๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€***APRIL 2022 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,984 Member
    @deepwoodslady Good luck with the kitchen reno - How long will you have a disassembled kitchen? We did ours a few years back and it took around 4-5months (it was supposed to be a 2 week project, then things went wrong). Hope yours is a short time.
  • Janele0627
    Janele0627 Posts: 231 Member
    Starting Weight (July, 2021): 212.9 lbs
    April Start Weight: 198.8 lbs
    April Goal Weight: 192 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 - 130 lbs


    Total April Loss/Gain:
  • HealthyGigi1968
    HealthyGigi1968 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Iโ€™m Celine, Iโ€™m so excited to join this challenge โ˜บ๏ธ

    Height/ Age: 5โ€™ 2โ€/ 53
    April Start Weight: 134
    April Goal Weight: 130

    Apr 4: 134
    Apr 11:
    Apr 18:
    Apr 25
    Apr 30:
  • Cowphilosopher
    Cowphilosopher Posts: 52 Member
    I'm Lisa. Originally from Northern California but living in London. I'm 43, 6'1" tall and getting into cycling. Highest weight is probably 157ish kilos. I'm starting this challenge at 147.5kg and would love to get to the low 140s by the end of the month. Target weight is the max weight limit for a lot of the things I want to try (like sky diving) which tends to be about 100kg.

    1st April: 147.5kg
    6th April: 147.5kg (odd that it's exactly the same and not even a few grams worth of waver...)
  • catsandvegetables
    catsandvegetables Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for joining a bit late - I've been pretty terrible lately and on weighing myself this morning I am the biggest I have ever been so in real need of a change.
    It's my birthday on the 30th so I will probably be eating out, I'd feel much better about it if I can get below 14 st by then!
    April start weight: 14 st 6.6
    April goal weight: 14 st 0

    April 6 14st 6.6
    April 9
    April 16
    April 23
    April 30
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,984 Member
    April Start Weight: 108
    April Goal Weight: 104
    Age: 51
    Medical issue: Hypothyroidism (extreme - working with specialized Dr. to get on meds that work!)
    Also High cholesterol. probably related to Thyroid.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 101 ( a lady has dreams) I would take staying at 104

    March 31: 107.4
    Apr 1: 108.0
    Apr 2: 110.0
    Apri 4: 107.4 - Met with Dr and she states that I do not convert T4 to T3 - thus why my Synthroid med is not working. Synthroid/Levo is all T4 and my body has TOO much of that. My Thyroflex testing showed that my Hypothyroid level is 334 and normal is well below 50. Meds should arrive on Wed.
    April 6: 106.4 :open_mouth: Great workout this morning. I don't feel like I can justify this number being down, as I have been having more protein bars and *treats* but I am making SOME attempts at portions and not going over. Today - the plan is to not eat over my allotted ***joy*** food!

    Apr 8:
    Apr 15:
    Apr 22:
    Apr 28:
    Apr 31:

    Welcome @HealthyGigi1968 You're really close to Goal weight also.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,984 Member

    @megandaws1 Welcome! A friend of mine recently said those SAME words last week and has written out a meal plan and added in a 30min. low impact workout. I sure wish the foods I want to eat were the same as the ones that are great for weight loss!
  • djkfdm
    djkfdm Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't been on MFP for long and haven't really used it to it's max benefits. Before, I was on SparkPeople for years and did this kind of challenge a lot. So I've decided it's time to get back to it.

    April Start Weight: 190.9
    April Goal Weight: 187
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    Apr 5: 191.4
    Apr 12:
    Apr 19:
    Apr 26:
    Apr 31:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,266 Member
    @deepwoodslady Good luck with the kitchen reno - How long will you have a disassembled kitchen? We did ours a few years back and it took around 4-5months (it was supposed to be a 2 week project, then things went wrong). Hope yours is a short time.

    @SherryRueter Ouch on the 4-5 months! I am in a very rural area with little skilled trade available. I have a handyman that is pretty good at several things but s..l..o..w . I am hoping for no more than 8 weeks. The most time will likely be spent on the finishing of the drywall once it is up. It's horrible to live like this but we are thriving and the updated kitchen will be well worth it. Thanks for asking.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
    Welcome everyone new and returning! I've been MIA this past week because I was traveling and was busy with family and no scale. I joined this monthly challenge format about 6 months ago and really liked that I had a slightly longer term focus and didn't let the daily ups and downs get to me quite as much. Even during "bad" months, it was still rewarding to see that I had lost a couple of pounds. As I start to transition to maintenance, I'm hoping that the monthly format will help keep my eyes on the goal range.

    Best of luck everyone!!!
  • AlexEllaK
    AlexEllaK Posts: 28 Member
    First week of April complete and making an ok start. 2 lbs left to reach this months goal ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

    Height/ Age: 5ft3โ€. 29
    Heaviest weight: 153
    April Start Weight: 130
    April Goal Weight: 126
    Ultimate Goal Weight: maintenance of 119-122

    Apr 1: 130
    Apr 8: 128
  • LowTechForever
    LowTechForever Posts: 277 Member
    April Start Weight: 145.25
    April Goal Weight: 144.25
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 137

    Apr 1: 145.25 (10-day moving average: 145.62)
    Apr 8: 145.25 (10-day avg: 145.7)
    Apr 15:
    Apr 22:
    Apr 28:
    Apr 31: