Step into the New Year Challenge

ecronick Posts: 289 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

I'm going to start a walking/running challenge. It will start Monday September 26 and end January 1. That is a total of 14 weeks to complete this challenge. This challenge is for all ages, sizes, and abilities. The week will go from Monday-Sunday with the weigh in being Sunday afternoon. There are four different options to choose from.

1.) To walk/run a total of 210 miles by the end of the challenge which equals out to 15 miles a week.

2.) To walk/run a total of 280 miles by the end of the challenge which equals out to 20 miles a week.

3.) To walk/run a total of 350 miles by the end of the challenge which equals out to 25 miles a week.

4.) To walk/run a total of 420 miles by the end of the challenge which equals out to 30 miles a week.

If the total WEEKLY (15, 20, ex) mileage is not completed an extra challenge will be given as "punishment" for not completing it. This extra challenge will not be horrible but just a little bit extra to try and get you moving. Example 25 crunches, or 16 extra ounces of water to drink, or .5 mile extra added onto your next week total.

If you're interested in joining please give your name, starting weight, and which option you would like to do. There is room for 13 more people.

Name: Erica
SW: 212lbs
Walking option: #3


  • I try to walk/run every day, so i totally am in on this!!

    My name is Jaimie, I am 173 lbs and I am choosing option 4, 30 miles a week. Since I generally go 20 or so miles a week, I have to up it :)

    Does running count as walking? please say yes :)
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Sure that would be no problem!
  • Yay :) I do both. I walk a lot and run a bit more each week - trying to be able to run an entire 5K :)
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    That's a great goal I am also trying to work my way up to 5k. Welcome to the team Jaimie. :smile:
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    13 more spots open.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
  • I am in. I am training to do a 10K in March and this is the training I need. Thanks for doing the challenge.


    Name: Tammie
    SW: 205lbs
    Walking option: #3
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Great to hear!
  • this is great, yesterday I started back on my running for the new year.

    Name: Tanya
    SW: 126lbs
    Walking option: #3
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Members so far


    Still looking for 11 more people willing to take the challenge!! This will definitely help you get ready for those 5k, 10k, or even just get you moving/running again. :)
  • Hi!
    I'm down. This will be fun and a good pair with the other challenge we are in.
    Name: Brea
    Starting Weight: 185
    Option: #1
  • Hello!
    I think I'd like to join this challenge. I need to get moving and I'd like to actually run a 5k by next Spring (I've walked several thus far). I'm super out of shape still so I'll be doing option #1 for sure!

    262 lbs
    Option #1
  • I am in!!!!

    I will take option number 3

    Starting weight 224.4

  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome ladies!! Brea I think you are right that's why I chose to do this challenge now. :)

    Members so far:


    8 more spots open. Challenge starts next Monday September 26.
  • Hi Erica I like the sound of your challenge.

    Name: Jorden
    SW: 160.2
    Walking option: #4... dont know if I can pull it off, but I'll give it my best!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome Jordan!


    7 spots still open
  • Thank you!
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Still open
  • I'm in.

    Name: Naomi (ngallaway)
    SW: 220
    Option: 1

    Gonna try my hardest and hopefully this will keep me motivated.
  • Hi I would like to get in. I have been lax on entering my foods, but I do exercise 5-6 days/per week.
    I don't normally weigh every day but i can weigh tomorrow and let you know. I would like the #3.
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