Accountability buddy



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,337 Member
    I’m sorry to hear about your Spring allergies @highmaintnance! I used to suffer terribly in the Fall when I was young but I guess I outgrew it. After college, I lived overseas for several years, and my allergies became far less severe. So, the minor sneezing and occasional eye irritation are just ‘background’ to me now compared to the past. My sons both have tree allergies so the beginning of Spring is really uncomfortable for them. They’ve gotten better at starting their allergy medicine just before the season so it’s in their system when the trees start blooming. I sent some medicine in a college ‘care package’ this year but I might have sent it a bit too late for my son at Clemson University to benefit. I know Spring arrives earlier in South Carolina, of course, but I didn’t think about it until I started seeing the local pharmacy ads, etc. Oh well, my family understands that I’m full of good intentions but slow to act — maybe I need to reduce the number of intentions I plan so I can get better at following through with them. I was just visiting my mother in Boston last week and got a number of tasks done but there are still a few remaining on the list. So, I’m planning another trip there next month to finish the list (e.g., I set up an appointment to have her cracked windshield replaced but couldn’t get it done last week).

    Things are going well for me now that my usual workout schedule is returning. Our soccer team played for the first time last night and it was so fun to be back. It was ridiculously cold and the wind was stronger than I’ve ever experienced, which led to an unpredictable game. We would kick the ball and it would practically come back at us 🙃! The distance was cut in half, at least, and curve in the wind. It was really interesting to figure out the physics of it — or try anyway …

    Rowing starts In early April so I’m eager to finish up some projects and enjoy the outdoors and rivers as much possible. I’m taking a course through my college alumni program to explore career options and plan a path forward. It’s extra work, and I’m a bit behind because of my somewhat unexpected trip to Boston, so I need to catch up today. My husband already had a trip set with friends from the DC area to host them for St. Patrick’s Day in Boston. I was planning to visit PA to watch my brother’s hockey team play but I canceled that trip to help my mother through her outpatient laser eye surgery in Boston. I attended my brother’s ‘home’ game in western MA instead of the ‘away’ game on the road in PA. As usual, I didn’t accomplish everything I hoped during my visit - especially because my flight was canceled and I had to rebook a non-direct flight through NYC so I essentially lost two days — the original departure day when we had multiple delays before the airline canceled the flight and the next day when I had a three hour layover in NY which turned the usual 1.5 hour flight into a total of 7 hours with two flight legs and a long stopover. It was a nice trip and I used my time at the airport productively (e.g., NY deli lunch 😋 and helped my son plan and edit his summer intern application). So, I didn’t mind the delay except that it interrupted some plans I had to meet people in Boston those days.

    How are things going for everyone?

    I definitely gained a few pounds while on winter break from my usual workout activities but stayed within my maintenance goal range of 120-130, though definitely pushing the upper limits the whole time! My nutrition has been decent but I need those exercise calorie burns to stay closer to 125 for sure. Let’s hope I’m over the hump and the trend moves down from here. Best wishes to all. Go get those goals!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    hey @PatriceFitnessPal I'm still around! glad to hear you're doing well. thought I'd pop in here and say hi. looking forward to seeing what April can bring me in my progress. just sticking to tracking right now and making healthier choices.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,337 Member
    It’s so nice to see an update from you @roz0810!

    I’m glad you ‘stopped in’ to this thread to say “Hi!” My weight has been creeping up during the winter months so I’m glad our soccer team started last Sunday and I’m looking forward to the beginning of rowing season on Monday! I’m just managing to stay within my maintenance target of 120-130 (at 128 today) so it would be nice if the trend was back on the downward slope 🙄.

    I’m going out to dinner tonight so I’m planning my menu choices now. Best wishes, everyone! I hope you are all doing well.
  • charli3anne
    charli3anne Posts: 25 Member
    Looking for more friends too. In the UK, 37
    years old. Currently 7 months post baby two so trying to lose the baby weight plus some more so I can start my 40s in great shape! Tend to eat on the lower carb side of things and peloton for exercise.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,337 Member
    Welcome @charli3anne! It sounds as though you’re carving out time for exercise and nutrition tracking during a busy time — Good for you!

    I have two children, born 14 months apart. So, they are close in age, but they are now young adults (20 and 21). I still remember the non-stop pace when they were infants and toddlers though — 😅

    What’s your workout routine? I know people who love their pelaton bikes. Do you use yours everyday or space out your workouts?

    I had a nice racing bike for awhile but I bought it on a whim and didn’t use it enough. I was glad to see my son use it and then it was stolen from the local recreation center where he had it locked to a bike rack that wasn’t visable from inside the building. I like the convenience and walk ability of our small city - and there is relatively low crime - but that was disappointing. Oh well, moving on!

    Best wishes for the coming week!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you’re doing well. I think this thread has died out. I’m going to remove the bookmark for this discussion so please send a message via the ‘Friends’ section or use the @PatriceFitnessPal tag if anyone is interested in re-engaging here.

    I really appreciate all your advice, encouragement, and ideas to help me reach my nutrition and fitness goals. I’m still trying to figure out the lifelong habits for maintenance but I’ve managed to stay within my target range since September 2021. I’m not completely there since I still need to track my calories etc., but I’ll keep using MFP while adding new goals. Right now, I’m working to improve my flexibility and build muscle for body recomposition.

    Best wishes, Accountability buddies! Go get those goals!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,270 Member
    Slider678 wrote: » goal is 240 by November 1(2020), then see where I am set a new. The good lord willing if I could ever get to 220
    Jay in Atlanta.

    Jay, got it! How have things changed in your goals over the last couple if years?