Hey all I need help with motivation

I have'nt been on for a while but struggling with motivation




  • joesanabria33
    joesanabria33 Posts: 45 Member
    Well you are here, that's step 1. You can do it! Be consistent, you got this.
  • WestexV
    WestexV Posts: 10 Member
    Motivation is an emotion just like any other. The control is all yours. In your case it maybe visual. Each day you get up think about the body changes you want to see compared to the pictures you posted here. Then once a week take new pics to compare. The motivation will feed on your progress. Before you realize it your motivation will run on its own.
    The hardest part is pushing through the start. You can't let anything stand in your way of being who you desire to be.
  • AJBusjahn
    AJBusjahn Posts: 14 Member
    Agreed. Motivation comes and goes. Discipline carries you. Why do we go to work everyday? Because we're motivated? No. Because I gots bills. Lol. Same with our fitness. I continue because I gots goals. One of them is to chase 4 kids and not feel exhausted. 😁😁
  • KristaBattram2001
    KristaBattram2001 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the comments
  • BodyBalance4Joy
    BodyBalance4Joy Posts: 16 Member
    I am also making a new commitment to my weight loss and fitness. I seek to lose 42 pounds over the next 5-7 months. We can achieve our goals but we have to believe in ourselves, apply some hard work and changes, believe in our achieving the goals we set and then bringing it into reality. I’ve lost 60 lbs already (over a 7 year period with ups and downs) but I am ready to zero in, and make it to my finish line!
  • tschunk2021
    tschunk2021 Posts: 5 Member
    Well gf your body is close to mine we totally got this gf a little bit each day and before you know it we wanting to do it everyday listen to me like I’m motivated haha I’m not but I’m not motivated to not look cute on the beach gf ya need some motivation let’s motivate one another I logged in many moons ago idk when but started again tonight well joined and bought the subscription so that is a start no you are not alone I’m rt there with you hun feel free to message me anytime need motivation myself look almost 5am here in NY and I’m up reading smh