Ugh. Pigs on here!



  • perceptualobfuscator
    I just figured and hoped that a website like this would have less of a chance of getting tagged by pigs.

    So you figured and hoped a website that has cleavage days and constant pictures of girls with their boobs and *kitten* hanging out of their clothes wouldn't attract pigs?

    Sure I guess.....I mean why would pigs be attracted to close up shots of girls with their.....assets hanging out and tiny little bikinis asking questions like "HONESTLY GUISE, DO MY BEWBS LOOK GUUD IN THIS?"

    Yeah, that kind of site wouldn't attract pigs. I'm perplexed, blown away, confused as to how a piggish male would EVER find this site.

    Way to victim blame, dude. Did the OP give any indication that this is what she did, at all? And for the record, no matter what a woman is wearing, she is not asking for harassment. By your reasoning, if one woman, anywhere asks for commentary on her appearance anyone who doesn't want creeps perving on them must instantly leave the site to protect their virtue. I don't think so. Maybe you could put the blame and responsibility squarely where it belongs: on the shoulders of those doing the harassing.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    I posted a few days ago on here about a bra eating me, digging into my ribs and cutting me. The support (no pun intended!) was amazing. I got great answers and solutions, and got my issue taken care of!

    HA!! i love a good pun.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    First, Carl, as always a sweetie.

    In defense of Ranger, I don't think he's saying that this SHOULD have happened or that we should ACCEPT that it happened. I think that he's just saying that a lot of women on here allow themselves to be objectified, and that it's no surprise that some of the creeps take it as an open invitation to act like that to everyone. It's an unfortunate truth, per my earlier post, but I don't think he's applauding it or high-fiving the creepers.

    Just my two cents.
  • ItsMeLori
    Hate to say it but where there are me that will happen. NOT ALL MEN...... had to get that out LOL . Just ignore them,
  • carolynmittens
    No,the notion it should be accepted as normal or okay.
    not to belabor the point here... but if something happens to most women everyday, multiple times a day, or fits into the bracket of happening "fairly often," i would call that a normal occurrence and either learn to deal with it or ignore it. no one said it was ok, but i would definitely say that piggish males hitting on women is indeed very normal (i'm defining normal as something being usual, typical or expected). accepting something as normal doesn't mean you're condoning it, it just means you're acknowledging that it happens.
  • perceptualobfuscator
    First, Carl, as always a sweetie.

    In defense of Ranger, I don't think he's saying that this SHOULD have happened or that we should ACCEPT that it happened. I think that he's just saying that a lot of women on here allow themselves to be objectified, and that it's no surprise that some of the creeps take it as an open invitation to act like that to everyone. It's an unfortunate truth, per my earlier post, but I don't think he's applauding it or high-fiving the creepers.

    Just my two cents.

    The problem with his post is that he's placing the responsibility on the victims not to get themselves harassed rather than the people not to do the harassing. The behaviours he mentioned as an explanation for why people should expect harassment on MFP weren't anything the OP was engaging in. They had nothing to do with her. From that reasoning, if one woman asks if she looks nice, then all women should expect random, unsolicited perverted comments from people we have nothing to do with. I disagree. I don't think we should expect this to happen. I think we should hold our community to higher standards than that, and instead expect to be treated like human beings.

    What would make this easier is if this behaviour wasn't so easily brushed off as 'it just happens, men are stupid' or 'what do you expect on a site where people wear bikinis'. I could wear whatever I wanted and I still wouldn't get harassed if it wasn't for the harasser. Why not focus on him, and his behaviour?
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I just figured and hoped that a website like this would have less of a chance of getting tagged by pigs.

    So you figured and hoped a website that has cleavage days and constant pictures of girls with their boobs and *kitten* hanging out of their clothes wouldn't attract pigs?

    Sure I guess.....I mean why would pigs be attracted to close up shots of girls with their.....assets hanging out and tiny little bikinis asking questions like "HONESTLY GUISE, DO MY BEWBS LOOK GUUD IN THIS?"

    Yeah, that kind of site wouldn't attract pigs. I'm perplexed, blown away, confused as to how a piggish male would EVER find this site.

    Way to victim blame, dude. Did the OP give any indication that this is what she did, at all? And for the record, no matter what a woman is wearing, she is not asking for harassment. By your reasoning, if one woman, anywhere asks for commentary on her appearance anyone who doesn't want creeps perving on them must instantly leave the site to protect their virtue. I don't think so. Maybe you could put the blame and responsibility squarely where it belongs: on the shoulders of those doing the harassing.

    I may be wrong, but I don't think he was blaming the OP at all. I think he was commenting on the fact that she was shocked that there were "pigs" on a site like this one. His point is, why would you be shocked there are pigs ona site with half-naked women begging for attention? I don't see any where that he says she did that or it was her fault.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I'm going to break this down, because while I do not have a reading comprehension problem, I have a feeling Ranger may have a communication problem. So let me just explain WHY I reacted the way I did to his post, and then his responses will be ignored as well and laid to rest.

