Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Hey everyone, happy Monday! I weighed myself this morning for the start of the challenges, even though I only started this on Friday, and I was pleasantly surprised! Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Good morning everyone! Just checking in. This morning I was at the gym from 8:00 - 9:00 and used the cybex arc trainer for 30 minutes and the treadmill for another 30 minutes. I burned 553 calories which I believe is my best ever for an hour workout. I felt like I need to push myself because I didn't eat the greatest this weekend. On friday and saturday I didn't go over calories, but on sunday I did. Eating healthy when my boyfriend comes to visit me in residence is difficult so I'm going to try and work on that.

    I'm looking forward to starting the challenge today!
  • Good morning! :)

    My weekend was awesome on a personal level. Probably not that great as far as being healthy on a food level though. Long stretches of not eating and then when I did eat it wasn't very healthy.... But all in all, probably stayed under my calories.... I started to do my food diary on Saturday, but then just decided to forget about it for the weekend and get back to it today. I didn't go up in weight, and actually went down one pound since Friday...I updated my weight ticker today, although I didn't include the one pound that I moved down over the weekend. I know my weight can sometimes fluctuate so I want to give myself a little room on that...if I gain that one pound back I won't have to change my ticker.

    I plan on hitting my Jazzercise class tonight. I also went to Best Buy the other evening and bought Zumba for's FUN!! :) I didn't like the instructional part of it much, but actually doing the routines and stuff is great!

    I have to say, it's amazing what a difference just coming on this site and keeping track of my food has made over the past week, with the exception of the weekend, of course. I have officially dropped 5 pounds over the past week without really dieting, just mostly being aware of my choices and my calorie levels. Not starving, not doing any crazy diet, not depriving myself...just doing my best to stay within my calorie limits. I did start back up on my exercising as well, and I'm sure coming on here helps me to keep my focus and motivation in that area too. I think that's the main thing that helps me here -- keeping my head in the right place, you know?

    Thanks everyone for being here!!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I can't wait to start the challenges today! Last night after I went to bed I had some major sweets cravings, and decided to give in and much on some stuff so that hopefully I could satisfy my major cravings and focus on being good this week. I had a rice krispy treat, 3 reduced fat oreos with 8 oz of skim milk, a serving of ben and jerry's, and a banana. I am feeling a little panicky though, I weighed 128.4 yesterday morning, and I weighed 130.4 this morning. Do you guys think that I seriously gained 2 pounds from eating that stuff?? It's okay if I did, I just have to keep working, but it just kinda makes me sad that I was doing so well and on my way to 125, and I kind of feel like I was picked up and plopped down back at last Monday's weight. :(

    Your weight can fluctuate up to 7 (SEVEN!!!) pounds in a day, depending on your sodium intake, water intake, the weather, your TOM, and what kind of workout you've done. This is why weighing daily is not always the best route. It takes up to eight hours for food to be processed through our system, so if you eat right before bed and then wake up, you may not have processed everything you ate the night before. Lots of experts in the nutritional field will suggest weighing weekly - it gives your body time to adjust to your food intake, working out, etc, and you will see a more consistent loss as opposed to possible daily fluctuations.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!

    wow thats awesome congrats!!!!!!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey ladies juuuuust checkin in!

    After a weekend of work work and work, I am proud to say that I did pretty well. Last night, I even managed to do some cardio along with JM's 30DS even though I was SOOOOOO tired after work. can't wait to start the challenges today!!! I'll be back to check in later, have an awesome day :happy:
  • really excited to start the challenges today.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Way to go, Emma!
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Apparently I don't know how to quote...
  • jenkamac
    jenkamac Posts: 61 Member
    I was out for the weekend but I'm back! Here's my trouble right now...on Saturday I cut the tip of my finger off with a knife, it's pretty ugly. What kind of exercise can I do? I typically run or do Jillian Michaels, but I can't lift weights right now ( I can barely type.) and I'm worried that running will get my blood working too fast and make my finger open up again. Any suggestions?? It's probably going to be a good week before it really starts to heal...
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So what should I be looking out for with the challenges? Will it be in this thread, or will a new one be started?
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.

  • Love it!!

    Thanks! :)
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.


    OMG, Serious?!? Well I was planning on being a couch potato today, but I guess not! Off to go jump on the treadmill I guess, lol!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Awesome, love the challenge! I'm going to personally challenge myself to go even further, and burn an extra 500 for 2500 total. Good luck to everyone - we can do it!! :)
  • Sounds great! Good luck everyone! :D
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    ooo this will be a challenge! Looking through my past weeks i've been burning around 1300-1600 cals a week, so I'm stepping it up for sure!
  • Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!

    Congratulations!! I'm so glad you had a good time and that you finished so well! Our triathlon isn't until June (I'm going to need all the time I can get to get myself ready!!) but I'm looking forward to it more and more as I feel myself building up my endurance and getting stronger.

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :):):)
  • Apparently I don't know how to quote...

    LOL!! At the bottom of each post, click on the "quote" button. Another screen will come up with what you're quoting.....just type underneath it. :)