


  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I have 3. One on my shoulder/collar bone, a big one up my spine into my neck and one on my wrist. I originally wanted my wrist one in white for the same scaring look that youre going for. My artist explained that white fades quickly and is known to spread quickly. Not what I wanted to so I got it done in black. I have a 4th one I really want but its sort of the same deal.... I want it to be a brown color so it looks like its part of my skin. But he wont do it because brown fades into different shades and unevenly. Im thankful he is a good artist and honest with me. Id have been upset had I gone to anyone and gotten one that looked terrible in a few years.
    I will say, my wrist was my most painful place. It wasnt bad by any means though. I live in Kansas City and my dude is really experienced. All of mine have varied in price a bit. But Id say it averaged at about 150/hr. I do NOT suggest you go in and say how much you want to pay. Youre going to be wearing it the rest of your life. You need to start paying attention to peoples ink and finding out where they had it done, research and then save up for what you want.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I've got two, both small and all black.

    1- back of neck, about 2.5'' x 2.5''. Actually didn't hurt at all, I couldn't stop giggling because I thought it tickled. I've heard other people say it hurt for them there, though. I've had that about 6-7 years and it looks as good as the day it was done. Paid about $80 from someone very highly recommended and very good, definitely worth it.

    2- outside of left arm, about 4'' x 2.5''. Hurt pretty bad! Go figure, others I've heard say there didn't hurt as much for them... Had that one about 3-4 years and it's not as sharp as the other one but in fairly good shape. I only paid about $50 as a walk-in at a local place, I wish I would have gone back to my first guy.
  • avarielle1215
    avarielle1215 Posts: 59 Member
    My wrist tattoo was easy-peasy...only took about 30 minutes. It cost me $300 but that's because I was dumb and had it done at Hart & Huntington in Vegas. I am sure you can get it for much less.

    It will feel like getting cat scratches when it's being done, and a sunburn after. My back tattoo took 12 3-hour sessions, so that's a bit of a different story. That was $100/hour. I also have my chest (between the boobs!) done.

    The outline is nearly painless and the shading is slightly more painful.You will need to be sure to eat beforehand so your blood sugar is not low. Anywhere the skin is thin or over bone, it will be more painful than a more "padded" area, hence why ribs and tops of feet hurt more.

    Keep in mind that if you get a corporate job someday, you may be stuck wearing a watch or bracelet every day to cover the ink on a wrist. Shoulder is much easier to cover. You may want to check out the tamer parts of for inspiration, as well as look in to UV reactive inks. (They glow under blacklights.)

    EDIT: regarding your reasoning for white ink: I got my wrist tattoo for a similar reason. Having something pretty there reminded me NOT to do anything to damage that art! I have it in black though because I want it to be a strong reminder, Definitely look into those UV inks though...those may work great for your purpose.
  • i have a sleeve, inside of wrist is a bit nippy as is the elbow. the pain is totally bearable though and a good tattoo artist will make you feel comfortable and allow you to stop for breaks when needed. remember to eat about an hour before getting your tattoo and take a sugary drink with you as your blood sugar levels can drop when getting tattooed. enjoy the experience, tattoos rock