Tuesday weigh in thread : who's in???



  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Good morning, glories. Lol

    This week's weigh in: 200.6, down from 203.8. Woo! 1.6 pounds left to my second major goal (50 pound gone) and only .6 to being in ONEderland!
  • megsie25
    Absolutely I'm in. Starting weight 92kgs.(first week of August) Todays weight 84.2kgs.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
    9/13/11 ....... 142.2

    With the week I had, I'm just glad I didn't gain 10 pounds. Back on track this week.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Well done Forensic and megsie25. You have done fantastically well so far Southtowngirl, slow and stead is the way to do it, just look forward to next week when you will be down again I'm sure.

    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs - 5lb down this week (plus I'm past the 4 stone overall mark now).

    Needed a bit of a kick this week, the plan was to get under 20 stone by the end of October ready for my friends birthday on the 29th. I haven't seen him or that group of friends since my birthday in April so wanted to surprise them but also meet a couple of big miles stones by then i.e. down 5 Stone over all and under 20. But got invited to his girlfriends birthday on 2nd October so I will see them all sooner than I had planned. Thankfully I think I will be able to do it, might have to do a weigh in on the 2nd just so I can produce the little ticket :)

    But I have been working at it like a dog this last week, went for an 5 mile walk last night.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing well this week!

    Yay! I'm down two more to an even 230.0. How exactly that happened I'm not sure (birthday week and all...some extra calories were involved), but I'll take it and press on. I really need to get a run in tonight!
  • megsie25
    Hi all Tuesday weigh-iners!

    I was a little worried about this week because I have had the flu I have done absolutely no training, exercise, I have ONLY watched my calories. MFP logo states that I have been a member since June but I joined and never came on, I wasn't 'ready' I suppose. I have been a dedicated MFP member since 18/07/2011.

    I'm "5.77" and my stats were beginning July 92kg
    Last week 84.2kg and this week....... Drumroll

    82.6!!!! Yay! Almost at half way!!

    4pound weight loss this week!!! Yay!

    I hope you are all travelling well and had a great loss today.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • gracemleone
    My weigh in day is tuesday too, so I'll post when I wake up.
    Hopefully making tuesday the "official" weigh in day will keep me from taking a peak every day..
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs - 2lb

    Had a filling weekend, was shooting in the NFAS National Archery Championships so had a massive breakfast to make sure I got through both Saturday and Sunday. I wasn't expecting a big loss this week, if any so more than happy with another 2lbs down.

    Getting close to that magic 280lbs (20 stone mark now).
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    Still hanging steady (actually up .2) - still 7 pounds from goal. But with all that's going on lately at least I'm not gaining. BoyChild's wedding is this weekend, then I hope life (and food and excercise) will fall back into routine and I'll get those last 7 off.

    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
    9/13/11 ...... 142.2
    9/20/11 .......142.4
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Hey welcome to the party megsie and grace! Nice work, Andy - cool that you are an archer! I loved archery in college. Southtown, good attitude - get through the wedding and then you can refocus.

    As for me, I'm up 0.5 lbs today to 230.5. Big picnic this last weekend, a birthday party as well, and I think my own birthday week caught up to me, plus I feel like I'm retaining a bit of water (can you say too much sodium?) With all of the September celebrations behind us now I can refocus - this week is going to be good, I can feel it!

    I hope everyone's week goes swimmingly.

  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
    9/13/11 ...... 142.2
    9/20/11 .......142.4
    9/27/11 ...... 140.2

    Broke the plateau. Although not in the best way. Multiple family members sick, one in hospital, I didnt have time to eat (or sleep). Everyone is well now though, and BoyChild's wedding went off without a hitch Saturday night, so all is right with the world and I'm back on track with my eating, and heading back to the gym this week. I'm almost at goal, now I just need to work on the strength training a bit harder.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Southtown - sorry to hear about all the illness and whatnot, but glad everyone is well and you're on top of it!

    I had a little help with my loss as well in the form of a mild intestinal flu, but I like to think that a good chunk of the 5.5 lbs I dropped since last week was my own doing :)

    So, yeah, down to 225 today, down below my 2004 weight! YeeHaw! Five more pounds and I can get a price break on my life insurance :)

    Hope everyone is doing well today!

  • andy_gilfrin
    Well done guys, I didn't get a chance to weigh myself yesterday as I was out and about all day. I suspect I haven't lost much and I think I might delay this weeks weigh in until Friday, then get an official figure next Tuesday.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Couldn't wait until Friday, I wanted to make sure I was on track and if I wasn't have a final push before the weekend.

    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs - 5lb

    Really happy with that as it means I'm now under the 20 stone mark. Spent most of the weekend doing archery and then helped out at a corporate event yesterday moving heavy stuff around ALL day.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    I was beginning to think ironband and I were the only two left. Great week Andy! I used to be really into archery for many years, but we dont really have any local clubs any more. I need to gather up a few friends who used to be in our group and start a new one. It's great fun!
  • andy_gilfrin
    Yeah I love it, although I do field archery in the woods rather than in an actual field. I doubt either are especially strenuous but at least with field archery you are often up and down steep hills, so it gets the old blood pumping.

    Did the national champs 2 weeks ago and came 6th, I think losing weight has helped a lot and apart from those champs I have won 4 straight golds at regional level.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    I only ever competed locally, but our competitions were set up in the woods also. It would've been a pretty good hike if going straight through without stopping at each target. I do still have my bow though I haven't used it in many many years.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs - Nothing

    Had to happen some time... I was out and about a lot last week, drank a little too much on Friday and ate too much on Saturday (friends birthday) so while I hoped I'd have lost something it was always going to be tough. I suspect I hadn't really lost the full 5 lbs last week so I'll think of it as a 2.5 average for the two weeks :)

    Just need to knuckle down and get on with it this week and hope there is better news next time.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
    9/13/11 ...... 142.2
    9/20/11 .......142.4
    9/27/11 ...... 140.2
    10/4/11 ...... 139.8

    Was a lot lower Saturday morning, but Sunday was a big eating day (thanks Mom!) :-)
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Somehow I'm still losing...didn't work out as much this week as I wanted to, but I guess it was enough! Weighing in at 222.5 today for a 2.5 lb loss! Now if I could just get over this nasty cold...