've successfully tackled my metabolic disease and my Diabetes is in remission. My question is how do I make sure I get the proper amount of nutrients with the lifestyle changes I have made? I'm also doing weight bearing excersizing a hour a day five days a week with the goal of flexibility and strength and mobility.
  • fitbhris
    fitbhris Posts: 1 Member
    How should I build out my diet?
  • gingerwengert
    gingerwengert Posts: 1 Member
    How much protein should one be eating? Is there really a way to eat to “balance your hormones”?
  • elliemayhardey
    elliemayhardey Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 52, post menopausal with under active thyroid, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I’m really struggling with energy and lack motivation due to losing only 1lb and have 7 1/2 stone to go. Feel really heavy, especially my legs. Please help.
  • Dwaetford
    Dwaetford Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am a 37yr old female, have gone through some health challenges in the last 2 years since having brain surgery. A lot of medications and antibiotics have wreaked havoc on my gut health. Since, I have had severe brain fog and chronic fatigue amongst other things. I am overweight and really struggling to find any motivation. Do you know much about leaky gut? And how to heal through diet?
    Thank you
  • stephmotta2010
    stephmotta2010 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I’m struggling with macros. My goals are weight loss and increasing fitness ability. I am 54 year old female, 5’3”, current weight is 146 down from 155. Goal weight 135-140. I have my macros set at 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat with 1200 cal daily total. Work out 5-6 days a week with weights and 30 min cardio. Are these nutrition goals appropriate? If not how should I adjust? Thanks
  • ryanruotsalainen
    ryanruotsalainen Posts: 1 Member
    My work schedule alternates between days for a week and nights for a week.

    Is it better to keep my meals at roughly the same time or should I be shifting my meal times?

    I stay away from caffeine on nights and only drink water.

    I eat 90% of my calories from clean food and never consume (junk food) while working.

    I find that I always feel bloated while working nights. Any tips?

    Thank you.
  • CC1962nov
    CC1962nov Posts: 1 Member
    My metabolic rate is 1619kc; how many calories should I be eating to lose weight at a healthy rate? I exercise 4-5 times per week at a moderate to high rate, and am 59 years old.
  • philmet10
    philmet10 Posts: 1 Member
    I started in January and I've lost 6 kilos (13lb) since, but recently my weight has plateaued at 74kg and isn't falling any further. I'm still on the 1,500 calories a day target and exercising hard. What can I do to break through this barrier? My weekly exercise targets are 28 miles walking, 2 hours 30 weight training and 3 hours exercise bike, these targets have risen slowly but steadily throughout the process.
  • Sewhike
    Sewhike Posts: 7 Member
    I am a mid-60's woman trying to lose about 20 pounds. I never seem to get enough protein, and love carbs too much. What is a healthy protein snack? My cravings are salt and crunchy foods.
  • tathomas113
    tathomas113 Posts: 1 Member
    I've attained my goal! How do I meal plan to ensure I don't regain the weight I worked so hard to remove? I'm over 65, vegan, and used intermittent fasting. I've trained myself to drink coffee until noon and eat my first meal shortly after noon. I work out 5 days a week and hope to make strength training a goal for the year. I've conquered cardio. I am not averse to protein powder (in my coffee, or added to a meal). I'd love to learn to use macros, but not certain how to begin.
  • barbjbm
    barbjbm Posts: 1 Member
    Do you have suggestions on managing diverticulitis and losing weight?
  • IsaRios3
    IsaRios3 Posts: 1 Member
    What is considered too much protein? Are there any risks with eating too much protein? Should I increase protein on weight lifting days? How about cardio days (running for over an hour, or so)?

    Is it healthy to eat 3 eggs everyday? Is the cholesterol in eggs correlated to the cholesterol in blood?

    I'm 5'6" at 164lbs and consume between 160-200 grams a day depending on my activity. I'm losing weight as planned, with a goal weight of 150-155lbs.

    My diet is designed to lose 2lbs or more a week, with 45% protein, 35% fat, 20% net carbs.
  • plesedimon1757
    plesedimon1757 Posts: 1 Member
    What dietary requirements would you suggest for a highly inflamed auto immune body? It seems carbs help with gastric issues whereas carbs make inflammation worse elsewhere. How do I strike a balance and remain healthy without exacerbating symptoms?
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