Looking for MFP friends

kmiller5949 Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2022 in Introduce Yourself
This is not my first time with MFP but I decided to start fresh with a new account. I am 42yr mother of three from upstate NY. My heights weight was 305 and my starting weight on July 6,2022 was 280, as of August 3, 2022 I’m down to 255, so that 25 pounds in a month. I know most of it was water weight but I’ll take it. My cloths are fitting looser, even jeans right out of the dryer lol. I’m doing keto with intermittent fasting 16:8 and getting in at least 10K steps a day. I’m motivated and dedicated to drop at least 100 pounds. I don’t need to be super skinny, just back to my old normal before my metabolism died out on me which was around 180. I’m 5’8” Feel free to add me
