Unable to Create New, Edit Existing Foods/Meals/Recipes, Quick Add, Sync, and/or Login - Resolved



  • nnnnadav
    nnnnadav Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022
    Whenever I try to quick add calories, it tells me 'Oh no, something went wrong.'

    This is the response returned from the backend:
    POST https://www.myfitnesspal.com/api/services/diary 400
    {"name":"BAD_REQUEST","message":"Bad Request","code":"failed-validation"}
  • LucreziaRiyume
    LucreziaRiyume Posts: 2 Member
    Everyday when I finish my diary and press the "complete" button, and always pop up the fail server window and ask me to update diary on website. When I try to check on website and I found out there's no data at all and need to rewrite all diary again. I have to unstalled and reinstalled everytime when I want to update my diary. Is there any solution to solve this problem or it is a bug?
  • 556hazel
    556hazel Posts: 1 Member
    I'm re-connecting my Fitbit to myfitnesspal every day in order for exercise to be logged. Not ideal. Anyone got a fix for this other than disconnecting and reconnecting fitbit every day?
  • j3ffr3y
    j3ffr3y Posts: 6 Member
    I noticed today that my diary isn't syncing from my phone to the website. I don't know if this started today or a few days earlier. I don't use the website daily, but do at least a couple times per week. Anyone else having this issue or know a solution?
  • blueeyez916
    blueeyez916 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022
    I noticed this too, just this morning. I thought the week was up to date, but as I scrolled back all of my web entries were missing from my app, and vice versa. Probably related to this update that is ongoing.
  • adam1885282
    adam1885282 Posts: 135 Member
    Tomorrow will make a full week of down time, hard to believe, but glad they're working on it.
  • ily426MFP
    ily426MFP Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2022
    Android - Website sync has stopped for me after April 23, 2022.
    I really think that MFP techs should have fixed this in 5 days - this is not acceptable.
  • TulsaDavid
    TulsaDavid Posts: 18 Member
    Updating or creating a recipe returns this "error happened - try later" message. Hoping this will be fixed soon. You're losing people's confidence quickly.
  • pdills12
    pdills12 Posts: 4 Member
    As as of today 4/28/22 steps sync with the app, but when creating a new recipe it says "unable to save recipe. try again later."
  • tehjessicarae
    tehjessicarae Posts: 1 Member
    After the syncing issues were finally working properly all day yesterday and this morning, this afternoon the Android app is completely broken. It won't update fitbit information, any food added to the app will update to the website, but not vice versa. When I tried reinstalling the app, the entire food diary was wiped from the app. Thankfully the information is still on my food diary on the website. Website and fitbit are communicating just fine. App will not communicate with fitbit at all. I cannot seem to get the app or website to use pounds and calories. It keeps switching back to kilograms and Kilojoules when I change it. (Though I think that happens as a result of opening the app.)

    I'm trying to be very patient because I know they are working hard to fix everything, but I signed up for myfitnesspal on April 22 which is apparently the day everything started breaking so so far I've yet to have a completely positive experience.
  • rachaelsaull
    rachaelsaull Posts: 1 Member
    My steps have always updated in to MFP but this week seems to have stopped.
    We have several accounts in our house and all have the same issue.
    I see many posts with the usual help of resetting etc. Done this - Is everyone having the same issue, and please post if your steps are updating from Fitbit currently as well.
  • jonlomax1982
    jonlomax1982 Posts: 1 Member
    I can’t sync my food diary so that my trainer can see it on another app, it worked for the first few days now it has stopped sharing
  • alibennett999
    alibennett999 Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2022
    No mine isn’t
  • underwater
    underwater Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022
    Mine isn’t
  • sarahagilman
    sarahagilman Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2022
    My Fitbit stopped syncing with steps, weight and food diary from Tuesday this week. Came on here to see if others had issues and they have.
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2022
    Me too! Tried everything!
  • lilacherryy
    lilacherryy Posts: 1 Member
    whenever i try to finish my diary, the app gives an error stating "there was a problem sending your request to the server. please visit the main website or try again later."

    so, i went to the website. shockingly enough, the entire day that i logged on my app had not synced at all. at first i decided to try & wait like the error suggested, but it has now been 3 days and nothing has changed.

    if nothing is syncing, i am afraid i will lose my data if i log out and i'd rather that didn't happen. has there been a fix for this bug yet?
  • vickilsage
    vickilsage Posts: 1 Member
    For a few days the meal information as not been syncing to the web page. The app says its syncing but no foods being transferred. Is anyone else having this issue?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    edited April 2022
    You're not alone, MFP has been having issues:

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