Great Snacks for "really bad" Snacky Days!

So today is cold and usually in the winter time I love desserts such as freshly baked pumpkin bread or Apple Crisp! But I have found an alternative that I am absolutely Excited about! Dole has come out with these Fruit Crisp cups.. I have only seen apple or Peach- But they are phenomenal and come with a granola and brown sugar topping that you can just throw in the microwave!! LOVE IT!!! Only 90 Calories!
Other things that I like to snack on are:

Caramel Rice Cakes-50 Calories Each

Veggie Straws- 130 calories for an entire individual bag.. Replaces chips for me.. ;)

Chunky Salsa 10 Calories-- I eat them with...

Tortilla Chips- (Forgot the brand) but I know like 11 of them come out to 110

Pop Secret Popcorn 100 Calorie MiniBags... Yummy (But high in Sodium) So watch it...

Green Apple Slices with A thin shaving of Sharp Cheddar Cheese... (Calorie Intake can't recall now.. but it is not as much as a snicker bar) LOL

Banana Split (Healthy) A sliced up Banana- 2 Tblpsons of Cool Whip, Walnuts and a few pieces of Dark Chocolate Chips--- Yummy Alternative!

1 Chocolate Graham Cracker- 3 Tbspoons of Cool Whip- Put in the freezer for 1 hour... Healtier Ice Cream Sandwiches!!! LOL

Just wanted to be a little helpful.. I know this can be a rough road for us "Snackers" but with a little adjustment it is SO possible!

I will post more snacks as time goes on... Cause I absolutely Love them!!! Hope you can try these! I almost ALWAYS stay under my calorie count by just making these different better choices!

P.S. Next Time I will post with ALL of the calorie Counts! ;)


  • Thanks for sharing these! I've only seen the apple Dole cups in my area - would love to try the peach!
  • guineverantha
    guineverantha Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks! I love the banana split idea, and I'll have to try out those apple crisp things. Yummy!
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    Awesome. Thanks for sharing! I will definitely try some of these out!!

    And I love rice cakes!!! Especially the chocolate chunk ones! Yummy - and hardly any calories!!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    bump ;)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    great ideas!! thanks :D
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I like the ice cream sammiches idea! :-D
  • ndswimchick22
    ndswimchick22 Posts: 58 Member
    Great ideas!

    I'd like to throw in Apple Straws as well!!!

    I prefer them to the veggie ones.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Thanks for the ideas!! Esp chocolate Graham crackers with cool whip
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member

    Thanks for the suggestions, I always need a snack around 3 at work!
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    AS i am reading this...I am having a really bad snack attack, I am eating sunflower seeds! in the shell...they help!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Awesome. Thanks for sharing! I will definitely try some of these out!!

    And I love rice cakes!!! Especially the chocolate chunk ones! Yummy - and hardly any calories!!

    Yummy! I never tried the Chocolate Chunk Ones Yummy!!!! I have to try!
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Mmmm I would have never thought of that "banana split" idea, or the frozen graham sandwich!

    My snacks are so boring...
  • Those sound great! I'm definitely going to give them a try. I like rice cakes for snacks too. I also eat a lot of fresh fruit, and when I'm seriously craving chocolate or candy, I get the mini candy bars. It's just enough to satisfy the sweet tooth without totally going nuts on calories (A mini Twix bar is like 43 cals.) Thanks for the great suggestions!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Apple Straws! I have never seen them, but they sound terrific- something my kids would really enjoy!
  • genius ice-cream sandwich alternative! :)
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks for the great ideas!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Mmmm I would have never thought of that "banana split" idea, or the frozen graham sandwich!

    My snacks are so boring...

    My snacks were MEGA boring! So I tried to invent some new stuff to spice it up!! And the Chocolate graham sanwiches are AWESOME!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    awesome ideas, thanks for sharing!
  • kylamb
    kylamb Posts: 67 Member
    Great ideas, Thanks!
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    I have tried the apple crips! YUMMY! I pop it in the microwave 30 seconds and dollop with lite whipped cream! Absolutly delish! :) I also eat lot of sugar free cakes. No sugar and half the calories :)