Natural food better than vaccinations?



  • CarlaJean140down
    CarlaJean140down Posts: 31 Member
    To eradicate a disease vaccinations are the answer...if it were not for vaccinations small pox would still be with anything, there are of course risks and we all have to determine if the risk are worth while.
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    I immunized my children. That being said: my biological children (who are grown) had there shots spread out more then they do now. The theory now is that parents forget so give as many as you can when they do come to the doctors. I don't think this is as safe as spreading them out. I don't think they cause Autism, but they CAN in certain children trigger severe allergies if given too much at once. I also think we need to know what shots are being given. We should know what is being put in our children's bodies and weigh the risks and benefits. I personally think the benefits outweigh the risks for most immunizations. My foster sons doctor gave him the chicken pox vaccine then asked me to sign for it. I do not think the chicken pox vaccine is a good thing, because it only lasts 10 years and how many of these kids will remember a booster as adults or teens. I had chicken pox with my children while hubby was deployed to Somalia for the Army. I was VERY sick and the doctor told me it is much worse for adults. I also had Shingles a few years ago and the doctor said its more likely to get this if you had chicken pox as an adult. Just my opinion.

    I agree somewhat - I hate that we now have a chickenpox vaccine. I had the chickenpox, survived, and supposedly don't need a booster. Unfortunately though, what you said is right - if they get chickenpox as an adult you're more likely to get shingles which is a very painful disease. Unfortunately, because every kid is now vaccinated against chickenpox, it will be close to impossible to have my kids contract this minor illness on their own and acquire natural immunity. So, I feel I have no choice but to immunize them to protect against getting it as an adult.

    That being said - there is no way I would risk not giving my kids the vaccines for polio, MMR, whooping cough or a certain type of meningitis. These are real, serious and even deadly diseases. The risks of vaccines do not outweigh the benefits for me. And in the northeast here, we are seeing a resurgence of some of these formerly "eradicated" illnesses.

    My husband is 31 he hadn't had chickenpox as a child so as a young adult he got the chickenpox vaccination (before I met him I am not 100% sure how old he was) anyway when I was pregnant with our first child 2007 he was 27 and he got shingles and they could not figure out why he got it .. and he has had it 3x since then and the last time we went to a walk in clinic since we were out of town when they hit him again and the dr. there told us it couldn't be shingles because he got the vaccination and that prevents shingles too well they scraped a sample off and we got a call a week later that it was indeed shingles ... oh and he has had shingles 4x total first time I was pregnant , second time we had a 8week old baby , third time we were in the hospital with our baby and his sleep apnea and the fourth time we had a 2 year old and a 3 month old .. each time my husband was still involved with our family we were cautious and we prevented our children from getting chickenpox now that they are both older if hubby happens to get shingles again we aren't going to be so careful I want my kids to get chickenpox its a normal childhood thing and I think it is best if they get it naturally !! My best friend was pregnant when she found out she had been neither vaccinated or had the disease and if she had gotten it the outcome would have been ALOT worse than if she had just gotten it as a child.

    And just something else I have wondered about is chickenpox and the number of people who make it to adulthood without receiving a vaccination and without ever having chickenpox I would think that chickenpox would be the one disease you were LIKELY to get ... I haven't researched this so I have no clue why but just something I was thinking about

    Right... but how are the kids going to get chicken pox "naturally" if all of the other kids in the country have been vaccinated now because that is the trend? They are not likely to be exposed to it.
  • mrsmccullen07
    I am not good at wording stuff to really come across the way I want them too .. I do much better talking in person I just want to let you know that I am not against vaccinations I understand there benefits and what they have done for us the only thing I want to get across is that you should do your research into vaccinations and I dont believe any parent should choose to vaccinate just because it is required for school. I am often shocked at my friends who have children that go and get shots and they can't even tell me what shots they get they dont even know what is being put into their child and I just feel that you should make an informed decision either way !! And as I said before it looks like everyone here is informed and has made the best decision for them.

