Sexy in Six Challenge - PURPLE Team (CLOSED GROUP)



  • I'm having a good week so far made it to the gym twice and did some walking plus or challenge everyday, but the weekend hmmmmm how do I get through!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Girls - I`m so sorry but I have gained 2lbs this week.

    I am not giving an excuse for my weight gain ... but I can give a reason, my daughter has been home from Spain (for a week - I won`t see her now till Christmas) where she studies and is an au pair - My gain is due to too much drinking and eating with her and family but sometimes there is more to life than dieting.

    I did try to excercise as much as I could.

    I understand I have been a bit of a let down regarding weight loss since we have started - I am willing to start afresh on Monday, but understand if any of you want me to leave the Purple team - I will do - no hard feelings eh!

    Just let me know and I will email peanut - no problem

  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Girls - I`m so sorry but I have gained 2lbs this week.

    I am not giving an excuse for my weight gain ... but I can give a reason, my daughter has been home from Spain (for a week - I won`t see her now till Christmas) where she studies and is an au pair - My gain is due to too much drinking and eating with her and family but sometimes there is more to life than dieting.

    I did try to excercise as much as I could.

    I understand I have been a bit of a let down regarding weight loss since we have started - I am willing to start afresh on Monday, but understand if any of you want me to leave the Purple team - I will do - no hard feelings eh!

    Just let me know and I will email peanut - no problem


    Aww, of course not! We all have our ups and downs, and enjoying life (and food) for special occasions is way more important than any challenge.

    This week I decided I was sick of restricting my calories and being hungry all the time, so I reset myself back up to 1400 calories and went over almost every day. I lost a pound. Ha!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    It must be muscle! All those amazing exercises you have been doing - you put me to shame! Please don't leave the group! You are an inspiration ( as well as living the nearest to me..) - next week is another week. How lovely to have your daughter back - and how absolutely right and proper that you wined her and dined her.

    No worries. All guns blazing for next week - ok?!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you so much girls for allowing me to stay - my daughter goes back to Spain today, so I will start afresh tomorrow.

    My inspiration now is that she wont be home for another 3 months (Christmas) and I want her to see a new me!!!

    Once again thanks a lot for your support and here`s to week 4!!

    Paula :flowerforyou:
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    alright purple team!!! those ranks are sooo close together!! we can do it this week! i know we can! i know we've had things and events happen (everyone on all teams or so i've read) and that's ok. we still have 3 good weeks to pull it to number 1 :)

    stayed under today and worked out. even did 50 crunches from last week. i noticed my "spare tire" is smaller lol i think my QOTD is gonna revolve around that. but anyway...good luck to everyone this week! i'll be thinking about y'all!

  • No worries Paula, I am sure we have all started over a million times! Just keep moving forward even when u gain a little!

    We were so close last week, let's really work hard this week!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks again girls! I feel so so so motivated this week - GO TEAM PURPLE YEAHHHHHH! :laugh:
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    hard to believe hump day is tomorrow.

    stayed under again today. 50 more crunches. it's getting easier so that makes me feel good. but still hurt no doubt lolol

    stay in there ladies!!!

  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    alright alright alright alright alright!!!!!!!!! feelin good. just finished workin out. 50 crunches again! lol yeah! can't believe i'm still doin those lolol

    how's everyone else feelin and doin?
  • I feel good and feel like I look thinner this week but no big change on the scale!!!! Ugh
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    nicole i feel the same way. i feel like a look thinner. i weighed this morning and not much of a change. but maybe in the morning the change will show. i hope i hope i hope i hope lololol

    looking forward to the morning! :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    I'm so sorry everyone, I put on two pounds. :(
    But I'll work even harder next week.
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    I'm so sorry everyone, I put on two pounds. :(
    But I'll work even harder next week.

    No worries - been there, done that, got the T Sirt as they say

    i was exactly the same last week - weighed myself Friday - gained 2lb, so had a total blow out weekend, drank and ate what I wanted, Monday morning - gained ANOTHER 2lb - worked really hard this week and lost the 4lb I had gained!!

    Next week is another week for you- fresh start and back to losing!! - No guilt!! :noway:
  • OK, so I'm about to complain.......................... I worked my butt off this week exercising when I was seriously so busy and only lost a pound not cheating either grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I really hope I'm not hitting another plateau, or maybe I'm retaining water ect. so frustrating.......... I am now going to resist the urge not to eat my frustration all weekend then hate myself by Monday:(
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    TEAM PURPLE! WWOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! think this might be our week!! hope everyone's doing well.

    and i'm sooo looking forward to my cheat day sunday lolol well i have a baby shower to go to today so it might be today lol i love cake haha
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Starting to feel excited about the results of this week's challenge....!!!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    You girls are so encouraging and inspiring! And we made it to number one this week!!!
  • Go team purple how awesome is that!
  • it's been a while how is everyone?