Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Can I join in on this discussion?

    Does anyone object? I don't see why not since we don't start til Monday?

    Muscle pain- epsom salt baths, stretching, peppermint lotion ( or icy hot or some such!), massage therapy, analgesics...
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Can I join in on this discussion?

    Of course!

    Well everyone, I'm back to my home town but still house-less. My bf and I will be staying with my parents :grumble: until we find a place. We are looking at one today so I am really hoping it works out. I will be working out more now that I am a LITTLE more settled and today I think I'm going to time my mile (though I'm afraid it won't be super since I haven't worked out in almost a week). I'm really excited to break my plateau and I'm going try my hardest to do so.

    Hope all is well with everyone else :)
  • Just checking in real quick. I've been having a busy weekend with company from out of town. Things will be back to normal tomorrow and I will catch up on the postings!! It also looks like there's challenge(s) to start tomorrow?!

    Have a great day!!
  • Hello Everyone!

    Can I join in on this discussion?

    Glad you're here!! But you have to introduce yourself cuz I like knowing a little bit about everybody (some people might call that "nosey", lol). :):):)
  • Thank you!

    Ok so a little bit about myself. I played softball including collegiate softball for 7 years. Once I tore my hamstring I stopped playing and haven't been able to find my way back to vigorously working out. I'm from California; however, I currently attend UNLV (University Las Vegas). I love going to school out of state because I live alone and I'm able to be a little bit more disciplined then I would living with my family. I buy my own groceries and have access to a community gym. I'm great at establishing a healthy routine however, i lose control once the holidays or friends and family come to visit. Also, because I'm a student grabbing something fast seems to come in handy more than it should. This year I'm a senior, and I want a change. A few of my girlfriends are getting married and some have asked to be a bridesmaid and I want to be confident in whatever dress they choose. I hope in this next chapter of my life I am healthy and confident. I would like to lose approximately 68 pounds, but I've broken them down to increments of 10, seems a little easier on the eyes :)
  • 11119394.png
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I also have a blog that kind of describes some of the things I'm into. Lately I've been updating with MFP and healthy recipes.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Todayyyyy... well.. Not so good. High sodium, low potassium :grumble:

    Tomorrow I start up Insanity again, and I can't WAIT to be considered an Insanity grad!!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Really excited for the week ahead! I'm following a tried, tested and true meal plan from my favorite magazine of all time, Oxygen, for the next three weeks starting tomorrow. It's entitled "Lose 10 pounds in 21 days", and it works! The key is sticking to healthy eating after the fact :) In any case, I'm looking forward to it because it's consistent, healthy, and will make meal decisions for the next little while easy for me while I get back into the swing of things. If anyone is interested in it, lemme know and I can fire it to you in a message; nothing funky or weird, just good ol' clean eating. Bit boring, but effective! I'm looking forward to all of the challenges! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • Hello,

    My daughter anababiie joined this discussion and I would like to join as well. I understand that the challenges start tomorrow, I'd love to be a part of them.


  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Checking in: I'm doing pretty well! I have had some poor choices and binges because this was a stressful week, but I've been talking myself through all of it instead of ignoring it. In the past I would just stuff my face and not think about why, or I would just plain think, "I'm mad." I do a little more self-analysis, and that has really helped my binges not be as bad. Today I just plain allowed myself some junk, but didn't go over on calories. It will be more difficult to stay on track with calories when I stop breastfeeding, but that's hopefully far into the future, so I won't worry about it now. Tomorrow night is tae-kwon-do night, and that will definitely help me eat well tomorrow or I will REALLY suffer through class! It has been great reading all of these posts, thank you so much for sharing! I'm ready for weigh ins or challenges!!!
  • I did horrible today, I did not exercise, I pushed myself way to hard yesterday for only day 2 of my weight loss journey. I could barely walk today. I went to a baking party with the wives from my husbands unit, I brought veggies to munch on so I would not eat any baked goods... I however only at my veggie snacks and a hott pocket for dinner. I failed hardcore all around today, and feel miserable about it.
  • Checking in: I'm doing pretty well! I have had some poor choices and binges because this was a stressful week, but I've been talking myself through all of it instead of ignoring it. In the past I would just stuff my face and not think about why, or I would just plain think, "I'm mad." I do a little more self-analysis, and that has really helped my binges not be as bad. Today I just plain allowed myself some junk, but didn't go over on calories. It will be more difficult to stay on track with calories when I stop breastfeeding, but that's hopefully far into the future, so I won't worry about it now. Tomorrow night is tae-kwon-do night, and that will definitely help me eat well tomorrow or I will REALLY suffer through class! It has been great reading all of these posts, thank you so much for sharing! I'm ready for weigh ins or challenges!!!