    "So you figured and hoped a website that has cleavage days and constant pictures of girls with their boobs and *kitten* hanging out of their clothes wouldn't attract pigs?"

    First of all, I sense an immense amount of sarcasm in the whole response. This first excerpt is especially laced with it. In this portion, it's almost made to seem like MFP is an amateur porn site, cleavage and behinds hanging out ALL over the place. I disagree, and in any event, I have never, nor will I ever, post pictures of my chest or my behind. Assuming I do is just ridiculous and ignorant.

    "Sure I guess.....I mean why would pigs be attracted to close up shots of girls with their.....assets hanging out and tiny little bikinis asking questions like "HONESTLY GUISE, DO MY BEWBS LOOK GUUD IN THIS?""

    Again, assuming that's what I did. Assuming that's what this entire site is about. It isn't. This is a FITNESS website. And again, completely laced with sarcasm.

    "Yeah, that kind of site wouldn't attract pigs. I'm perplexed, blown away, confused as to how a piggish male would EVER find this site""

    Here's the issue, while you may not directly be standing up for him, you are excusing it by saying "Well, because other women do whorish things, you deserve what you got because of what those women do."

    No, no I don't. I'd be curious to know if you believe women ask to get raped too, but I'm honestly afraid of the answer. This is a FITNESS website, with a "chit chat" area. I was inquiring about a MEDICAL issue. I don't think you're getting the correlation. I'm not trying to be nasty, but I honestly believe you are missing the point. Had I been posting on cleavage thursday or whatever you were referencing, and had I gotten a vulgar email because of that then yes, I may be a little less offended. But the fact that a MEDICAL question was being asked, THAT is what just absolutely blows me away and disgusts me. It's like posting you have a broken tailbone and getting a "I'd love to see that sexy behind in a mini skirt!" response. No, no you animal.

    So if I misunderstood your sarcasm filled response, if I misread it and upset you a little? That's unfortunate. I don't think Carl or anyone else here is trying to make "brownie points" or anything. I think they, like me and everyone else, think it's a little messed up and disgusting that it even happened. Nevermind the fact that you made a very salty and acerbic response that basically read "You deserved it". As Perc stated, "The problem with his post is that he's placing the responsibility on the victims not to get themselves harassed rather than the people not to do the harassing."
  • perceptualobfuscator
    I may be wrong, but I don't think he was blaming the OP at all. I think he was commenting on the fact that she was shocked that there were "pigs" on a site like this one. His point is, why would you be shocked there are pigs ona site with half-naked women begging for attention? I don't see any where that he says she did that or it was her fault.

    His post did a number of things common to victim-blaming. He pointed out how a woman's clothing is the cause of women's harassment (bikinis). He used deliberate misspellings to mimic a 'ditzy' voice representative of women on this site. He also mocked the OP for 'figuring and hoping' that a fitness site wouldn't attract perverted comments sent to her inbox. And that language was certainly sarcastic and mocking. The thing is, why shouldn't a woman on this site expect not to be harassed? Why must our default assumption throughout life be that we are going to be harassed, even when the focus is on maintaining our health and fitness? He is making the argument that if one woman on this site posts a picture that could be considered risque, every woman should expect harassment. And he's focusing distinctly upon the women posting cleavage, going into efforts to detail their behaviour, with no focus on the people doing the harassing. This is victim blaming. Have you ever heard of the 'short skirt' defense at rape trials? You know, she looked/dressed a certain way, so what did she expect? This is basically it, but applied to internet harassment. And instead of 'she posted picture, what did she expect', it's 'some other random women posted pictures, so what did the OP expect'. It's a bogus argument, and a very tired one.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,084 Member
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I may be wrong, but I don't think he was blaming the OP at all. I think he was commenting on the fact that she was shocked that there were "pigs" on a site like this one. His point is, why would you be shocked there are pigs ona site with half-naked women begging for attention? I don't see any where that he says she did that or it was her fault.

    His post did a number of things common to victim-blaming. He pointed out how a woman's clothing is the cause of women's harassment (bikinis). He used deliberate misspellings to mimic a 'ditzy' voice representative of women on this site. He also mocked the OP for 'figuring and hoping' that a fitness site wouldn't attract perverted comments sent to her inbox. And that language was certainly sarcastic and mocking. The thing is, why shouldn't a woman on this site expect not to be harassed? Why must our default assumption throughout life be that we are going to be harassed, even when the focus is on maintaining our health and fitness? He is making the argument that if one woman on this site posts a picture that could be considered risque, every woman should expect harassment. And he's focusing distinctly upon the women posting cleavage, going into efforts to detail their behaviour, with no focus on the people doing the harassing. This is victim blaming. Have you ever heard of the 'short skirt' defense at rape trials? You know, she looked/dressed a certain way, so what did she expect? This is basically it, but applied to internet harassment. And instead of 'she posted picture, what did she expect', it's 'some other random women posted pictures, so what did the OP expect'. It's a bogus argument, and a very tired one.

    You are reading what you want into it. You are assuming way too much from one comment in a thread. Enjoy your evening!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
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