Have a Health & Nutrition Question? Ask the RD!



  • qdodson8374
    qdodson8374 Posts: 1 Member
    I am struggling BIG time with getting enough calories (2,300) but staying within my daily portions (1.5-2 cups fruit, 3 cups of veggies, 6oz of grains, 5oz of protein, etc). If I reach the above portion goals for the day, for some reason I’m no where near getting in all of my calories for the day. However if I add in more calories, I go WAY over the amount of protein or fruits I should be having (according to recommended portions) This leaves me super confused and stressed:(. What should I do? (Hope I didn’t confuse ya too much)

    Thank you
  • librarylady1954
    librarylady1954 Posts: 1 Member
    As a 67 year old female, how much protein do I need? Also suggestions for protein other than eggs in the morning when I can't eat dairy due to medications.
  • dolphindebbie
    dolphindebbie Posts: 1 Member
    I am just beginning my journey and have a lot of weight to lose. I have bad arthritis and struggle with exercise. I try to follow low carb diet but cannot eat nuts. Any tips to get me losing would be appreciated!
    Thank you
  • quilter6870
    quilter6870 Posts: 1 Member
    I am using WW diet to lose weight. I have been on this diet and following it every day for over a month but I cannot lose anything. I weight 123 and want to get to my goal weight of 115. What am I doing wrong? I am getting depressed over the fact that I cannot seem to lose anything. I work out at the gym doing both cardio and weight training at least 5 to 6 times a week.
  • mjmclean60
    mjmclean60 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Martha
    I'm a diabetic an need to learn how to cook healthy meals to bring down my sugar an lose weight. Can you send me some good recipes for breakfast, lunch an supper?
    Thank you
  • thea0416
    thea0416 Posts: 4 Member
    When I reach my goal weight , how do you recommend one increase their calorie intake for maintenance. Should I Increase my intake slowly over several weeks?
  • Lloorny
    Lloorny Posts: 1 Member
    Runner, 73 year old, mostly nondairy, veggie diet, training for a 10 miler in June.
    what to eat before and after long runs, hill workouts etc. adding in animal protein since it seems to keep me from eating every carbohydrate in sight.
  • sjworthley
    sjworthley Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with diabetes 2.5 years ago. I lost 40 lbs quickly but have been plateaued for awhile. Any tips on diet/exercise to jumpstart weight loss. I would like to lose another 30lbs? Walking is my go-to exercise when my feet tolerate.
  • lilychill
    lilychill Posts: 1 Member
    Dear RD, I'm a 44-year-old woman and, like others on this feed, I'm struggling with slight overweight even though I eat relatively healthy and well-balanced, and I exercise often. OK, we surely have to face our metabolism has slowed down. ^^ But – what else can be done besides eating fewer calories than the ones we spend? Maybe to eat more small meals per day, to stop eating at a certain time, or to do X amount of XX-hour intermittent fastings per week? Thanks in advance for your help!
  • samiramamun
    samiramamun Posts: 1 Member
    Does honey contribute to health benefits for those leading an active lifestyle? I have started consuming Sidr Honey with Lipton Red Tea, I'm wondering if investing in such an expensive honey is beneficial or I am just following a fad.
  • akgirl89
    akgirl89 Posts: 1 Member
    Diabetes runs in my family; I am trying to avoid it. Before Covid, fall 2019, I worked to get my A1c down from 5.8 to 5.7. I would like to see it lower; however, when I went in February 2021 to ask for an A1c test, the new doctor in town, said not to worry about it that the recommended numbers had changed, and at 65, I would most likely never develop diabetes. This is so opposite of what I had believed. I have been occasionally checking it in the morning and my fasting glucose levels range from 101 to 105. Should I be worried? I try to eat healthy with protein, fiber, and complex cards.
  • samantha3_0521
    samantha3_0521 Posts: 1 Member
    My blood sugar was a bit high at my last blood draw appt. I had gestational diabetes, but managed it well through nutrition though I was put on a thyroid medication but went off after baby came. My doc wants me to go back on it since my blood sugar was slightly high, but I’d rather manage my health through nutrition. She said I should go low carb. What amount of carbs a day for a woman, mid thirties, do you think is appropriate?
  • bgorman65
    bgorman65 Posts: 32 Member
    I seem to cycle between sticking to my calorie goal for weight loss and getting so hungry some days that I blow it out of the water, and I haven't lost any weight in a couple of months. Do you have any suggestions on what to do when I get really hungry to keep me from stuffing myself way beyond what I need to eat? Would limiting carbs help with the hunger?
  • GeminiLady159
    GeminiLady159 Posts: 120 Member
    Intermittent fasting (IF): there is lots of evidence of its health benefits, especially related to insulin production and resistance, which of course are related to health and weight. However, It seems the only “allowed” examples and answers here on MFP are “calorie in calorie out/CICO” (as in, if IF works it is only due to calorie restriction rather than any benefits of a digestive break per se). The CICO and eat all day small meals was once the accepted thought, but research and science has moved on. As an RD- what say you? Is your field catching up?
  • jbrown79vtme
    jbrown79vtme Posts: 1 Member
    I have read some articles recently on line that suggest eating some foods will significantly lower testosterone. Two examples are flaxseed and soy products, both of which I had regularly included in my diet. I am a 65 year old male and so am prone to losing muscle mass. Should I avoid those foods?
  • annerox2019
    annerox2019 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you still walk daily if you’re getting knee pain that may be arthritic?
  • bonecycle
    bonecycle Posts: 1 Member
    I’m a 52 yo competitive cyclist and T1 diabetic. What do you suggest eating pre-race and during race for a 3-5 hour event?
  • kjack7975
    kjack7975 Posts: 1 Member
    I am struggling to eat enough calories when I already have my fats, carbs etc. What should I be eating?
  • Marji70
    Marji70 Posts: 79 Member
    I am a chocoholic what is the best chocolate to eat on a diet?
  • yogendsharma
    yogendsharma Posts: 2 Member
    What sort of nutrition plan should a diabetic Type 2 follow? I eat clean meals mostly, do my own workouts with gyms as well. Struggling to stick to a nutrition plan as being a diabetic my carbs intake is controlled thus causing me problems to gain mass.
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