    It's great that you're doing something different (talking yourself through instead of ignoring). I think one of my problems for a long time was doing the same things over and over, even though I knew they didn't work. And it's my opinion that it's important to allow ourselves "junk" sometimes.....I know that's the only thing that keeps me from binges!! You're on track!! :):):)
  • Checking in:

    This weekend I was very disciplined. I worked out everyday and plan to be active for the rest of the week. But, I was confused by the calories for today. I burned lots of calories so the number of calories I earned back was quite high. I felt like I ate enough but I had over 1,000 calories left over. Anyway, my mom is coming to visit so it'll be nice to have someone to go on a few extra walks with this week. I'm looking forward to the challenges this week! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Checking in guys! I feel like I did really well this weekend. Even though I didn't exercise Saturday or Sunday, I ate pretty good, was under my calorie goal, and got all my water. I did have a few more sweets than normal today, cause it's almost that ToM, and my craving usually start early. I know I will be struggling to avoid sweets this week, already, LOL! But I am going to keep trying to go to the gym every day and do the elliptical for an hour. I can't wait to start the challenges tomorrow!!! :D
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Just checking in. I did pretty good, got in all my water, did cardio, and stayed on track overall. I did decide to do all my measurements and I must say I was a little shocked at the numbers. And I also did "Before" pics, lol! Now I just need after pics and I'll be a happy camper! I'm just really excited to get back to my old self again.
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Today went well. We had company for lunch and different company for dinner. I had dessert with dinner only and, once I got on the treadmill, I was under my calories (just). I am repeating w2 of c25k (prob will do at least 1 more round, too!) and I have a habit of upping my speed every week or 2. I definitely haven't been able to walk this fast and running, well that is usually right out. I am enjoying the program right now and am definitely challenged by it. I didn't count the time I ran around cleaning like a maniac today... I figure it'll be like my workday energy expenditure equivalent. Hope everyone had a good w/e and I'm looking forward to this week with all of you!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Checking in :) This weekend went pretty well food wise, I think I may have actually been on the low side of cals which never happens for me. I was working all weekend so that kept me on track, its my weekends off that I have to worry about! My legs are still achy and sore from my body rock workouts lately. I should probably make tomorrow a rest day but I really don't want to! These body rock workouts are addicting!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I can't wait to start the challenges today! Last night after I went to bed I had some major sweets cravings, and decided to give in and much on some stuff so that hopefully I could satisfy my major cravings and focus on being good this week. I had a rice krispy treat, 3 reduced fat oreos with 8 oz of skim milk, a serving of ben and jerry's, and a banana. I am feeling a little panicky though, I weighed 128.4 yesterday morning, and I weighed 130.4 this morning. Do you guys think that I seriously gained 2 pounds from eating that stuff?? It's okay if I did, I just have to keep working, but it just kinda makes me sad that I was doing so well and on my way to 125, and I kind of feel like I was picked up and plopped down back at last Monday's weight. :(
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I can't wait to start the challenges today! Last night after I went to bed I had some major sweets cravings, and decided to give in and much on some stuff so that hopefully I could satisfy my major cravings and focus on being good this week. I had a rice krispy treat, 3 reduced fat oreos with 8 oz of skim milk, a serving of ben and jerry's, and a banana. I am feeling a little panicky though, I weighed 128.4 yesterday morning, and I weighed 130.4 this morning. Do you guys think that I seriously gained 2 pounds from eating that stuff?? It's okay if I did, I just have to keep working, but it just kinda makes me sad that I was doing so well and on my way to 125, and I kind of feel like I was picked up and plopped down back at last Monday's weight. :(

    I dont think you actually gained 2lbs, especially after late night eating. After a good day today I'm sure those 2 lbs will disappear :)