Are you an introvert, extrovert or middle-of-the-road vert?

ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
I hate crowds, get togethers of any kind or even being watched when I'm doing things, like gardening or exercising. I need my own little private space, TYVM

Are you an introvert, extrovert or middle-of-the-road vert? 29 votes

glassyoJAC581ythannahmagnum26beagletracksamorfati601070Julia75mJustAMurmurjjpptt2J_NY_ZArual102179ReenieHJAlexandraFindsHerself1971OpheliaCooterR3d_butt3rfly_Maribel2680 16 votes
MadRee87 1 vote
Middle of the road
SweetP27cwolfman13KimberlinaBfstricklGeneric_Excusetams_89happimess01Mellouk89litha_N2couture22SimmoFittyJust_Nic22 12 votes


  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,325 Member
    I think I'm an extrovert. I used to be shy but at 18 I decided it was more a lack of self confidence so I decided to not be that way anymore. I enjoy performing, like LOVE performing, I don't care if people watch me do anything, I talk to anyone and I love parties and crowds. I'd rather vacation in a big city cause the people and energy just energizes me. My mom gets a kick out of when I take her to the club for lunch because I can't make it through without stopping to chat with half a dozen people...staff, members everyone is interesting so I talk to everyone
  • litha_
    litha_ Posts: 2,171 Member
    Middle of the road
    If you had another option that indicated - depends on the situation, I’d probably of chosen that.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,884 Member
    One a spectrum, Introversion (1) and Extraversion (10)...probably like 3.333. I can get drained by social interactions, more so just small talk..I'm not very good at and I'm also comfortable with silence when I got nothing to say. Maybe it that makes me look a bit standoffish but its just who I am. But I do like learning about other people, helping them and getting to know them but there's probably only 3 people in my life that I would call close friends. I don't really like being the center of attention either. I get INTP on the Meyer-Briggs thing every time i do it.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    litha_ wrote: »
    If you had another option that indicated - depends on the situation, I’d probably of chosen that.

    :) I'm a virgin poll creator, so it's a learning curve for me. :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    Ok, so I picked introvert because....what @ReenieHJ said sans the gardening part.

    I'm a bad conversationalist, feel alone in crowds, and do you know how long it took me to put my hair in a ponytail or wear shorts when I started walking outside??

    But I'll have short convos with people I have a passing acquaintance with like the check out people I see regularly at my grocery store or clients. Basic "what's new" kinda things.
  • 88AViva
    88AViva Posts: 499 Member
    80% Introvert - Often people think I look cold or unfriendly before they actually talk to me because I prefer to observe first. I'm more shy and awkward (I'm better on my own but I'm okay around few people, just not in crowds or large groups)
    20% Ambivert - Only if the people I'm around feel comfortable and safe for me to be me)
  • litha_
    litha_ Posts: 2,171 Member
    Middle of the road
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    litha_ wrote: »
    If you had another option that indicated - depends on the situation, I’d probably of chosen that.

    :) I'm a virgin poll creator, so it's a learning curve for me. :)

    @ReenieHJ - I'm sorry, I didn't mean for my comment to be critical. I just meant to express it was difficult for me to decide on just one.
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    Middle of the road
    Oooo. . . polls are fun. I'm surprised the term "ambivert" hasn't come up yet. I think I fall in that bracket, or sometimes I like to call myself a social introvert. I like to interact with people and even meet new people, but I need my alone time to recharge.

    One interesting thing I've discovered is that SOME people fill my cup, while being with others drain my cup. Doesn't mean I don't like them, they just make me tired.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    litha_ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    litha_ wrote: »
    If you had another option that indicated - depends on the situation, I’d probably of chosen that.

    :) I'm a virgin poll creator, so it's a learning curve for me. :)

    @ReenieHJ - I'm sorry, I didn't mean for my comment to be critical. I just meant to express it was difficult for me to decide on just one.

    I didn't take it as criticism at all. If you knew me, you'd know how challenged I can be when it comes to all things internet/technology related so I was rather proud of figuring the poll thing out by myself. :p
    fstrickl wrote: »
    Oooo. . . polls are fun. I'm surprised the term "ambivert" hasn't come up yet. I think I fall in that bracket, or sometimes I like to call myself a social introvert. I like to interact with people and even meet new people, but I need my alone time to recharge.