    I am extremely happy that for once I had a conversation about vaccinations were I didn't receive nasty remarks and emails .. like I said I barely speak out but the few times I have on another forum I frequented I got the rudest comments and I got sent awful emails :(
  • TaraTLC83
    TaraTLC83 Posts: 93 Member
    I read the first post in this topic and cannot read further because I get so angry about this so called "debate" that my blood pressure rises incredibly high, I get pissed off, and I can't sleep.

    Vaccines are a victim of their own success. It is so frustrating.

    I have a sick child that isn't fortunate enough to receive all of the usual vaccines. She has a poor immune system and at the age of 1 is not allowed to get MMR because it is a live vaccine AND because she received certain blood products.

    This forces me to rely on the stupidity of others to protect my child which puts me into mama bear mode and gets me angry.

    Deaths/Illnesses I have seen personally that could have been preventable
    1 aunt - polio. Suffered paralysis
    1 uncle - polio. Deformations
    1 baby - died. RSV
    2 babies - died only 2 weeks after going home from NICU from pertussis (whooping cough)
    1 sister in law - hospitalization due to chicken pox as an adult.

    NONE of these could have been prevented by healthy eating or exercise.

    That is all.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Vaccinations do not cause Autism. Correlation is not causation.

    Good nutrition, along with breastfeeding, does boost your immune system.

    Conflicted? NO. Vaccinate and have a healthy diet. Why not give your child every chance at a healthy life? Your immune system simply cannot handle some diseases. Think about what people ate when polio ran rampant. A much healthier and fresher diet than we eat now, but it took a vaccine to erradicate it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    My husband is 31 he hadn't had chickenpox as a child so as a young adult he got the chickenpox vaccination (before I met him I am not 100% sure how old he was) anyway when I was pregnant with our first child 2007 he was 27 and he got shingles and they could not figure out why he got it .. and he has had it 3x since then and the last time we went to a walk in clinic since we were out of town when they hit him again and the dr. there told us it couldn't be shingles because he got the vaccination and that prevents shingles too well they scraped a sample off and we got a call a week later that it was indeed shingles ... oh and he has had shingles 4x total first time I was pregnant , second time we had a 8week old baby , third time we were in the hospital with our baby and his sleep apnea and the fourth time we had a 2 year old and a 3 month old .. each time my husband was still involved with our family we were cautious and we prevented our children from getting chickenpox now that they are both older if hubby happens to get shingles again we aren't going to be so careful I want my kids to get chickenpox its a normal childhood thing and I think it is best if they get it naturally !! My best friend was pregnant when she found out she had been neither vaccinated or had the disease and if she had gotten it the outcome would have been ALOT worse than if she had just gotten it as a child.

    And just something else I have wondered about is chickenpox and the number of people who make it to adulthood without receiving a vaccination and without ever having chickenpox I would think that chickenpox would be the one disease you were LIKELY to get ... I haven't researched this so I have no clue why but just something I was thinking about
    I'd like to see clinical studies on adults who have had shingles yet were vaccinated. I'm more than sure that people that have been vaccinated that don't get shingles will be in much much larger numbers than those that have. Again no medicine is perfect, but benefit outweighs results.
    It seems that you correlate what may happen in your life personally to your belief in vaccinations. IMO, that would be like saying crime is high because you were held up at gun point when in fact crime is actually down statistically. Doesn't mean that crime doesn't happen, it just means that doing some of the things we have done have reduced it. You could well say that spending more money on Police did nothing for you, but it has done lots for others. Just a perspective you may not have considered.
  • perceptualobfuscator
    Oh God. There is absolutely no evidence to link vaccines to any sort of long-term illness, and this is especially true of autism. I don't know why this tired piece of misinformation keeps coming up, but it's not true, never has been true, and actively harms people. People die because of this. And if you don't get vaccinated, it's not just yourself you're putting at risk, but vulnerable populations of people such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with long-term chronic illnesses. It's incredibly damaging and selfish.

