Hot by Halloween!



  • Ugh, last couple weeks were epic fails because we had no money for groceries so didn't go well. However today I weigh in at 158.6. Only a .2 pound loss, but I'm just happy to see any progress at all! I don't think I'm going to hit my goal weight as soon as I thought I would, but that's okay :) However, what isn't okay is that I still have no costume!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I have decided this morning that the scale is a cruel B!tch!!! Man I hate it right now.

    Stuck, stuck, stuck....

    145 this week, but kept going up and down the same 2 lbs all week.

    I have been doing 30DS again and I know i've lost inches, but the damn scale just doesn't seem to want to move for me :(
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    A warm welcome to all our newest hotties!!!


    Week 5 & 6 results to follow. Please forgive my delinquency :o School is back in session, and work seems to be getting in the way of my life. Hahaha.
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Week 5 Results (drumroll please...)

    BRONZE: Des92 (-1.8 lbs)
    SILVER: MelissaRaeTerry (-2.2 lbs)
    GOLD: sweetsapphire85 (-2.5 lbs)

    Name Week 5 Results Total loss Total % loss
    sweetsapphire85 -2.5 -11.5 -7.9%
    MelissaRaeTerry -2.2 -5.6 -3.5%
    Des92 -1.8 -3.6 -2.6%
    Bobbalou22 -1.2 -6 -2.7%
    Mios3 -1 -7 -4.5%
    Amberness89 -0.8 -7.8 -4.4%
    jazziesaj11 -0.8 -3.8 -2.1%
    brenda_allport 0 -2.2 -1.1%
    caitymay1 0 -5 -2.4%
    mandeiko 0 -10 -6.0%
    mnerfariousl 0 -0.5 n/a
    tanya7712 0 -5 -3.3%
    40lbslighter 0.4 -3.2 -2.0%

    Week 6 Results:

    GOLD: jazziesaj11 (-2.4 lbs)
    SILVER: caitymay1, Mios3, tanya7712, & echoegami (all lost 2.0 lbs)
    BRONZE: Amberness89 (-1.8 lbs)

    Name Week 6 Results Total loss Total % loss
    jazziesaj11 -2.4 -6.2 -3.5%
    caitymay1 -2 -7 -3.4%
    Mios3 -2 -9 -5.8%
    tanya7712 -2 -7 -4.6%
    echoegami -2 -4 -2.4%
    Amberness89 -1.6 -9.4 -5.3%
    Des92 0 -3.6 -2.6%
    mandeiko 0 -10 -6.0%
    MelissaRaeTerry 0 -5.6 -3.5%
    mnerfariousl 0 -0.5 n/a
    sweetsapphire85 0 -11.5 -7.9%

    Congratulations everyone!
    In the last two weeks we have lost: 22.3 pounds. That's the amount of pizza the average American eats in a year!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hello, I would love to join. I'm Allyson and would love to be 133 by Halloween :) I have a 4yo daughter who wants to be a cat. and last year both of the friends we went out with went as a sexy devil and a sexy vampire... I was a frumpy 1890 farm gal... can you say odd ball out... I dont have a clue what I want to be this year, but it will NOT be frumpy :)

    SW: 9/12 144
    Goal 133

    What days do you guys weigh in on?
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Hello, I would love to join. I'm Allyson and would love to be 133 by Halloween :) I have a 4yo daughter who wants to be a cat. and last year both of the friends we went out with went as a sexy devil and a sexy vampire... I was a frumpy 1890 farm gal... can you say odd ball out... I dont have a clue what I want to be this year, but it will NOT be frumpy :)

    SW: 9/12 144
    Goal 133

    What days do you guys weigh in on?

    Welcome aboard! You can weigh in on any day of the week, Monday - Sunday.
    Can't wait to see us all in those sexy costumes this year! NO FRUMPTY DUMPTIES ANY MORE ;)
  • mskiluv
    mskiluv Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I would like to join, my name is MIchele, I have children (16,8,6). I juist began using mfp actively Sunday(9/11/11), my major problem is some times I lack motivation, I think that being a part of a group may help me stay focused... I never dress up for halloween anymore ,because I look huge in everything and I would love to, I think that this is a really good incentive

    SW: (09/11/11) 178
    GW: (10/31/11) 165
    GW: (12/25/11) 150
    GW: (02/14/11) 140
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    I need to find a place to wear a costume for Halloween but I do plan to get one regardless of if I just hand out candy.
    SW (09/14/11) 153 lbs
    GW (10/31/11) 145 lbs
    GW (12/25/11) 140 lbs
  • 2lb loss as of this week, glad I'm not stalled out like before!

    Week 1: 144
    Week 2: 140
    Week 3: 139
    Week 4: 136 (3lb loss) still no gym :-(
    Week 5: 133.5 (2.5 loss)
    Week 6: 133.5 (-0)
    Week 7: 131.5 (-2 loss)

    GW (10/31): 130
    GW (12/25): 120
  • mnerfariousl
    mnerfariousl Posts: 41 Member
    went from 169.5 to 167.5....2lbs gone :happy: FINALLY!!!!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Checking in at 162. :)

    Down to 157!!

    Checking in at 152.4!!! Finally broke my plateau!!

    Great job these past 6 weeks everyone!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Yay I won a Silver in week 6 :drinker:
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    ONEderland!!! 196.8 lbs!!! So excited, I was stuck at 200 for about a week and a half and finally started moving down yesterday :)

    Last week: 200 lbs
    SW (08/22/11) 207 lbs
    GW (10/31/11) 190 lbs
    GW (12/25/11) 180 lbs
  • Checking in at 2 pounds lighter. WOOHOO. I think Im back on track!!
  • I bought myself a sexy witch costume and am waiting to try it on until the last week before halloween, so this is PERFECT for me!

    SW(9-16-11) 149 lbs
    GW(10-31-11) 135 lbs

    "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny"
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    I won gold??? Yay!!! Thank ya's XD lol.

    Weighing in for week 4! :D

    MFP SW: 184lbs

    Challenge SW: 179lbs (8-20-11)

    Week 1: 176lbs (8-26-11) (-3.0lbs)

    Week 2: 175.2lbs (9-02-11) (-0.8lbs)

    Week 3: 172.8lbs (9-09-11) (-2.4lbs)

    Week 4: 171.6lbs (9-16-11) (-1.2lbs)

    Total Challenge Loss = 7.4lbs!!!! :DD Yayzzzz!!!! Only 6.6lbs left until my goal for Halloween! I really hoping to pass it, maybe at 160?? ;D I guess I'll cross that bridge once I get to it, lol.

    GW: 165lbs (10-31-11)
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    Lost 1 lb this week. Down to 152
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    same for me again this week! :( darn plateaus. But this morning I saw some movement on the scale (weigh-in was yesterday) so hopefully that means next Friday will be better!
  • Hey guys!
    Just checking in. It was a great week for me!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Well, I logged all my food this weekend and.. .it's no wonder that I'm not losing anything!!! I'm doing great during the week but the weekends are throwing me. Hopefully I'll do better this weekend, and lose some pounds by next Friday!