    One interesting thing I've discovered is that SOME people fill my cup, while being with others drain my cup. Doesn't mean I don't like them, they just make me tired.

    I assume ambivert is the word to describe middle of the road? I figured there was a term that I didn't know. :)
  • JustAMurmur
    JustAMurmur Posts: 7,867 Member
    150% introvert
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    150% introvert

    Says the person with 7,747 posts.

    I was thinking about this after posting. I very much became an online extrovert. Like in flirting with people and....uh....public displays of adult behavior and actually having conversations and talking on the phone. Of course, it may have also been a time when I liked people more.:) (I don't do any of that anymore.)

    But also on here. I'm way more sociable than in real life. And open. I talk about my poop, for God's sake! :)
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    @glassyo Same here. It's so much easier for me to 'talk' here without stammering and face flushing and saying stupid stuff (oh wait, hmmmm). I used to attend a lot of workshops for my job and every damn time they'd expect you to introduce yourself. We'd go around the circle, the whole time watching each person do it, sweating more profusely as it'd get around to me, all eyes focused. On me. I'd stutter, stammer my way through. He!! half the time I'd stumble over my own name. :( Loathed those things. :(
    But one on one? I'm okay with that. Behind a screen? Even better. :)

    After working in the childcare field over 35 years, state regulations changed and we had to either have college credits or take this 45 hour class. I took the class and our very last class required each of us to give a final presentation. Ugh. Thankfully many people are more long-winded than I am so by the time I came along(I was last, I was hoping they'd just forget about me lol)we were down to the wire. People were packing up, chaos was starting, people were simply done with this ridiculous class, I gave like a 2 minute presentation and was outta there. Got a great review and lots of referrals from the teachers for daycare families. :)

  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,325 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    150% introvert

    Says the person with 7,747 posts.

    I was thinking about this after posting. I very much became an online extrovert. Like in flirting with people and....uh....public displays of adult behavior and actually having conversations and talking on the phone. Of course, it may have also been a time when I liked people more.:) (I don't do any of that anymore.)

    But also on here. I'm way more sociable than in real life. And open. I talk about my poop, for God's sake! :)

    I think this is kind of indicative of an inteovert. It's easier to talk online because it's somewhat anonymously. You can become or be whomever or whatever you want really. Really I think there why so many people get kind of lost in the inline world because it's simply more comfortable for them and heck with all the conveniences brought around by COVID it will be way easier for super introverts to retreat. No need to ever leave the house really anymore
  • RedSassyPants
    RedSassyPants Posts: 392 Member
    By nature I’m an introvert
    But I’m an actress which kind of makes no sense. Easiest way to explain it is when i have the ability to become someone else, they are not introverts
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    As a kid I did my best to fit in. But nobody was interested in the things I was (math, science, metal music...). It got somewhat worse in high school when a lot of people I knew started experimenting with drugs. I had no desire to follow. Bad with talking/interacting with women.

    Now I just assume that when I enter a room that people aren't interested in what I have to say. I will wait for them to interact. If nobody does interact, I am fine sitting by myself minding my own business.
  • N2couture22
    N2couture22 Posts: 62 Member
    Middle of the road
    I have weaved through my life between them. Currently I am a little extrovert but moreso introvert.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    My default setting is introvert. I have little interest in most people, less interest in gatherings, social events, etc. I need lots of quiet time in still places. But I do have a streak in me that, in smaller groups (no more than 2 or 3) of people I trust, I can be pretty outgoing.

    I think the point @Alinouveau2 made is interesting, and I tend to agree. Much of my introverted nature is rooted in lack of self confidence and self-judgement.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    "Much of my introverted nature is rooted in lack of self confidence and self-judgement."

    YES this! @jjpptt2 you nailed the causes of why I'm the way I am.
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    Middle of the road
    My husband's the introvert always wishing he were home and ever the perfect opposite I'm talking away to everyone. Although in situations where I don't know ANYONE at functions I do get social anxiety.
  • R3d_butt3rfly_
    R3d_butt3rfly_ Posts: 1,561 Member
    I'm an introvert who wants to be an extrovert but that sounds draining. I'm always the girl in the corner petting cats at parties 🤷‍♀️