    That being said, I personally know someone who believed that H1N1 was a secret conspiracy from Barack Obama to insert some sort of mind control into the population through the vaccine. Never mind that she's Canadian, and how would this even work, anyways? She refused to get vaccinated, and was later hospitalized because of... H1N1. Of course.
  • mrsmccullen07
    I think alot of children are exposed to chickenpox ... Adults that have shingles can give chickenpox to children and from what I was told (I have not done much research on this as I honestly dont care) a child that has been vaccinated against chickenpox who comes around my child could potentially infect my child with chickenpox ... as well as someone who received the shingles vaccination because I was warned by my pediatrician to keep my baby (2 weeks old) away from my husbands grandparents whenever they got the shingles vaccination for 10days.

    I am just surprised that there are numerous 25+ year old's that haven't had the disease ... when that High School shut down for the chickenpox 2 years ago alot of the teachers and other staff members also got chickenpox and even though my child was in preschool with other children who got chickenpox ( there is atleast 2 a year that get it even though I am sure they are vaccinated) he never got chickenpox ...

    Again I have done no research on this and dont want to argue this point because I honestly hope my children get chickenpox I just have always wondered about it .... Like I said there are atleast 2 children in my sons preschool that get chickenpox every year and I always get a letter when they do (the school sends one out) ... and there was a child in my sons sunday school class that had chickenpox its not unheard of around here but my children haven't gotten it yet ........... anyway it just honestly shocks me they havent
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I am not good at wording stuff to really come across the way I want them too .. I do much better talking in person I just want to let you know that I am not against vaccinations I understand there benefits and what they have done for us the only thing I want to get across is that you should do your research into vaccinations and I dont believe any parent should choose to vaccinate just because it is required for school. I am often shocked at my friends who have children that go and get shots and they can't even tell me what shots they get they dont even know what is being put into their child and I just feel that you should make an informed decision either way !! And as I said before it looks like everyone here is informed and has made the best decision for them.

    I am extremely happy that for once I had a conversation about vaccinations were I didn't receive nasty remarks and emails .. like I said I barely speak out but the few times I have on another forum I frequented I got the rudest comments and I got sent awful emails :(
    You can have debates and not have to be rude. Usually IMO people that do are acting emotionally rather than logically. I would question where people who are against vaccinations get their facts though. I go with peer reviewed clinical studies. That means they aren't biased. They just take the info given to them, test it and give results.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I think alot of children are exposed to chickenpox ... Adults that have shingles can give chickenpox to children and from what I was told (I have not done much research on this as I honestly dont care) a child that has been vaccinated against chickenpox who comes around my child could potentially infect my child with chickenpox ... as well as someone who received the shingles vaccination because I was warned by my pediatrician to keep my baby (2 weeks old) away from my husbands grandparents whenever they got the shingles vaccination for 10days.

    I am just surprised that there are numerous 25+ year old's that haven't had the disease ... when that High School shut down for the chickenpox 2 years ago alot of the teachers and other staff members also got chickenpox and even though my child was in preschool with other children who got chickenpox ( there is atleast 2 a year that get it even though I am sure they are vaccinated) he never got chickenpox ...

    Again I have done no research on this and dont want to argue this point because I honestly hope my children get chickenpox I just have always wondered about it .... Like I said there are atleast 2 children in my sons preschool that get chickenpox every year and I always get a letter when they do (the school sends one out) ... and there was a child in my sons sunday school class that had chickenpox its not unheard of around here but my children haven't gotten it yet ........... anyway it just honestly shocks me they havent
    I got chicken pox (I lived over seas at the time) and wasn't immunized for it. I risk the chance of getting shingles later since I did have it. And all the reason I'm glad my daughter got immunized from it because if anything happened to her because of me passing it on, I'd be devastated.
    Again it's subjective from some people, but almost all evidence will show that vaccinations are life savers for the most part.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I read the first post in this topic and cannot read further because I get so angry about this so called "debate" that my blood pressure rises incredibly high, I get pissed off, and I can't sleep.

    Vaccines are a victim of their own success. It is so frustrating.

    I have a sick child that isn't fortunate enough to receive all of the usual vaccines. She has a poor immune system and at the age of 1 is not allowed to get MMR because it is a live vaccine AND because she received certain blood products.

    This forces me to rely on the stupidity of others to protect my child which puts me into mama bear mode and gets me angry.

