What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Up and at 'em early for me today.

    42 min walk at average speed of 5kmph.

    Deadbugs - 3x10
    Squats - 30
    Biceps curls 3x10
    Plank 3 x 1 min

    Feels good to be back to it properly today 😊
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 995 Member
    An easy caving trip, around 4 hours. We went to the Rainbow Falls in OFD1. There was nothing particularly difficult, although a few people refused to do one of the traverses. There was an easy alternative route for them with a bit of a climb.
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    I was still bouncing around with energy after this morning's workout, so I went for a 31 min power walk as well at an average speed of 5.2kmph.

    Gosh, I feel good πŸ‘
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    edited June 2022
    A 10 minute emom of 5-10 ring rows on uneven minutes and 10 db presses per arm on even minutes. I'm very happy with my ring rows, I improved a lot at them so I have hope that pull ups are a real possibility within the next year or so. I kept the db presses light at 5kg because of my back.

    Then I did:
    50 air squats
    10 burpees
    40 deadbugs
    10 push ups from a 30 inch box
    30 air squats
    10 box push ups
    2 16kg kb deadlifts (stopped because of my back)
    5 cal assault bike
    10 box push ups
    5 cal assault bike
    10 box push ups
    5 cal assault bike
    10 box push ups
    30 air squats
    10 box push ups
    12 deadbugs.

    Then the 20 minutes were up so I couldn't finish the remaining 28 deadbugs, 10 box push ups and 50 air squats. The original workout was different but this was my back-proof version kinda. I actually feel my abs, even though my back muscle ache is dominating. Also deadbugs after doing 50 air squats is INTENSE for your quads, omg.
    I found a useful conversion chart for the rogue echo bike we have at the gym so I actually know the watts based on the calories. Today my output was 300-400 watts, which is quite reasonable. My warmup range is 120-160 watts, which I know because those are so boring I actually look at all the stuff on the screen. The fastest/best I've ever done was around 600-700 watts but I can only sustain that for about a minute at a time.

    Disclaimer: I am young, strong and very fit, with very solid quads (my front squat 1rm is only 7,5kg less than my backsquat 1rm and comparable to people with my stats with 2 years of experience, while I only had 10 months). Also I'm Dutch so a bike is a method of transportation for me more than anything else.

    Edit: I forgot about my earlier decision to go outside while it rained very hard. I went to the grocery store and back while it rained, then rained harder, then hailed, then stormed and rained even harder. I was soaked in 10 minutes. I was only outside for 30 minutes but every item of clothing was wet and hasn't dried yet. Not sure what brought on this decision and while I recognise it was a very bad idea I don't regret it. Would not have done it had I known.
    Edit 2: hasn't dried yet after 7 hours of air drying!!! Not even less wet. I don't own a drier :(
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    30 minute easy row on the C2 again today (this time in the garage). Cool for Tucson this time of year, only 83 or so today. 2:23 pace today with keeping it all under 150 HR (around 78% of max for me).

    Finished with 20 minutes on the LateralX.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    My back is still not 100% so I took it easy again. A 10 min emom of a hang power snatch and overhead squat. The first 5 min at 62%, the last 5 at 69%. I focused on form more than strength.
    Then building up to a heavy double backsquat. Last week I managed 5 at 49%, this week I did 2 at 68%. I stopped there because it seemed like the right call but the new dude training with me did comment that my "heavy" double at 60% looked extremely easy. It wasn't much of a leg exercise but I had to tighten my core a lot more than usual so my abs got in a great workout.

    Still feeling my arms and shoulders from all the box push ups and ring rows I did yesterday.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Tried something new today. I thought of it last night. Was thinking I'd like to get more consistent in my lifting metrics and thought, I'll just do 5 sets of 30 compound reps (shoulders, chest and legs). Sounded good in my head! I did manage to do 10 sets of 15 this AM. I'm learning that 30 pushups at a time isn't something I'm capable of any longer! Frustrating getting old!

    Did a 5K at lunch on the rower. Just beat my other time earlier in the month (2:10.2 pace). Not great, but not horrible after that lift. It's not terribly hot today which was nice.

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Did Elliptical, 215 minutes for 16.3 miles. The amazing thing is I used the arm poles the whole time. I've never done that before as my arms would get tired. I had a total of 4 different ways I would place my hands. On the handle bars and 2 different ways on the mileage/timer console. My mileage was about 13.2 minutes/mile. A bit faster pace!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,702 Member
    If it's Tuesday, it's probably a bike ride. I time-boxed myself into a shorter ride, just a jot under 17 miles at 11.1mph moving average. Not quite 5' in Z3, rest Z2 and below, so easy pace. Still hot-ish (low 80s F) but not as hot as it had been - good, for me.

    Really lazy learn-to-row class for me as class assistant (the students are reaching trustworthy rowing independence), so just a little dock-stretching, random Tai Chi sequences, cloud and goose watching, and carrying a couple of boats. This is the last week of class. I enjoy it, but admit my days will be simplified when it's over.
  • Bodenista
    Bodenista Posts: 146 Member
    Tried something new today. I thought of it last night. Was thinking I'd like to get more consistent in my lifting metrics and thought, I'll just do 5 sets of 30 compound reps (shoulders, chest and legs). Sounded good in my head! I did manage to do 10 sets of 15 this AM. I'm learning that 30 pushups at a time isn't something I'm capable of any longer! Frustrating getting old!

    Did a 5K at lunch on the rower. Just beat my other time earlier in the month (2:10.2 pace). Not great, but not horrible after that lift. It's not terribly hot today which was nice.

    I understand your frustration about getting older. I have to remind myself most days that I am now 54 and not 24 anymore! I still feel like a 24 year old in my head but my body says otherwise πŸ˜’πŸ™ƒ
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm really happy with my performance today! I'm not typically a morning person, especially with exercise, but it's the only thing my schedule allowed today. I had to scale the workout because of my back and ankle (what a combination of injuries) so I did a 20 min amrap of:
    4 hang squat cleans at 25kg, I went to parallel instead of full
    8 seated db presses at 5kg per hand
    12 cal on the assault bike
    30 air squats.

    The original workout made more sense than this, we have a great coach, but because of everything I can't do right now my workout was extreme on the legs πŸ˜‚ I did 5 full rounds and 4 more cleans. The others were doing the rower and 12 cals on the rower and 12 cals on the bike aren't really equivalent. They consider the bike to be similar to the ski machine so typically when you do 12 cal on the rower, you do 9 on the bike or ski. But idk, I feel like for short sprints the bike is better for calories, whereas it's easier to sustain a faster pace on the rower and ski machine.

    We have a work event later so I think there will be some walking but not too much else.