Fibro and Fasting

I have just begun an extended protein sparing fast. I have multiple food intolerances, so fasting takes a lot of the guessing out of it. I am hoping to lose weight and also to decrease my inflammation and pain.


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    My neurologist prescribed fasting for me for nerve pain, and it did nothing for me on that front, but has been great for increasing my energy, weight loss, digestion, and general inflammation.

    Your results will be unique to you, but hopefully you're like me and get a lot of benefit from it. I now couldn't fathom going back to eating all day long.
  • Hey there!
    I've been working with protein sparing/keto since May. I started with 3 protein sparing days and have moved up to 4. I take exogenous ketones when weight loss seems to slow. I was "diagnosed" with pcos 20 years ago. I've always had hormonal weight and water gain. And it has always been very intense weight gain and then at times very intense weight loss. I've lost 20 lb today and it's the first time weight loss has been slow steady and healthy. I'm very happy using protein sparing. I think it gives your organs a rest. I would love to know what you gravitate towards as meals on your protein sparing days.