    Deaths/Illnesses I have seen personally that could have been preventable
    1 aunt - polio. Suffered paralysis
    1 uncle - polio. Deformations
    1 baby - died. RSV
    2 babies - died only 2 weeks after going home from NICU from pertussis (whooping cough)
    1 sister in law - hospitalization due to chicken pox as an adult.

    NONE of these could have been prevented by healthy eating or exercise.

    That is all.

    Agreed, that is why I said the benefits outweigh the risks. There are risks.
  • mrsmccullen07
    [/quote]I'd like to see clinical studies on adults who have had shingles yet were vaccinated. I'm more than sure that people that have been vaccinated that don't get shingles will be in much much larger numbers than those that have. Again no medicine is perfect, but benefit outweighs results.
    It seems that you correlate what may happen in your life personally to your belief in vaccinations. IMO, that would be like saying crime is high because you were held up at gun point when in fact crime is actually down statistically. Doesn't mean that crime doesn't happen, it just means that doing some of the things we have done have reduced it. You could well say that spending more money on Police did nothing for you, but it has done lots for others. Just a perspective you may not have considered.

    I was told that it would be 15-20 years before they knew for sure that getting the chickenpox vaccination would prevent you from getting shingles but I am sure your right I was quite surprised he got shingles and the doctors were too .. I do not vaccinate my child against chickenpox just because it seems silly to me at this time however if they get to there teens and still haven't gotten chickenpox then I will vaccinate them because I understand how dangerous it can be as an adult. I do correlate what happens in my life personally to my chose not to vaccinate but I did my research and understand what I am choosing not to do and what the risks are and I have considered that perspective and I realize and I try to make it as clear as I can that my beliefs are that just mine I typically dont tell anyone my beliefs on vaccinations and when I get asked about it I just tell them to research it and talk to there doctor because I know I am not a doctor. I understand what your saying and I appreciate it honestly I do I really like to hear others thoughts ! I am constantly reading about vaccinations and listening to what others say since I know that I want to be as knowledgable as I can be and lets be honest at any time something could happen that makes me change my mind and vaccinate my children. And for me the benefits of vaccinations does not outweigh the risks to my son BUT my son has epilepsy and has a ton of allergies and sensitivites and I have not even found a dr. that would vaccinate him if I wanted them too (and I have decided to not vaccinate my younger son because we do not know if he will follow in his brothers footsteps with the allergies/sensitivites)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    please - get your kid vax'd... there is no reason for chicken pox, mumps and measles today.
    oh - and <gasp> I didn't BF my babies - they're 5 & 4 and each have been on an AB treatment ONCE in their life. I don't think BF will make your child healthier, but what you feed them will.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Yes, I do research vaccines I receive; as a molecular biology major, I took advanced virology and microbiology classes. I don't find anything objectionable in vaccines. Are you referring to attenuated virus strains which are used in vaccines? I don't find anything wrong with this.
  • mrsmccullen07
    please - get your kid vax'd... there is no reason for chicken pox, mumps and measles today.
    oh - and <gasp> I didn't BF my babies - they're 5 & 4 and each have been on an AB treatment ONCE in their life. I don't think BF will make your child healthier, but what you feed them will.

    I am not sure if you read my posts I can not vaccinate my child even if I wanted to .. which I dont but if I chose to the chances of my son suffering from something very serious are quite high and I will not risk that and I also mentioned that we will vaccinate one day if it becomes necessary. I dont know where breastfeeding plays into this but I didn't breastfeed my first child because of him being in the NICU and me being in the hospital with a c-section that had busted back open I did however breastfeed my second child and I dont think my second child was any healthier than my first child however both of my children had to get put on a medical formula due to their allergies/sensitivites and my second son was able to breastfeed for 10months and I had no dietary restrictions but as soon as he switched to formula he got sick and I mean he was in the hospital he was so sick and it was a gradual wean but the sickness hit when he was fully on formula but we had already been through it once with our older son and the dr.s figured out it was allergies and put him on the new formula and he is doing great now !
  • mrsmccullen07
    Yes, I do research vaccines I receive; as a molecular biology major, I took advanced virology and microbiology classes. I don't find anything objectionable in vaccines. Are you referring to attenuated virus strains which are used in vaccines? I don't find anything wrong with this.

    I personally dont care for some of the ingredients that are used but its my personal issue and I dont disagree with you all I want is for someone to read and know what they are putting in their body or their childs body. I dont feel you can make a informed decision if you dont know the ingredients ... sorry if that doesn't make sense I wasn't pointing out that you needed to read the ingredients I just was pointing out that I think parents should all read them so they know exactly what they are putting in their childs bodyy
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Yes, I do research vaccines I receive; as a molecular biology major, I took advanced virology and microbiology classes. I don't find anything objectionable in vaccines. Are you referring to attenuated virus strains which are used in vaccines? I don't find anything wrong with this.

    I personally dont care for some of the ingredients that are used but its my personal issue and I dont disagree with you all I want is for someone to read and know what they are putting in their body or their childs body. I dont feel you can make a informed decision if you dont know the ingredients ... sorry if that doesn't make sense I wasn't pointing out that you needed to read the ingredients I just was pointing out that I think parents should all read them so they know exactly what they are putting in their childs bodyy
    Ahh okay. Totally agree with you there. I wish people would be more interested in things like that. :flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So this morning while driving my wife to the airport, I was listening to a topic on vaccinations and how some people who are adamant that vaccinations have cause more issues with illness (like Autism) and that natural foods can cure such diseases as whooping cough. One female stated that vaccinations are nothing more than a way for the Pharmacy companies to make big money. And her stance was that if vaccinations would be banned that we would have cured diseases by eating natural foods.
    Now while I will agree that GREAT nutrition can help with boosting the immune system, I will emphatically disagree that the approach that eating natural foods will protect any child from diseases like measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc.


    I agree with the woman that was discussing this. Building natural immunity is the most important.

    This was written by a Dr..........
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I think alot of children are exposed to chickenpox ... Adults that have shingles can give chickenpox to children and from what I was told (I have not done much research on this as I honestly dont care) a child that has been vaccinated against chickenpox who comes around my child could potentially infect my child with chickenpox ... as well as someone who received the shingles vaccination because I was warned by my pediatrician to keep my baby (2 weeks old) away from my husbands grandparents whenever they got the shingles vaccination for 10days.

    My own experience: My child was exposed to another child who had the chicken pox and <<ewww> ring worm. I didn't know until it was too late and the parent admitted that the child was not vax'd. I thought, no sweat, my kid is fully vaccinated - right? Not 5 days later did she have, at first what I thought was mosquito bites... lo and behold - it was CP. Vaccinations will not "prevent", but will make the symptoms a lot less severe. A few days after that her big sister got them too but less severe than her sister. The younger one who was exposed to the chicken pox first was also exposed to right worm, and she got that on her forearms.
    Now I get why you simply cannot vax your child due to his allergies. I have a friend who experienced the same. What I have a problem with is negligent parents with otherwise healthy children who don't.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I immunized my children. That being said: my biological children (who are grown) had there shots spread out more then they do now. The theory now is that parents forget so give as many as you can when they do come to the doctors. I don't think this is as safe as spreading them out. I don't think they cause Autism, but they CAN in certain children trigger severe allergies if given too much at once. I also think we need to know what shots are being given. We should know what is being put in our children's bodies and weigh the risks and benefits. I personally think the benefits outweigh the risks for most immunizations. My foster sons doctor gave him the chicken pox vaccine then asked me to sign for it. I do not think the chicken pox vaccine is a good thing, because it only lasts 10 years and how many of these kids will remember a booster as adults or teens. I had chicken pox with my children while hubby was deployed to Somalia for the Army. I was VERY sick and the doctor told me it is much worse for adults. I also had Shingles a few years ago and the doctor said its more likely to get this if you had chicken pox as an adult. Just my opinion.

    You do not have to get the Chicken Pox vaccine (Varicella) every 10 years. This is not true. I never got chicken pox so I had the vaccine when I was 13 because they didn't want me to get it when I was older. Now everyone is vaccinated with it and it comes in two doses. No doctor has ever told me that I have to be revaccinated for it.